
Full Version: Nemesis and the Necronomicon
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Alrighty, so here it is all finished and pretty. I don't really have a good editing program so I did the best I could. Feedback would be much appreciated.
Good presentation.
Good job Alice. Watchmen02
alittle complicated but i like it, seems fun and random. i would make it so heros have to give up there turn to burn the book, similar to putting the gas in the truck. just to add more suspense at the end.
Sounds fun. I like searching for tiles better than searching for cards in the deck. I bet this is pretty hard for the heroes. I wanna try it with the Ash hero I just made.
I am DEFINITELY going to play this at some point!
will have to try this out for sure
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to create a Nemesis hero card for this so you could place wound markers on his legs, arms and head. I'll make one up as soon as I can figure out how.
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