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Last saturdaynight I got together with a couple of friends and played the "Hunt For Survivors" scenario.

It got us a little puzzled on how we had to use the numbercounters (1-6).
The heroes needed to reveal 6 numbercounters to find 6 Townsfolk and then had some extra stuff added to it with rolling a D6 (higher, lower, equal meaning you did find a townsfolk, a new hero or a zombiehero)

But we just couldn't figure out where we had to put the number counters on the board. So we decided to roll random buildings and place them there.
And "revealing" them was done by doing the hero's search action followed by rolling a D6.

Any thoughts on this?
Sounds like you played it correctly.

The Survival of the Fittest rulebook has the details for the use of number counters (page 5).
thats hows its done
oh man...I'm so stupid... I left my copy of survival of the fittest at home because we were (once again) playing with a new guy.
That's why I decided to stick to the "basics" and didn't take my SOTF copy...but I guess that scenario must have slipped in. No wonder we couldn't find anything in the other two books lmao.

Well, looks like we played it correctly anyway. Thanks for the help guys.
That scenario is from the Hero Pack I believe, that may be how it slipped in...
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