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You could cut the antici......pation with a knife!
(09-02-2011 11:32 AM)samuraitrev Wrote: [ -> ]You could cut the antici......pation with a knife!

So TrueInsane21

I really want to get this "on the" table before the general
F&G releases,I also noticed Elder Sign is now Shipping so in another week I could have that tooWatchmen02 .

I seriously need to rethink my Game Calendar.

Well it CAME-naturally just as I was leaving to go back to the office after Lunch.

Got in the first Game today,really impressed although both Gogs
Bled out & we lost.

The AI works smoothly & the Game is all action with each turn
giving you multiple decision choices.

The Game figs are really well done a cut above FFG usual Board
Game figs.

So, it's got the OD seal of approval?

I really want to get this...
So, it's got the OD seal of approval?

I really want to get this...
If anyone wants to get it for me, I'd let them. Thanks. Zombie03
I Love this GAME! The AI mechanic is just so smooth,I've even ordered some paints I was short on
to paint the figs.It's funny the Theme didn't interest me that much when it was first announced
(and I'm a BIG theme player) but the Rules made me want to get it.

Off topic from the board game, I played the video game today with my friend Mr Onearm, and even though I really don't like Gears of war video games, the Horde mode was kinda fun.

On topic, could you do a play by play for us (if it wouldn't take up to much time) it looks really cool just wanted to know a little more on how the turns work and such (you don't haft to do a whole game)
I bought the Video Game the other day, but haven 't found time to even try it yet!
(09-22-2011 07:44 PM)Pred Wrote: [ -> ]On topic, could you do a play by play for us (if it wouldn't take up to much time) it looks really cool just wanted to know a little more on how the turns work and such (you don't haft to do a whole game)

Well here's a general run down from my Game Blog on the
Game we just completed.It's not really turn by turn but
it reflects the action doing a game session.Note do to
crappy things like work & real life we usually only play
3-4 turns a night.

9/15/11-I've set up the new new Game Board Tiles.
The Generator gave the Hive Mission-1 play,with
Delta 2 Baird & Cole.

The Board is Level 1 (E)16B-10B* 15B(E)-L-shaped. with 3 Levels.
and the 1st Level has no ammo available & both these Cogs
had ammo problems the last game they were in.The
first Tile has a Trokia Gun but it's position makes
it rather useless (but we'll see).The last Tile has a
weapon & 2 ammo if they get to it.

The Locus are Theron Gds,Drones & Kantus.

I put up the Set up Fluff under the Scouting Nexus
Session Report.

9/16/11-Started the Game & 3 turns in Cole is bleeding out &
the Theron Guard & Drone who started out on the 1st Board Tile
are down.A 2nd Theron Guard came up from the end Tile
& attacked Cole.Again the die seem with the Locus,
in this case Cole had 3 shields & got zip while the Theron
Guard had 3 hits which overcame Coles 2 Health.
Both Cole & Baird are still on the starting Board Tile.

Up to turn 11 now both Cole & Baird are on the last
tile of Level #1 but health is really low.We have a Wounded Kantus
and a Theron Guard he just healed 1 area behind them.Baird
just took down a Drone with a chain-blade attack.Ammo
is low on Baird & both have used up their Grenades.
The next AI card could give them some breathing room
or end the Game with both Bleeding out if something
like Fire Fight comes up.

Well they survied & eliminated the Locus but then AI Swarm
came up & we got a Drone.Kanuts & Theron Guard at
the door way to the exit.The Drone was killed by Baird
Chain Blade attack but Baird is down to 1 health & Cole
who was just restored from Bleeding out face another AI

9/18/11-OMG what a Game-we're at AI turn 21.
Baird & Cole have been trapped on the last tile of Level 1
for 10 turns due to Locus attacks eating up cards &
from one or the other Cogs Bleeding out & needing
to be restored.

Then when all the Locus were killed off 2 Drones Spawned
in the next Area.Fortunally Cole had just been restored
& laid a Grenade (last one) in their Area Taking them both
and sealing that Emergence hole.A real bit of luck as the
next AT spawned a Kantus but the nearest Emergence
hole was now 5 areas away.

This set up Baird to play Explore and go through the
Exit to Level 2 & Cole played a follow up to follow

Level 2 is a Z shaped Board -(E) *38-9B*6B(E),This really
opens up the Game.Health remains an issue
Baird is down to 3 & Cole is at 0 and in cover.
Baird was able to pick up a grenade from
the Tile & Cole is in cover.

The new board spawned more Locus & the Exit
Tile has Ammo.Again it's up to the AI card to see
if the Cogs can continue.The problem is lack
of Ammo(although Baird did pick up a Torque Bow
from a Theron Guard he killed and having to
keep expending Health Cards to Guard due
to low Health to keep from a Locus attack that
would probably Bleed out the Cog.

Level II was more fighting off Locus & restoring
Bleding Out cogs but on turn 38 saw Cole
break into Level III & Baird followed,Cole
was able to get Ammo for his Mulcher & Baird
got ammo for his Torque Bow from a dropped

Level III is a straight Corridor-(E)-4B-5B-15B(E)
of course that Spawned more Locus so almost
all of the Locus figs are on the Board.We left
it at Baird's turn.

9/19/11-The Baird was able to knock out a Theron Guard
and on the next AI turn use Guard to kill the other.
However as it was a mass attack A Kantus attacked
Cole & got zapped by his Guard however the other Kantus
attacked & left him at 0 health then a Drone finished
him off.So now Cole missed his turn & it's
the AT turne again with only a weaken Baird
standing.So once again,it could all be over with
the new AI card.We left it at this point

9/20/11- Well Baird survived & got Cole back on his feet,
Cole did a Roadie Run & got out of that no cover area
both cogs were trapped in.The Locus keep comming,
and force both Cogs to use up health cards to
Guard or Dodge. Again we left it at the AI card.

9/21/11-So far (we've drawn 2 Drone AI in a row)
Baird is out of ammo but survied 2 rounds of attacks
& is low on health.Cole used assault to get to the
Board Tile before the exit one & blasted the Kantus
(the Maulcher ground out 8 hits the Kantus wasn't
in cover & got no shields.)

9/22/11-I love this Game-I won & it was touch & go all the way.
I only intended to play a round this PM as it's come out muggy again
& I had the Game Room air off.But this Game just draws you

Basically in starting this session Baird was out of LoS of the 5 Locus
& Kantus & about 5 areas away.Baird was in the area before the final exit.
The AI cards were easy on us at last only spawnning a Theron
Guard in the ammo room & keeping the Drones unable to attack
due to distance & no LoS on Baird.

Baird chain Bladed the Theron Guard & collected the Ammo
and was able to catch up with Cole.The odd thing was they
go no movement cards (and I forgot that I can just move
2 areas & ignore the Card instructions).

Finally Cole got a movement card & moved into
Exit 3 & flipped the Level Card and Baird played a card to
follow.The flipped Card revealed 17B (the bighest tile in
the Game) with the head Kantus Skorge in
the equipment area.

The AI card moved the Drones 3 areas closer but they
were still too far away & out of LoS to matter.

Baird then moved & attacked Skorge but to no
effect.The next AI had Skorge moving to Bairds
area & attacking.Bard played a Guard card
& gambled on a chain blade attack (skorge
has good health & defensive).The first
die was an omen & Skorge was history we won!!!.

This was a real barn burrner with the Cogs almost
always in danger of being killed off until the
last couple of turns.What save us a lot was the
high success of the chain attacks,which allowed
the Cogs to save ammo or in several cases attack
when they had no ammo.

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