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The Evacuation Order
07-25-2012, 04:47 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2012 05:49 AM by Zombotanist.)
Post: #1
The Evacuation Order
Hello to all!

This is my first post, and to be hasty, I will immediately ask for the community's help. I have created a variant of LNoE, but I do not have time to play test it. I will be using it for my gaming group this coming Friday, and would love to see some feedback regarding rules, mechanics, strategy, etc.

Thank you in advance!

Also, the barricade rules are the way they are because I do not have the Survival of the Fittest Expansion Kit. D:


Added updated rules to the Game Setup and Special Rules section. I know it's not using standard templates, but I'm not Graphic designer, so... Zombie24

Anyway, this should clear things up slightly.

Also, some background story.

Feet with which to clutch the ground, legs to stand on and help withstand, while with arms and hands, teeth and nails, I struggle to kill and not be killed.
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07-25-2012, 09:42 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2012 10:05 AM by scarydk.)
Post: #2
RE: The Evacuation Order
Sounds interesting.

Reading through the scenario, it leaves me with a few questions concerning the Townsfolk:
On the roll of 1 (D6 starting Townsfolk) I guess they will just need to find one Townsfolk event, right? If the Heroes roll a 6 can they still use Townsfolk events to increase the total number of townsfolk? Do the Townsfolk move on their own or are they distributed among the Heroes (any particular order or Hero's choice?)? Can they change "owner" during the game? What happens if their owner is killed or turned into a zombie hero? Some of these questions may sound obvious to answer but it may be a good idea to specify everything that could lead to discussion during the game. My best advice is to keep the scenario specific rules as simple as possible like the rules of the game itself.

My only concern at present would be the 10 turn time slot the Heroes have to find First Aid Kits (these should be termed Scenario Search Items to help the search through special event cards like Just What I Needed), get to the stronghold (preferably unnoticed) and escorting the Townsfolk to their random destination. I'm not saying it can't be done, it just sounds a bit tight (which in general IS a good thing but if the game stops halfway because of failure to perform some tasks, it might ruin the game for some: Hey, we still have 10 turns left!?), but that of course depends on your deck size and card distribution. Other than that the last 10 turns could be a long wait. But it all comes down to the feel you are trying to create.

If you get the chance (even solo), I think you should try play testing.

Also, don't forget to through us all a review of how the session went.

"It's the smell... it's driving them CRAZY!"
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07-25-2012, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2012 09:49 PM by Zombotanist.)
Post: #3
RE: The Evacuation Order
Thank you, those are important questions to address.

(07-25-2012 09:42 AM)scarydk Wrote:  On the roll of 1 (D6 starting Townsfolk) I guess they will just need to find one Townsfolk event, right?”

I intend to have the Heroes roll 1d6 to determine the number of Townsfolk with which they start. PCs start inside the Stronghold, along with the 1d6 Townsfolk. Now, if I remember correctly (It’s been a few months since I played LNoE; I’ve gotten too side-tracked DMing for D&D), each Townsfolk has their own token, as well as their own event? If so, the 1d6 Townsfolk will be selected randomly, and their events will be pulled from the card deck to be used at the Heroes discretion. Once two more Townsfolk are found, their event cards can be pulled from the deck at the consequence of a reshuffle.

(07-25-2012 09:42 AM)scarydk Wrote:  Do the Townsfolk move on their own or are they distributed among the Heroes (any particular order or Hero's choice?)? Can they change ‘owner’ during the game? What happens if their owner is killed or turned into a zombie hero?

The TF can move on their own, at the pace of 1d3. The TF will not participate in searches with the Heroes, but will be in the Stronghold from Twilight to Midnight. When evacuating, they will be assigned as evenly as possible to a Hero, and will be able to move at that Heroes pace. They may change “owners” in the same way that items are exchanged. Heroes may also order the TF to stay in one place so they may more effectively strategize. They cannot fight, though they can defend themselves (They will follow pretty much standard TF rules. I think? It’s been a while, as I said). If the owner is killed, the TF will move, on their next turn, at the pace of 1d3 to the nearest Hero.

I created this scenario hoping to introduce strategy to the game mechanics, as there are several scenarios that, as fun as they are, lack strategy. I agree, ten turns is a bit of a time crunch. However, the game won’t end at turn 10 if the PCs haven’t found the required items. It just means that they have less time to get to the evacuation point. Moreover, it could force them to make difficult decisions; for instance, if the Heroes find all of the Scenario Search Items on turn fifteen, but the remaining survivors are too far away to retrieve, they may be forced to abandon them. That is an emotional decision to make, introducing a more “RPG” element to the scenario, and presenting more opportunities to make game changing decisions than is traditionally available.

