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Game 3 and 4 - Defend Manor / All Hallow's Eve AAR
06-04-2009, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2009 07:05 PM by SPARTAN VI.)
Post: #10
RE: Game 3 and 4 - Defend Manor / All Hallow's Eve AAR
So to my surprise, my friends actually wanted to play our 4th game last night. Surprised because our "Defend the Manor" game took 2-3 hours to complete! I don't mind, but figured everyone else was bored out of their mind (mmmm brains!!) just waiting.

So we chose the scenarios at random, and drew the All Hallow's Eve web-scenario. In short, Heroes got their very first win.

There were 4 of us, so we played a 2 vs 2 game. Setup game with the gun shop, high school, graveyard, and chapel L-pieces. Managed to place the townsfolk near spawning pits and tried to avoid placement in buildings with a Pick Up ability. Heroes started with Johnny, Sally, Jenny, and the Sheriff Anderson.

First few turns in general were pretty dry. The Heroes couldn't roll the 4+ needed for a successful interrogation on the first townsfolk they encountered in the high school, so the Zombies managed to converge on the building in considerable force. To increase their chances of success, Sally, Jenny, and Sheriff Anderson each took turns interrogating the Doc townsfolk with no luck. Wasn't before long that we got our first taste of braaaaaaaaaaains.. Sally's brains specifically. But it wasn't all for naught, the Heroes managed to draw the "Just what we needed" card and pulled a lighter from the deck. Billy spawned to replace Sally and went to help Jenny and his pops. 11 hours to go on the tracker..

Johnny on the other hand, was covering massive amounts of ground with his Blitz ability. Alone, he was able to blitz past Zombies and systematically interrogate the townsfolk until he finally discovered that Deputy Taylor was the Zombie Master. Johnny fought Zombie Deputy Taylor that same turn, fended him off, but got the instant kill with an event card. He now had the necronomico..err... uh the book of the dead. Only 9 hours left on the tracker to unite the lighter and the book.

Zombies were generally getting terrible draws; kept drawing Lights out and useless Fight cards when what we really needed was to cover more ground (we didn't draw a single Shamble card), but it was our mistake for not realizing this sooner and discarding more often. Zombies attempted, in vain, to create a death wall to coax Johnny into a melee, but left a small diagonal gap that he was able to side step through. He was too fast! Heroes designated a rendezvous point near the high school to burn the book, which Johnny arrived at with no less than 7 hours left.

Jenny gave the lighter to Billy, and with his track athlete ability was able to meet up with Johnny with just 5 hours left. Zombies no where in sight.. clumsily shuffling half-way across the board... Johnny chanted "Klatu, Verata, Nicto," burned the book, and didn't have to put up a fight at all; the closest Zombie was one turn too far and too late. GG, not much of a climax, almost completely one-sided, but congrats Heroes on their first "W."

Zombies: 3 Heroes: 1.
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RE: Game 3 and 4 - Defend Manor / All Hallow's Eve AAR - SPARTAN VI - 06-04-2009 06:48 PM

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