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LNoE Game report 2 Escape In The Truck
03-20-2011, 02:02 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2014 06:48 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
LNoE Game report 2 Escape In The Truck
Hi all and welcome to my next game report!
Mission: Fill The Truck with Gasoline. Escape with at least 2 Heroes using the Keys
Board sections: (random) Factory, Supermarket, High School and Graveyard.
Characters: (random) Victor, Stacy, Amanda and (drum roll) Ash from the Evil Dead films. Thanks to Vikinglad for making the card we used to download. We'll see later how the character performed... (Sorry Vikinglad but we decided his start location is the S-Mart if he started in the gun shop he'd be practically starting with a never ending shotgun)
Starting Zombies: a pitiful 3.
Turns: 15

Turn 1
The Zombies Rotten Bodies began to collapse leaving the town free from Zombies! Although 5 arose from the dead soon after.

Stacy the reporter looked up and down the ragged silhouette of a man stood upon the windowsill of the S-Mart she'd ran into. He picked up a Revolver and handed her one. He drawled
"Keep this close to ya toots, ya gonna need it"
He looked her up and down and she couldn't decide if she hated him or found him hot.
"So, I'm Stacy. You got any bandages? I think I've got a Twisted Ankle running in here. What the hell's going on?"
"Name's Ash, or it was, nevermind... Let's take a look at that leg."
'At last...' he patched up her Twisted Ankle and rightly suspected it was a ploy to get a close look at him. Her years as a reporter had taught her how to crack people. This one was a sucker for the ol' damsel in distress gig. She breathed a thank you as he stepped into the light. His face was a network of ancient and new worn scars and his eyes confirmed the guy had some major league stories.
Meanwhile, across in Woodinvale High School, Amanda peered out towards the Truck at the Town Centre. Could she make that run? She cursed her Daddy for not buying her a spare prom dress and shoes.

"Grrr C'mon Damn yer"
Victor was losing his patience with the 'cuffs when at that moment they sprang open with a satisfying click. Putting his trusty paperclip back in its hiding place. He walked across the empty Police Station. Inwardly cursing the cops who'd left him to rot. That damn twitchy Anderson fella! Spying the gun cabinet he let out his rage with a mighty kick which took the door off its hinges.
"Small town crap!" he snarled picking up a Pump Shotgun.
"Ok freaks. Let's roll."

Turn 2
After a heated discussion about getting to the Truck at the center of town Ash finally agreed to try.
"Look Sugar, I know how this works that Truck's goin' nowhere. This damn place does things...You wouldn't understand. I mean it'll be empty for a start. We'll try it, but I don't like it"
Stacy picked up a second Revolver and wheeled round to Ash,
"Hey! You want fuel? I can get it. 'I know where it is!' there's some in the High School I saw it when I was in there"
Ash momentarily wondered what she was doing busting into all those places, but an overriding desire to ditch this deadite infested town (or whatever they were) took over.
"Ok have it your way" He flashed a half smile. She was cute, reminded him of Linda. She always got her way. Still that was before...
At that moment a loathsome necrotic form shattered the window of the S-Mart. The reek of the obese monstrosity filled the air. Stacy was the first to fire the Revolver and missed. Ash felt the thud of the impact in the wall next to his head. Giving Stacy a momentary glare he ran full tilt and felt himself Trip but rolled and carried on. Seeing the door open from the Freezer and a thawing body awkwardly opening the door. He slammed all the openings from the Freezer. If in doubt Barricade The Windows he thought. Worked at the shack.
Ash giving a high pitched whistle and the Bloated Body turned.
"Hey Salad dodger let's go"
The shot hit it dead centre. The thing kept lumbering forward. Ignoring the huge chunk of flesh blown through its torso as if it were a wasp sting.
Amanda picked up the Gasoline next to a reporters camera and realised what she had to do. It was now or never.
Victor carried on searching the Police Station and picked up another Pump Shotgun. Getting tooled up was all part of the fun. Now what the hell was that moaning and screaming outside...?

