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campaign idea
02-11-2011, 07:28 PM
Post: #1
campaign idea
This is just sort of a rough draft, still working on levelling ideas, and what happens to buildings that are destoryed and such, suggestions would be appreciated, I have read a few others ideas concerning the levelling part and think I might use them with a few modifications.

So the campaign begins with each player going through the mini game alone in the dark; this just allows the hero to start the major scenarios with a few items and some XP. Once each hero has played alone in the dark, the apocalypse has begun and they must kill some zombies (die zombie, die!) this scenario allows an opportunity for our heroes to meet each other. Once the heroes have survived they head for the safest place they can think of manor in the center of town. (Defend the manor). If they lose at the manor they must destroy the building with the zombies in it (Burn it to the ground) if the heroes survive the attack at the manor/destroy the manor they must create a defensible building to come up with a plan. (Hunker down) To successfully create a plan they must survive the hunker down scenario and then roll a D3 or if everyone can agree choose one of the following.
1. Save the townsfolk
2. Hunt for survivors
3. Rescue mission
Once the survivors are found/saved/rescued the hero’s have another die to roll or choice to make, on the roll of 1-3 the heroes must stop the zombies from destroying the town (zombie apocalypse) or on the roll of 4-6 the heroes must destroy some of the places that the zombies appear to be emerging from. (Burn ‘Em out) once the zombies are a little more under control they heroes begin to search for clues as to why this is happening to their town. (Search for the truth) once the truth is found they need to destroy the plague carriers or find the zombie master (all hallows eve) this will be the heroes choice. After they do one of these they realize that they are heavily out numbered have no choice but to escape the town, in order to do so they need to gather supplies (supply run) and then escape in the truck. Once this is completed they are asked to return to either destroy the zombies (all hallows eve II) or to find a way to stop the spreading the virus. (We have to go back)
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02-11-2011, 08:06 PM
Post: #2
RE: campaign idea
Wow, I like the way you have linked many of the scenarios together. My initial thoughts revolve around Hero management. Since this is a campaign, I assume a few things:
1 - Heros surviving to the end of a scneario continue into the next scenario (with their items?)
2 - When a Hero dies, they stay dead, you can't redraw them for later scenarios
3 - If heroes die during a scenario, you draw up to a full team from the remaining heroes available.
Looking at how you have the scenarios linked, it looks like it is a 10 scenario campaign, not including Alone in the Dark. That is a lot of work cut out for only 16 characters. While Alone in the Dark would be nice for flavor, it does risk death to characters, making them unavailable for the meat of the campaign. I would suggest dropping Alone in the Dark and starting with DZD.
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02-11-2011, 10:52 PM
Post: #3
RE: campaign idea
Being a Role-Player as well as a Board-Gamer.... I have to say I love this idea. It also makes me wonder why I didn't think of it myself earlier. It also makes me want to Convert LNOE to a full on RPG using the Savage Worlds System... I might just have to consider doing that...
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02-12-2011, 01:44 AM
Post: #4
RE: campaign idea
i took most of these ideas from flightmek25 in his thread campaign advancement rules and added a few modifications to them, i loved his idea of burning experience points to heal and re-roll or saving them to level. so here is the rest that i hope to use to make this campaign possible

Gaining Experience

- Any hero that survives a mission gets an experience point.

- If the hero was directly involved with the winning condition of a scenario (like being on the truck at the end of the "Escape in the Truck" mission or destroying the pits in the "Burn 'Em Out" scenario.) If it is a scenario like "Defend the Manor House," all surviving heroes get an additional XP point.

Using Experience

- Any hero may burn an experience point at any time in a game to either a.) Re-roll any roll (keeping the final roll) or b.) Instantly heal one wound (even if it is their last wound and they are about to die!)

