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LNoE Game Report 17 Supply Run (me as Zombies)
03-10-2012, 05:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 07:15 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
LNoE Game Report 17 Supply Run (me as Zombies)
Hello and welcome to another game report. This scenario is from the expansion Survival of the Fittest. Amanda shows how to use a Revolver and defend against a Zombie horde. This is one action packed report. Please read and enjoy!

Scenario Special Rules: Grave Weapons, Zombies Auto Spawn, Always Zombie Heroes, Survival Decks, Hero Card Pool (6), Barricades, Heroes Replenish, Manor Deck, Number Counters.
Mission The Heroes must get 12 Supply Markers into the Manor House and have more Heroes in there than Zombies. The Zombies have to eat 3 brains to claim dominion.
Board Sections Hospital, Super Market, High School and Gun Shop.
Characters Jenny, Kenny, Victor and Amanda.
Starting Zombies 9
Turns 17

PI = Play Immediately
RIP = Remains In Play
UI = Unique Item
ST = Survival Tactic
ZGW= Zombie Grave Weapon

Victor has a Push Broom. Amanda has a Revolver. Stock Pile: Guns in the Hospital.

Turn 1
Victor: "Ok this is how it's going down. We hole up in here and blow this joint at sun up. We need food, supplies and guns some of us are going out there to get it. Any of those dumb fu%#s get in your way waste 'em! Any questions?"
Kenny: "Hey man who p-p-put you in charge?"
Victor: "Can it dog breath. You wanna live you listen good. Now move your skinny ass outta here and grab some sh$*. We aint carrying you. You slow us down, you're on the menu. Got it?"
The conversation is cut short as Amanda shoves a wardrobe against one of the windows reinforcing a wall of the Manor House and fires her Revolver through a gap in the barricade killing the 1st Zombie.
Victor: "Now that's what I'm talking about"
Victor makes a run for it and barges through the door into the Diner all is quiet...

Turn 2
Jenny in the High School decides I've got to get to the Gym and makes it there. Victor turns the Diner upside down and finds Sam's army stash of 4 supplies. He picks up 1 supply.

Turn 3
Jenny is wounded by a Shambling Zombie. Victor takes another supply. Amanda takes some Jumper Cables from the Manor House and carries on defending the place killing another Zombie with the Revolver. Jenny makes a full Recovery from her wound. Jenny finds and takes 1 supply from the High School. Just as she's picking up the supply a Zombie rises from the floor and attacks her. She manages to kill the filthy thing putting her Faith into a good old fashioned cowboy boot stomp to the head.

Turn 4
Amanda carries on defending the Manor House killing another Zombie with the Revolver she has now become an expert shot and hardened to the horror gaining her Advanced Ability. Victor is fully loaded as he takes a third supply from the Diner. Kenny finds a Chainsaw in the basement of the Manor House.

Turn 5
Jenny is wounded in a Surprise Attack by a Zombie. Victor places 3 supplies in the Manor House. Amanda picks up the last Supply from the Diner and makes another kill with the Revolver. Jenny runs through the ST Sewers ruining her boots and manages to place 1 supply in the Manor House.
Kenny kills a Zombie screaming How Do You Like It? he then picks up a supply from the Gun Shop.

Turn 6
The Manor House is plunged into darkness as the Zombies chew through the power cables. Lights Out. Amanda places her 1 Supply in the darkened Manor House she carries on defending it killing another Zombie with her Revolver.

Turn 7
Zombie Elvis is hungry for brains and takes his unnatural hunger out on a reinforcement destroying it trying to get in the Manor house.
A recently Dead GWZ wounds Kenny and he bursts into tears. He runs away and picks up a supply from the General Store. Thanks to Jenny's Youth her wound is healed. Victor finds 2 supplies in the Drug Store and takes 1. Amanda picks up a Cigar and decides to have a smoke.

Turn 8
Kenny is backed into a corner and cries
No!! I don't want to die! HELLLLLPP!! You can have all my Pokemon cards and limited edition full action figurines just don't kill me I never even got the chance to have a fu-AIEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Kenny is devoured. Messily. His supply is dropped.
Stacy arrives in town. She'd heard reports of strange goings on but nothing could prepare her for the truth. Victor decides to Rise To the Challenge but gets wounded. Amanda uses the Jumper Cables and blasts a Zombie out of the Manor House Window. The Jumper Cables have ran out of juice and are now discarded. Having their first taste of brains the Zombies gain their Advanced Ability Infectious. Amanda reinforces a Manor House barricade and blows Zombie Elvis' head off with her Revolver leaving his decapitated corpse all shook up. Victor becomes a born Survivor and picks up another Supply.