Turn 3
Suddenly a Zombie came through the floorboards beneath Amanda's feet. She tried to hide from this Surprise Attack but the thing was on her scent (Chanel) She managed to fend the thing off as it tore the strap of her Gucci dress. She screamed,
"You did not just do that!"
The Bloated Body corpse now had its podgy fingers around Ash's throat. He felt the old red mist descend as he cried.
"I told you Stay Puff, no tongues!"
He managed to break the things grip for the moment. Leveling his Remington Pump Shotgun at it's fetid gut he pulled the hair trigger sending rotten meat in all directions. The Bloated thing staggered slightly but kept coming its innards slapping darkly across the tiled floor. Ash roared,
"For God's sake how do ya stop it?"
Stacy took aim with the Revolver this time hitting its head just below the mandible. It visibly sagged then moaned but kept coming.
Victor quietly levelled the police 'Pump Shotgun' out of the Station window and pulled the trigger as a Zombie's head passed.
The black figure stopped, turned and sniffed the air and let out a piercing wail like some sort of call. For the first time since he'd been imprisoned. Victor felt real fear...

Turn 4
Amanda made a run for it, kicking off her shoes, leaving the High School behind. Unbelievably, a corpse was near the Truck grabbing a surf board from the back perhaps some memory triggered in its rotten head. She ducked underneath its board, hiding from a porcelain like visage of some poor dead boy. Her luck ran out when she was grabbed by a Zombie in a charcoal Armani Suit (Last seasons cut). The Zombie bit deep. Amanda screamed
"I'll see you in hell!"
Pushing the Zombie away she realised she was unhurt, the thing had just got a mouthful of hair.
Ash was toe-to-toe with the hulking Bloated Body Zombie still blocking its clumsy attacks with hard punches to its face.
Victor saw a familiar shadow pass outside, it was a doctor, who had checked on him earlier. He held out a hand to help him through the window, the 'cuffs rattling on the frame. The creature's head whipped around snarling. A rendering bite left Victor's hand partly missing.
"Aghhh.. Damn freak, hope you like rabies!"
Amanda crawled under the Truck hiding from the Tux' Zombie and the surfer Zombie. A momentary sigh of relief was shattered as the small, innocent looking hell-child had crawled under the Truck too and bit deep into her Achillies tendon. Crawling out the other side in agony she pulled the Gasoline through and filled the Truck. At that moment the door opened and a, near to death voice, said
"Use this, (cough) it's all I have. Make sure you get the...."
His blood besmirched badge read Doc Brody. Amanda would remember that name. She got into the Truck. Locked the doors and applied bandages to stop the bleeding.
Victor took out the other Pump Shotgun and thrust it into the gnashing maw of the Zombie doctor, blowing its head all over the room.
"Now that's gotta smart!"

Turn 5
Stacy found her self suddenly Cornered as a rotting form seemed to Shamble towards her. She managed to hold it back.
Amanda was Cornered in the Truck and attacked as both windows caved in. The Surfer and Tux were inside the truck. She managed to hold them off, kicking them in the face, as she desperately crawled through the back window. The creepy child was nowhere to be seen. She ran from the Truck, a voice in her head calling, I've got to get to the Factory to rest. She made it, just, panting heavily.
The Bloated Body Zombie lumbered towards the prone Ash ready for the final kill. Ash stood facing the opposite direction as the corpse was almost upon him with unnatural calm he placed the Pump Shotgun over his shoulder and blasted the Zombie's head point blank. The thing collapsed with a reverberating slam. Ash lowered his weapon as a wave of adrenaline rippled through his frame.
Another Zombie pulled itself up to the Police Station window to face the barrel of a Pump Shotgun its head joined the remnants of the other across the wall. Victor grimly loaded another two cartridges.

Turn 6
Ash could hear the Zombie Surge against the Freezer barricades and knew they wouldn't hold for long. One of the Reinforcements had collapsed. Looking down at the Bloater's Body he saw a bunch of Keys at its waist. They were for the Truck. He must have been the driver; couldn't have outran a turtle. Well, a break at last! He prayed there would be fuel in it.
"Peaches we're leaving, C'mon move it!"
Ash ran towards the Truck dodging left and right. Leaping on the bonnet with the Pump Shotgun thundering. Two Zombies fell to the dirt.
Stacy ran towards the Truck galvanised by the crazy man's courage. Taking out a Signal Flare she'd saved to alert a possible helicopter rescue. She fired it at a Zombie carrying a gore covered Pitchfork. The flare lit up the putrescent head like a light bulb before it popped with a sickening crack like a big rotten egg.