- A hero may burn 3 experience points between scenarios to "Level up." Levelling up is a random roll and players must consult the chart below. A hero cannot gain the same level up twice! If a hero rolls an ability he already has, he may choose any ability he wants.
1. Experienced: Hero begins each game with their item of choice (not a scenario search item) add one to range weapon die (one still discards revolver)
2. Escape Artist: Hero immune to game effects that hinder movement. (Weather cards, locked doors, & twisted ankles) once per game can go through a “window”
3. Prepared: The hero may carry an additional item.
4. Fortunate: Each turn (zombie and hero), the hero may re-roll a single roll.
5. Tough: Hero gains an additional wound. Weapons that kill on 6 wound on 5
6. Brawler: Hero gains an additional fight die. Wins on ties

Other Special Campaign rules:
- A hero always keeps the items he finished a scenario with, but he returns all unused hero cards to the hero card deck before each game. Sometimes you have to seize the moment!
- All wounds are automatically healed between scenarios. It is assumed that the heroes rest up before returning to do battle with the undead.

i was also trying to figure out a way to maybe shorten the campaign but add a "Final Boss" but have no idea what kind of stats to give him, i would also love to have it so the zombie heroes level as well or that a leveled hero that becomes a zombie hero has some extra abilities but haven't come up with any yet
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02-12-2011, 04:19 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2011 03:57 AM by Alice.)
Post: #5
RE: campaign idea
If its alright, I'd like to throw in some ideas for your campaign (sounds great btw!).

You could toss in side quests to spice it up a bit. Depending on the L-shaped tiles picked, you would have different options. For example:

- Save Old Betsy: (Barn required) Old Betsy would be chained up in the Barn with a couple zombies slowly moving toward her (use red zombies for this). On your next mission you would either have her as a companion or have to fight Zombie Betsy, depending on the outcome.

- Repair The Motorcycle: (Junkyard required) Search the Junkyard for spare parts and fix the broken motorcycle to gain a movement bonus on your next mission.

- Raid The Gun Shop: (Gun Shop required) Have the Gun Shop door locked, with the owner somewhere in town. You would have to get the door key from the owner and return to the gun shop to start the next mission with a bonus weapon.

- Crack The Safe: (General Store required) Break into the safe in the General Store to acquire a bundle of money. There would be someone in the next mission who you could buy supplies from.

I could probably go on and on with these, but you get the idea Watchmen02

Another option would be to have a shopkeeper on every mission that would sell you supplies regularly. You would get money based on your actions performed on each mission (zombies killed, turns used, townsfolk saved, etc.). This may warp your campaign into a mercenary thing though. Not sure if you'd want that.

K, I have to stop typing now (darn hands.. can't..... control..). Hope this helps a bit.

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02-13-2011, 10:29 PM
Post: #6
RE: campaign idea
Alice i love the idea for the side quests and i borrowed some of your ideas and added my own twists. i tried to make them hard to do but also worth the time in the end. at the same time i was scared to make them to OP cause then it might get to easy. anyway here is what i got so far.

Side Quests:
1. Save Betsy: Betsy is chained up in the barn with three zombies moving towards her you have 3 turns to save Betsy or she is turned into zombie Betsy. If the heroes save Betsy she stays with the hero that saves her, and does not count toward their item limit, once a hero has Betsy zombies must roll a 4+ to enter that hero’s square. If the heroes fail Betsy turns into zombie Betsy, zombie Betsy can be killed with any weapon when she is beaten in a roll; if she is not beaten the hero cannot leave the space. zombie Betsy only fights on the hero turn.

2. Repair the motorcycle: you need to search the junk yard to find pieces to repair the motorcycle. once found you need to stay in the space with the motorcycle for 2 turns and use your move action to replace the missing parts. (One turn if you are jenny because of her handy ability) Once the motorcycle is repaired it can hold two heroes and adds 3 to your movement dice but runs out of gas on the roll of 1 or 2. The motorcycle can move through a space with the zombie in it on the roll of 4+, on the roll of 1-3 the hero or heroes are knocked off the bike (if you are knocked off, roll a die, the bike is broken on the roll of 1 or 2)

3. Crack the safe: the door to the gun shop is locked and the heroes must find keys or the fire axe (victor cannot pick this one; if the fire axe is used then the heroes have 4 turns to get the money before the shop keeper Runs away.) once inside they will find a shop keeper willing to sell them any gun of their choice for $500 (gun comes with ammo) once found the heroes “remember” that there is a safe in the general stored. In order to crack the safe the hero needs to give up his move action and roll 3 dice to try and crack the safe (the safe combination 425, if one of the correct numbers is rolled then it is kept)

4. Reinforced forklift: once built a hero may use the forklift to move roll a movement dice and subtract 2, min of 1. After each use runs out of propane on the roll of 1 of 2. If the forklift is used to movie through a space with a zombie in it, the zombie is killed on the roll of 3+ (the zombie is either impaled on the fork or run over) but if 3 or more zombies move into the space of forklift they can tip it over on the roll of 5+. To build the reinforced forklift heroes need to search the junkyard twice and the general store once then get to the supermarket and spend a turn assembling the parts.

