Poll: Which Zombie skin tone looks best?
Dead bee
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Nekid Zed
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Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
03-08-2012, 06:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2012 06:14 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
Hi Guys. Yes I've been painting again this time I've been painting up my new Zeds I got for Secret Santa at christmas. (Thanks you know who you are). These are my first models by Studio Miniatures and I'm going to add them to a seperate thread later with my thoughts on them. Anyway lets look at the pictures. Oh yeah and later I want your advice.

1st off looks like there's a force even more powerful than Voldemort. Yep you guessed it the Zombie Apocalyse.

Next we have a lovely Zilf (work it out!Zombie17)

Ahhhhh what a cute little AGHHHHHHH!!!

Last of all is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's superman turned into a hideous, rotting, stinking, carcass. The only thing that's flying are swarming around him...

I also painted my well I picked up from my visit to Urban Construct get yours here http://www.wargameterrain.co.uk/

I hope you enjoyed checking them out. Please commentWatchmen02
Here's the next bit which Zombie skin tone do you prefer? I would like as many answers to this as possible please. This is very important to me as I'm thinking of changing my Zombie skin tone style and would like some feedback. It doesn't even matter if you don't paint. Just answer 1, 2 or 3


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03-08-2012, 07:17 PM
Post: #2
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
Those look amazing, i was considering picking up that group of zombies....but i chose to pick up the oz group in the survivors section instead. I really dont think you can make a wrong choice when it comes to huying from studio miniatures, qality pieces and as we can see in the hands of a good artist they look even better.
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03-08-2012, 09:19 PM
Post: #3
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
I picked the NEKKID one! that is a classic blend. Great work Samurai!
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03-08-2012, 10:13 PM
Post: #4
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
I like C, besides the fact i can tell he is jewish. It lloks like the right color for rotten skin.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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03-09-2012, 01:32 AM
Post: #5
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
I like 1 myself, the yellowing rotting skin, but I think less green (dirtier green maybe).

What you don't know can eat you... Zombie01
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03-09-2012, 01:56 AM
Post: #6
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
It is almost completely even after 10 votes. I voted bee. Looks more realistic to me. Nice job on all these.
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03-09-2012, 05:10 AM
Post: #7
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
I like the sweet totally classic obviously zombie frankenstine green.

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03-09-2012, 08:01 AM
Post: #8
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!

FOR SALE: all my painting stuff.

Reason: these figs here are just too awesome!

Oh no, right..this shit motivate me to do better hehehe.

Nice work Trev!
Zilf huh? You dirty dirty ol' man you hehehe.

As for color..I just can chose realy. I like them all.
I prefer the face on superman now. But then I find the Bad Bunny a little to greenish as I think she has been painted in the same way?
The jew (wink at PJON) is a little too grey for my taste but I do like the "not being green"
Maybe a little more fleshtone instead of the grey?

And the bases...dude...those still blow me away every time!

I am the reason God stopped watching.
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03-09-2012, 05:49 PM
Post: #9
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
Thank you everyone for your helpful comments they really make a difference. I'd still like to see more votes pleaseZombie17

I will leave this thread going for a while then I will share the techniques and colours used to get these effects some are really simple some are quite laboursome...
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03-10-2012, 07:53 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2012 07:55 AM by Pred.)
Post: #10
RE: Painted Halloween Horrors (Zombies) by Studio Miniatures + I need your Help!
I voted Bee the other day, but just to comments as why I like it would
be, I really like the yellow eyed Infected look from 28 days later with
more of an infected look than a dead, back from the grave, limbs falling
off look. I mean after all, it is the more recently fresh zombies that are
more scary for the improved agility over the rotted falling apart zombies.
Like the effectiveness of 28 days later compared to the slower
counterparts lets say portrayed in the Walking Dead. Back to the paint
scheme though... I liked the eyes... I'm not sure on the difficulty but I
think a red ring cornea on the yellow would pop even harder if its not
to small to get in there. But keep a small yellow dot for the pupil bc black
would blend to much with the red and would be less noticeable.

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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