
Full Version: Lingering Tweek
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So, we were playing last night when we had a thought. What if you roll one die for lingering for every turn that you linger. It would make sense that the longer you're there the more likely you would be attacked.

Plus, we keep running into the situation where someone wants a certain item from one of the corners and is so powerful that if they get attacked once or twice it won't matter. This way you keep the pressure on.
I find lingering bad enough already. 1-in-6 is pretty strong. The game rarely wants you to linger too much. When we play, we always feel torn with where to go next -- we need to go everywhere else (except where we are).

Plus, when we do linger, that 1-in-6 always feels like 1-in-3 for how often it comes up.

Your tweak wouldn't be too bad, though. Maybe in a cooperative game.
I would go with M on this one,Lingering has never been a problem
in our Games.:ring:

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