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Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
10-14-2008, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2008 12:07 AM by zombie67.)
Post: #1
Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
We've been playing AToE for the last few days and are really enjoying it and we have already started to think about future Villains.

My partner Kath thought a Mummy would be good:

[Image: karlof.jpg]

With Scarab Beetles and Jackal (because of Anubis the Egyptian God of Death) as Minions and maybe a Sandstorm as a Villain Event.

I thought maybe a Gorgon:

[Image: gorgon.jpg]

with Snakes and Lizards as Minions and she could have a freezing stare as a Special Rule - after each fight round she rolls a D6 and on 5+, the Hero is frozen and misses the next fight round. You could have a mirror as a Town Item which would turn her stare back on her!

So there are a couple of suggestions we thought of.

What about you folks, any Villains you'd like to face in the future??

Who knows maybe Jason may like your idea?!!
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10-15-2008, 12:37 AM
Post: #2
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
My game should arrive tommorow....

To be honest, I'm not even sure which villians are in the game!!
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10-15-2008, 12:51 AM
Post: #3
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
I think a Witch would be a natural,i'm suprised
it wasn't included in the base game (FYI Vampire,Werewolf,
Headless Horseman(well that what he is),Scarecrow.

AToE is heavly flavored to post AWI United States,
so it does tend to limit Villians from anything too exotic.
I guess various types of ghosts would also fit,maybe
some Native American stuff-Wedingo.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
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10-15-2008, 01:33 AM
Post: #4
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
Old Dwarf Wrote:I think a Witch would be a natural

I long as its not like that awful Blair Witch!! :rolleyes:

God, that's film's rubbish!!
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10-15-2008, 08:20 AM
Post: #5
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
LoL......I rather liked it but after awhile it did tend
to get on my nerves.Where is graphic violence when you need it?


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
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10-16-2008, 05:10 PM
Post: #6
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
A Witch is uber-obvious, needed. Shoot, the town looks like Salem!

The mummy is also a no-brainer.

I'd also like:
*Ghosts (as in full-on haunted house style ghosts)
*Something Indian. I don't mean that to sound racist, I'm just too ignorant of their beliefs to have a name at hand. But something native american would be great.
*Jack the Ripper. Not supernatural, but freaky enough and the right time period.
*Frankenstein's Monster. Maybe he got shipped in from Europe with the vampire? It worked in Monster Squad...
*Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde
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10-16-2008, 06:34 PM
Post: #7
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
Maybe a cult leader & cult member minions.
Poe had a psyco Ape (of course he set the story in France)


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
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10-17-2008, 07:36 PM
Post: #8
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
Now that I've got my copy, I'm pretty happy with the villains.

For new add ons:

A witch makes perfect sense...Like the Bell Witch.

I also love the idea of 'the unholy union' like the HP Lovecraft story of The Horror of Dunwich. Backwards rural folks with some seriously messed up kin. Quite a few of the Lovecraft ideas would carry well into this.

An Indian theme villian may be cool too. Like the settlers had disturbed an ancient burial ground, and now a vengeful animal spirit stalks the town.
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10-17-2008, 09:07 PM
Post: #9
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
For me...I would love to see Frankenstein's Monster but more the hammer Horror versionseen in Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell as played by David Prowse.

-A Lovecraftian critter of some sort.

-Creature from the swamp

-A Dark Sorcorer

-Or even some sort of Demon would be grand as well.

"Dead is Dead. Parts is parts. Dead guys is parts."-Ripperjack.

"When There Is No More Room In Hell, Paul W.S. Anderson Films Walk The Earth."
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12-03-2008, 04:57 AM
Post: #10
RE: Poll: What future Villains would you like to see for A Touch of Evil?
Canadian Pittbull Wrote:For me...I would love to see Frankenstein's Monster but more the hammer Horror versionseen in Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell as played by David Prowse.

-A Lovecraftian critter of some sort.

-Creature from the swamp

-A Dark Sorcorer

-Or even some sort of Demon would be grand as well.

Nothing like pulling a few weeks old post:rolleyes:
but I've been working on converting Arkham Horror
to AToE,so heres a Lovecraft Mythos Critter.

Heres a Goo-AToE Style


Associated Gate=None*

Combat =5
Wounds 5-only hit by non-magical weapons
on 6+(Spells & Magic enhanced
weapons hit on 5+)


1.Spike to the chest-on 6+ hit Inv.takes 2 Wounds
2.Servant of Glaaki-anytime Ally disgarded or
removed from Game becomes Undead Servant
& placed on GOO Sheet.If 5 Servants placed
Game ends at once in Glaaki Victory.
3.Stalker-Lingering roll increased from 1 to 1-3.


1-2=-Nightmares-Inv.who drew card makes Spirit
Check.Fail lose 1 wound.Suceed gets 2 Inv.Tokens

3-4=Night Visitors-Roll d6.Any Elder whose Cunning
is equal or less than # rolled becomes
Servant of Glaaki & 3 Inv.Tolkens placed
on a Random Location

5-6=Servant of Glaaki Attacks:

Wounds 2
Horror Check at -2/fail lose 3 Sanity.

If No Servants created yet advance Shadow Track
1 space & Inv.Gains 2 Inv.Tokens

Note Servants of Glaaki if killed are removed from GOO
Sheet.They may be recreated per #2 Special
Abilities or #3-4 above.When 5 place on Goo
Sheet Game Ends & Glaaki wins.

* As Glaaki is present on the Earths Surface not need to Gate Travel to reach him.
Thus the Lair Cost is per AToE Shadow Track.
GOO who "live" off world or deep within the
earth have additional Lair cost to cover
creating a Gate.

Note like the AH Game no Horror Checks are required
for most GOO.By the time of the Showdown the Inv.
know what GOO their going for & have prepared
themselves.Individual GOO Sheets may modify
this convention.

( i'm using the AH Counters & each Hero now gets
a Sanity # which function like wounds Knock Out
if it goes to Zero.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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