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ILL Met at Eightpoints #1-B
02-08-2022, 09:55 PM
Post: #1
ILL Met at Eightpoints #1-B
Khagra's Warband have moved back into Godsworns Hunt Territory & have established a camp in the ruins of an ancient
settlement from the Age of Myth. The region was the location of The Kadar Dynasty wondrous menagerie of beasts &
its survivors supply the Godsworn Hunt with game. Khagra's Ravagers have been poaching animals for their survival knowing that
eventually this will draw out the Godsworns to defend the region. Recently Zarshia on one of her scouting missions that
Khagra sends her on to show the Usurper's dominance has discovered the enemies hunting camp in a cave to the Northeast.

In spite of a bitter cold snap brining freezing winds from across the Blood Lake Khagra orders her band to move
out & attack undercover of the subzero weather. If the Ravagers can Raze the Godsworn Hunt camp they can cut off their
rival from needed supplies. Zarshia questions Khagra decision pointing out that Dour is out hunting & the bitter weather
could freeze them as they stand. Khagra dismisses her concerns by telling her lead the way toward the Godsworn's camp.

Zarshia in a foul mood leads the Ravagers into the teeth of the freezing winds & sees a small band of enemies out hunting.
She channels her frustrations into her magic & sends a Spite-Tongue Curse into Grundann who falters under the blow (9damage).
The power of the spell causes a powerful backlash on Zashia (2damage).

Jagathra moves to Grundann side & lets loose a Javelin at Zarshia who takes a grazing hit (2damage)

Khagra takes advantage of the Godsworn concertation on Zarshia to swing left toward the enemy's camp.

Ollo moves alongside the wounded Grundann & loosens an arrow at Zarshia which hits home (7damage)

Razek follows Khagra lead and also moves toward the Godsworn Hunt camp.

Grawl seeing Razek move to its camp goes into protective mode quickly moving to the attack on the Ravager with a quick
bite just behind the Poleyn.(1damage)

Zarshia wounded but still game cast Whisphers of Chaos at Grundann (2 damage) & then retreats back out of range of Ollo
& Jagathra.

Grundann moves quickly to run Zarshia down & attacks the sorceress (4damage)

Thredda who has been out gathering what twisted roots she could find for the warbands fire finds that the battle has been joined
with the Ravagers who are halfway to her camp. Seeing the threat to her warband territory & food supply she urges her Fighters
to attack.

Grundann looks behind Zarshia & see the Ravagers camp he moves to disengage from the Sorceress & runs to the enemy's camp
sets it on fire Razeeing it to the ground & then collapses from his wounds.

Khagra seeing the flames rise from her camp now knows the only hope to avoid being driven from the region is to destroy the
Godsworn Hunt camp & orders her fighters to head for it. Zarshia although badly wounded is the first to comply. She moves
& strikes Grawl with her Staff (4damage)

Grawl is not distracted & continues to attack Razek who fights it off & the warhound retreats.

Razek feels the Battle Lust & ignores Khagra order charges after the Godsworn War Shamon.

Thedda sees Razek coming & moves to shake off the bitter cold in her limbs & tosses a Dark Bolt at the advancing Ravager.
The Bolt strikes true bur Razek shakes it off.

Kharga seeing the enemy camp out flanks Grawl runs to the camp & sets about Razeeing with fire & then she sinks to the ground
from her efforts.

Ollo move up besides Jagathra & sends an arrow at Zarshia her body can stand no more & she goes down.

Dour just returning from hunting Raptoryxs see his camps burning & Zarshia going down is filled with blind rage as the Battle
Lust takes over.Seeing Thedda Skull-Scryer & Razek heads to support his brother Ravager.

Both Warbands have lost their camps & no longer have the ability to survive in the region but driven by hatred they continue the battle
fruitless though it is now.

Razek moves to attack Thedda with Imbued Dark Power & strikes hard (7damage)

Shound enters the battlefield after gathering twisted roots only to see the smoke from the burning camps & his War Shaman under attack
from two Ravagers drops the roots and runs to defend Thedda.

Dour attacks Thedda striking her (3damage)

Ollo moves to get a better target & shoots hitting at Razek(3damage)

Dour attacks Thedda again with a glancing blow (3damage)

Grawl runs to protect Thedda & comes up behind Dour & Razek

Razek continues to press Thedda his ax bites deep & the War Shamam goes down

Jagathra hurls her javalin at Dour but misses

Battle fatigue is setting in for both Warbands but their hatred pushes them to one final effort

Razek turns & on Grawl & with his great ax takes the war dog out (9hits) & sees Shound charging

Shround attacks Razek who reals under a hit from the 2 handed sword (7damage)

Dour attacks Jagathra & his sword brings the Godsworn down (8damage)

Shound quicks pulls out a vile of Jabberslytheblood swallos the contents & launches into a counter
attack on Rezek the blow is powerful but the Ravager manages to keep upright.

Ollo attack Dour the fighter is hit by the arrow but keeps his feet. (3damage)

The winds off the Blood Lake are increasing bring temperatures to sub-freezing lows & the fatigued fighters
can stand no more. The gather up their fallen brothers & sisters to await the Chaos infused power of the
Bloodwind Spoil to restore them & leave the battle field. The Ravagers has barely prevailed, but they have
won the Region. The Godsworn leaves with only revenge in their minds.


The Game was a draw after the 2nd Battle Round . It's a tough Battle Card "Raze" to win for either side as they can't
just defend their objective but have to also destroy the other sides objective. The movement allowances make it fairly
easy to reach the objective to be Razed (even for the slower Ravagers) .

Campaigns Games must have a winner & the Godsworn Hunt had 33% of their Warband left & the Ravagers had 50%
the Ravagers Won.

I wasted a Lesser Artifact late in the Game as I thought I would loose it at the End of the Battle but checking the Rules
I could have kept it.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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02-09-2022, 06:57 PM
Post: #2
RE: ILL Met at Eightpoints #1-B
Thanks for the report. Sounds like another close match. As you know, close games are a good thing in many ways as it shows you have a pretty balanced game. Now I've said that, the next game will be a major victory!Zombie17

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