Turn 9
Jenny is wounded by a Machete wielding ZGW. The wound was Infectious and she's killed and turned into a Zombie Hero. Jake Cartwright decides it's time to come out of hiding from the Gun Shop. The Zombies had gained their Advanced Ability Outbreak. Jake finds some Gasoline. He also picks up Kenny's 2 dropped Supplies and takes another. Amanda reinforces the Manor House and takes a shot at a GWZ holding a fuel tank with her Revolver. KABOOOM!!! The Zombie explodes and is vaporized. Another Zombie is caught in the blast and killed too. Amanda is doused in burning fuel and wounded. She cauterizes the wound discarding her Cigar and ignores the wound.
Meanwhile on the other side of town Stacy finds a Fire Extinguisher.

Turn 10
A Zombie smashes a reinforcement trying to get into the Manor House. Amanda kills a ZGW holding a Sickle. The Zombie was a Resilient son of a bitch and her Revolver is discarded. Victor puts 2 supplies in the Manor House he'd got from the Drug Store.

Turn 11
Stacy takes an Unnecessary Self Sacrifice and is wounded.
"I don't feel so good. I feel kinda strange all kind of itchy and scratchy."
Victor is pinned to the ground by a hulking Bloated Body GWZ (Think the Borat fight with more decomposition). He manages to prevent the wound but loses his Survivor ability. Jake finds a shiny new Revolver from the Gun Shop.

Turn 12
Jake takes out a Recently Dead GWZ with his new Revolver. Pieces of skull and brain are spread across a wall like some grotesque work of art.

Turn 13
Stacy gives Jake the Fire Extinguisher and takes the Revolver from him. She then fires the Revolver killing a GWZ with a Machete guarding the Doorway to the Manor House. Jake takes back his Revolver.

Turn 14
Stacy becomes Hysterical after seeing all the gore. Victor mashes a Zombie with his bare hands killing it. Stacy Picks Up the Hunting Rifle from the Gun Shop. Jake puts ST Holy Blessing: Item on the Fire Extinguisher and blasts his way into the Manor House. He puts 3 Supplies into the Manor House. Jake then drops a Recently Dead ZGW with his Revolver.


Turn 15
PI My God They've Taken The Gun Shop. Victor gets UI Lizzie's Shotgun. Jake uses his Fire Extinguisher on a Bloated Body GWZ to escape the Manor House the Fire Extinguisher finally runs out and is discarded. He places his Gasoline outside the Zombie defended Airplane Hanger supply cache and runs into The Plant. From here he takes aim and BOOM!!! A Bloated Body ZGW explodes across a wide area. The smell is indescribable.
Stacy uses her new Hunting Rifle and kills a GWZ with an Old Pitchfork . Jake now has his Advanced Ability.

Turn 16
PI New Spawning Pit in the Gym. Jake kills a Blood Spray GWZ with Lizzie's Shotgun staying well clear of its infected blood. Lizzie's Shotgun is now discarded.

Turn 17
Victor discards Rise to the Challenge and kills a Zombie in Hand to Hand unfortunately he's Bitten during the fight. Stacy finds 6 supplies and takes 1 giving one to Jake. Jake places his 1 token in the Manor House.

Result Zombie victory (Heroes ran out of time).
Weapon of choice Revolver (12 kills)
Hero of the game Victor placed 8 Supplies in the Manor House

Morning had arrived and the Heroes decided that the town couldn't be saved there were more Heroes in the Manor House than Zombies and they had 11 Supplies but it just wasn't enough. The town was evacuated and left as a ghost town. The dead had claimed Woodinvale.

Hope you enjoyed this report. Please comment
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LNoE Game Report 17 Supply Run (me as Zombies) - samuraitrev - 03-10-2012 05:32 PM
RE: Game Report 17 Supply Run - Darth Trey - 03-11-2012, 05:28 AM
RE: Game Report 17 Supply Run - victor.w - 03-13-2012, 05:29 AM
RE: Game Report 17 Supply Run - PJON - 03-13-2012, 01:45 PM
RE: Game Report 17 Supply Run - vikinglad - 03-14-2012, 09:35 PM
RE: Game Report 17 Supply Run - Franzoid - 03-15-2012, 05:11 AM
RE: Game Report 17 Supply Run - victor.w - 03-15-2012, 10:48 AM

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