5. Statue: (not sure what to do with this yet)
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02-20-2011, 09:49 PM
Post: #7
RE: campaign idea
so i finally got to try this out. and unfortunately it didn't go that well, the first 5 scenarios or so went pretty good but once the heroes leveled once it started to get easy, then when they leveled again it got easier. in Hunt for survivors the heroes only found 1 survivor, but got three new heroes, at this point we decided to stop.
the leveling was awesome but made the heroes OP and the zombies didn't stand a chance. i think we are gonna change the leveling system and maybe find a way to allow the zombies to get harder as well.

Can't save the world??... then prepare for its end.
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02-21-2011, 03:34 AM
Post: #8
RE: campaign idea
If you have a lot of zombie miniatures, you could put in Zombie Autospawn with no limit to the number of zombies that can be in play. Then, to make it even harder, either double or triple the number of zombies that do spawn from each dice roll. Cards that spawn zombies would also spawn twice or triple the amount. There's also options like having zombies move faster or hit harder (more fight dice).

You would obviously scale the difficulty depending on how far people are in your campaign.

Seems like it would take a lot to balance everything out though. Good luck!

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02-21-2011, 04:28 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2011 05:08 AM by shipper.)
Post: #9
RE: campaign idea
you could also use things like zombie grave dead or zombie grave weapons.... you could also take away from the heroes as the game goes harder to find items or use pick ups.

i was also thinking that you could run a campaign with the zombie player as the ZOMBIE MASTER.

you could start out by having each player drawing their characters but keeping them a secret from each other. the ZM could start the game with one of the players player a variant of the Alone in the Dark scenario but with the board set up for normal play. the other players enter the game when the starting players enter their starting location.

the ZM can also have preset conditions that if met by the players could lead to which scenario would happen next.

This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent movement of equipment that has happened during the precinct's rearrangement.The safe with four digit lock has been moved from the S.T.A.R.S. office on the second floor, to the eastern office on the first floor.
Raccoon Police Liaison Dept.
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06-30-2011, 07:37 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2011 08:07 PM by thanatos.)
Post: #10
RE: campaign idea
I can see how balancing could get difficult, but reading your idea for an end-boss made me think of nitro9090's custom scenario - "Release the Beast" ( You might be able to adapt his scenario to introduce a random boss-type character and to increase the risk throughout the entire campaign. I haven't played his scenario yet, but my group is chomping at the bit to give it a run next time we play.

In his scenario, a "button" spawns in a random building, and then spawns in a different building each time it is pressed. Every time the players succeed in pressing the button, it debuffs the beast who is eventually spawned in some way. If you were interested in using this in your campaign, perhaps you could adapt this and use tiles 1, 2, and 3 as "buttons" in random buildings in each scenario of the campaign. If the heroes uncover a 3, it debuffs the eventual beast. Uncover a 2 and it buffs him. Uncover a 1 and one of the six beasts is immediately spawned and must be killed before that chapter of the campaign can be completed.

His scenario removes the sun counter as soon as the beast spawns and requires victory to come either by killing the beast or killing all heroes, but to add some more challenge, maybe you could keep the sun counter active for the primary objective of the scenario, meaning the heroes would have to complete their objectives while dealing with the beast, and then deal with the beast at their leisure once the objective was complete.

Cripes, I don't know if my group would ever have TIME for such a long campaign, but I actually want to try this now!
Given that the last post on this thread was in February, my apologies for resurrecting a zombie thread. I figured there was no better forum for it than the Last Night on Earth forum, though Zombie17
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