Now, this is all purely theoretical. The game could be a total wash, completely unusable, but I won’t know until tonight, when I play test with my wife.

Feet with which to clutch the ground, legs to stand on and help withstand, while with arms and hands, teeth and nails, I struggle to kill and not be killed.
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07-26-2012, 09:16 AM
Post: #4
RE: The Evacuation Order
(07-25-2012 09:49 PM)Zombotanist Wrote:  PCs start inside the Stronghold, along with the 1d6 Townsfolk.

If you let the Heroes start inside the stronghold, they should have plenty of time finding all scenario search items and to acquire a decent arsenal of weapons. But this leaves the zombie player with little to do for at least 7 turns, since the Heroes can avoid detection just staying inside searching.

I think you should let the Heroes start in their normal starting locations forcing them to find their way to the strong hold while avoiding detection. Perhaps the detection zone should be smaller if you play it like that but I think it makes more sense to create some tension right from the start.

That said, I think you are really on to something. The scenario has all the potential to become great. It will be interesting to hear the outcome of your play testing.

As a sidenote I'll just mention that your scenario is very similar to the scenario "Rescue Mission" from Survival of the Fittest. Perhaps that scenario could be a source for inspiration.

"It's the smell... it's driving them CRAZY!"
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07-26-2012, 04:24 PM
Post: #5
RE: The Evacuation Order
I love the narrative accompanying this scenario. I think more scenarios, custom-made and official, should include a short piece detailing the scenario and what's going on etc.
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07-27-2012, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2012 12:21 AM by Zombotanist.)
Post: #6
RE: The Evacuation Order
scarydk: As much as I hate to change the Heroes' starting places (only because it means I will have to revise and print another set of scenario papers), I like the idea of creating the frenzied tension of vulnerability. I will heed your suggestion, and thank you for the encouragement!

Leonard: I'm glad you like the narrative. I normally play traditional table-top RPGs (like D&D, Pathfinder, etc.), and with that background, I've been trying to use my experience to create a more personal LNoE. I'm currently developing a character creation system similar to that of TTRPGs for LNoE. I hope to build from it a more user-involved gaming mechanic, creating more class builds and Hero options.

Feet with which to clutch the ground, legs to stand on and help withstand, while with arms and hands, teeth and nails, I struggle to kill and not be killed.
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07-29-2012, 06:13 PM
Post: #7
RE: The Evacuation Order
So, a quick update.

I had the opportunity to playtest the game last night. It went well, but was more than anything an excellent opportunity to gain insight on the scenario's functional gameplay. I was able to edit some aspects of the scenario this morning while reflecting on the outcome of the game.

1. Searching for first aid kits. It was arduous, and eventually, became an obligatory search. The actions of the game quickly devolved into, "run from the Zombies. Search building. Wait until Zombies get close. Run to another building. Repeat." I am hoping to change this monotony by using numbered tokens in all of the buildings on the board, with each numbe

2. 20 turns is A LOT. I have reduced the number to 16, and with the First Aid Kits no longer being found in the Hero Card Deck, that should be more than sufficient.

3. The Stronghold proved fairly useless; Heroes left it, and so it remained, unused. In an effort to make the game more challenging for Heroes (most of the challenges faced revolved around luck; finding First Aid Kits, namely.), I have decided to go with scarydk's suggestion and have Heroes begin in their respective start locations. The Stronghold will only be for Townsfolk, and the Heroes will have to escort the TF to the safety of the Stronghold, lest they risk an attack on the TF.

4. Increasing the number of Zombie spawn points (the scarcity of spawn points made it difficult to pursue Heroes whose mission revolved around moving quickly).

5. Using the Grave Dead, again, to equalize the odds.

That is my assessment thus far. If you can see anymore functional disparities, please share, otherwise, it will never get better!

Feet with which to clutch the ground, legs to stand on and help withstand, while with arms and hands, teeth and nails, I struggle to kill and not be killed.
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07-29-2012, 06:26 PM
Post: #8
RE: The Evacuation Order
Excellent reflection part. +1 Rep.

"It's the smell... it's driving them CRAZY!"
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