
Full Version: DC Vs. Marvel
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Then Marvel had the Molecule Man. Couldn't he make anything he wanted with his mind during the Secret Wars? That would be a nasty power to overcome. Maybe by surprise because in general he was not a fighter, so if they got the first hit he might go down.

Marvel has Molecule Man, but DC technically has an entire universe's worth of heroes and villains who can do the same thing thanks to the Green/Yellow/Red/Violet/Blue/Orange/Indigo Lantern Corps. Not only are there a LOT of lanterns between all the corps, but, more importantly, as Blackest Night showed, each corps member can also temporarily "recruit" anyone they wish and imbue them with the same power, meaning that literally every DC hero and villain could end up with the ability to generate constructs of one sort or another.
But with out the training to use it along with newer recruit learning how to use their rings
most of them would still die early. I still say that GL Corp is DC's biggest hitter, but in the
end Marvel would prevail.
I dunno - the Blackest Night finale seemed to indicate that the lantern-corps "conscripts" were able to use their rings very nearly as effectively as their conscriptors.
The problem with what you just mentioned earlier is that you gave the GL Corps a 10... when in reality every single member of the GL Corps is a 10 on his/her/its own. Then you have to consider that there are 7200 GL Corps members at any given time, and 3600 members of every additional corps (red, blue, yellow, etc..) all running at the same power level. I'm fairly certain that puts the power level of the corps as a whole beyond the scope of anything that Marvel can bring to the table, before you add in the other bada**es of the DCU.
And since every single corps member can conscript another individual, that makes for a whopping 21,600 potential 10s zooming around the universe, some of whom have their own awesome powers to compliment their lantern ring.
I gave the Corps a rating of 10 all together. If I was to rate individuals 1/2
would be below 4 1/10 a 5, 1/10 a 6 , 1/10 a 7, 1/10 a 8, 1/20 a 9 and
1/20 a 10.

Plus I think the core would have a hard time taking out Thanos with the
eternity gauntlet, silver surfer, Apocalypse, Odin, hell Thor and Beta Ray
Bill could probably take on most of them.

They can absorb nearly unlimited amounts energy with their hammers.
Everytime a herald of Galactus tried fighting Thor or Bill, they usually
get their energy blocked by their divine weapons. And I would put a
Green Lantern Ring on par or below Power Cosmic.

Thor and Bill also have immense physical statistics and can easily shatter
anything the GL may create. It doesn't matter if the GL create constructs
the size of planets.

This. Green lantern corps are not equal to cosmic power. Heralds of
Galactus are greater than the GL corps in power.

Thor and BRB smash through any force fields/constructs the green lanterns
make, absorb their energy, and make a comsic storm with their combined
might that destroys planest and the lanterns at the same time.
So like I said the Core is DC's biggest hitter, but I think those 5 characters
teamed together could take on the entire core with Thor and BRB taking
out most of them. If you were to add Galactus to this fight... game over.

You say well the Core can give rings to everyone in DC, making them even
just a bit more powerful they would be unstoppable. Well think if Galactus
was to do the same in Marvel giving his Cosmic powers to all the HEAVY
hitters! It would be an even more astronomical but woopin on the DC Verse
that what would have already happened.
No doubt that Marvel would destroy. Not only on a cooler level but a more badass level as well!
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