
Full Version: Painted Shaun of the Dead miniature (look alike)
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I had good fun painting these and my back log of models is now down to only 213 models. No really!
Here's how the film could have ended...

Could there be a new film in the making?

For more painting articles have a look around here
Happy gaming and painting guys!
I spy chainsword influence on that chainsaw, yes? Zombie17
(09-06-2011 10:22 PM)Esturk Wrote: [ -> ]I spy chainsword influence on that chainsaw, yes? Zombie17

You got itWatchmen02 I couldn't resist it. It's a little nod to Space Hulk.
Excellent Trev!

I've painted that Ray character a couple of times, great mini!
Wow those look amazing. Do you even use paint? they look like some kind of ink bc they are so clean. Even though my heros are alot less messy than my zombies (i havent posted yet), my acrylic paint is still thick and i can not get near the cleanliness that you have shown.

Im a total newb to painting so any tips would be grateful. (and thank you for the b-day msg)
(09-06-2011 11:37 PM)Pred Wrote: [ -> ]Do you even use paint? my acrylic paint is still thick and i can not get near the cleanliness that you have shown.
Im a total newb to painting so any tips would be grateful.

I use acrylic paint too. I'm posting you some guides I've done on this site I hope they help.
The 1st guide is how I thin my acrylic paint.

The 2nd guide is Applying the Basic Coat

The 3rd guide is Shading. This is part of creating depth.

The 4th guide is Highlighting. The next section of creating depth.

The 5th guide is how to paint 3 different styles of Zombies.

There's other guides in there too, have a nose around. You will find them all in A Brush With Death it's a sub-forum of The Tomb. Here's a link to it
Dang!!! I love my gravestone... Thank you... it brings tears to my eyes... Watchmen02
(09-07-2011 03:02 PM)Sarku Wrote: [ -> ]Dang!!! I love my gravestone... Thank you... it brings tears to my eyes... Watchmen02

I suspected you would approve, what with your strange fascination with ladies and death...Oh wait that's me too!Zombie17
where is the ray figure from?
It's from
Happy spending!
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