Turn 7
Victor heard the gunshots while holding off another Zombie trying to get into the Police Station. He resolved to escape this place.
Ash cried
Just too late as a Zombie bit into her shoulder sending her sprawling. At that moment a burly guy came running over.
"Get out of here, Go!"
Wrapping his arm around a Zombie's neck, which broke like a twig, he hauled it away.
"Hurry, there's not enough room for me. The name's Coach Packer come back for me ya hear."
Ash nodded, knowing the guy had sacrificed himself to save them. While getting the engine started a Zombie, little more than a Crawling Torso, had attached itself to Ash's boot and with a searing pain it had buried its teeth into his calf. Putting the Pump Shotgun in its mouth he defiantly snapped
"Swallow this" BOOM!!!
Stacy leapt in the back of the Truck, wounded again by snapping jaws. Perhaps they should have Split Up
Amanda leapt in, wounded again; as does Victor, both crying out, clutching small puncture wounds on their legs. The child Zombie under the Truck licked warm blood from its wasted lips. Victor at the wheel ignored a disgusted look from Amanda and yelled to Ash, who was still watching the coach's departure from the back.
"Ok Loony-toon hold on to somethin' !"
The Truck roared into life and sprayed earth far behind, as Victor gunned it out of town never looking back. As they passed a blood splattered 'You Are Leaving Woodinvale. See You Again Soon!' sign Stacy leaned towards Ash whispering in his ear.
"So shooter, where'd you learn all that stuff?
Ash kept looking forward a fleeting shadow of pain crossed his face and was gone. Turning to her with a catlike smile he growled
"It's what I do, Hail to the King baby!"
She crumbled as he placed a hard kiss upon her mouth...
Amanda: "Jeez! You two; get a room already!"

Result Heroes win
Hero of the game Ash (4 kills and found the Keys)
Weapon of choice Pump Shotgun (6 Kills)
Heroes Escaped 4

Review Section
Stars are given on:- How it adds to the game, value for money, if it's cool or not and adds to the genre and quality. Marks are out of five.

Survival of the Fittest
This a great addition to the game. Contents Rules (12 pages), Unique Items deck (20 cards), Survival Tactics deck (20 Cards), Grave Weapons deck (20 cards), Hero Cards (8), Zombie Cards (8), Scenarios (4) and Counter Sheets (4). The Survival Tactics and the Zombie Grave Weapons seem to be a good balance. The new rules are straight forward and user friendly. I will definitely be using this stuff every time. My wife's tactics of Barricading the Freezer (Spawning Pit) so I couldn't get out really paid off. I loved the Zombie Grave Weapons really feels like more options and character to the undead force. I am looking forward to testing this more but on the whole I'm impressed. It may put off people new to the game who don't like too many different decks. I would recommend building people up to this rather than going straight in. You may scare them away if used with Advanced Abilities too. (Four separate hero decks) I rate this 4****

Vikinglad's Ash Williams Character Card
I loved using this. This is all what TZG's all about. Enjoying your favorite game that little bit more! Although he seemed powerful in the report/narrative he wasn't. He never got a Chainsaw running as the Gasoline was needed in this scenario. He was wounded and never beat a Zombie in CQC. My wife's amazing ability to never roll under about 5 turned him into more of a legend! The only thing I'd change as I said earlier would be the start location. I think this would make him a bit too powerful having an unlimited Pump Shotgun nearby. Chainsaw's fine if he loses a fight it's gone.
All in all thank you Vikinglad for making this card. I would recommend using it and have added it to my character roster. If he comes out again it will be random. I play tested him today.
If you want to paint Ash here's my guide
There's a pic of him I've added to the thread now unshiny. What happened is I took a pic. before he'd been Spray Matt Varnished. I prefer it now myself unshiny. Zombie03
If you want to download Vikinglad's character card you must first get full membership to TZG from (lord of the river) Sarku. If you download it I'm sure Vikinglad would appreciate a thank you too!
I hope you enjoyed this long report I had fun writing it. Do you guys enjoy story based reports or should I just stick to the damn game without embellishments? Either way's cool with me.
Comments/questions welcome.Watchmen02
To read game report 3 go here
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LNoE Game report 2 Escape In The Truck - samuraitrev - 03-20-2011 02:02 AM

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