
Full Version: A face lift for a 50 year old Tibetan... and his new friend Abdhul
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Hi there I bought this old thing at a local car boot.
The seller wanted £6 but I haggled them down to £5. It's a Bosson head with a date of 1961 on the back and it's made of chalk. He's called the Tibetan and his head's 6" or 14cm. Now back in the '70s lots of houses had these in hallways and such (my dad had about 15 I was terrified of them as their eyes seemed to follow me down the hall). He sold them but they are now quite collectable and the detail on them is really good. I thought I'd have a go at repairing one as I thought it would stretch me as a painter and I fancied a change. As you can see he's had a few knocks and as chalk's soft it's easily damaged. Also a re-paint doesn't effect the re-sale price if done reasonably well. My wife disliked it by the way. I filled in the gaps matching the colours by mixing my GW acrylic paints and got some pretty fair matches. I also filled in any major damage with green stuff modeling putty I would say the entire job took me 2 hours I am reasonably confident I could now sell this at double the bought price but I think I'll keep him on my hall wall where he is now. Here he is finished, is it me or is he smiling a little bit more?
Thanks for checking this outWatchmen02
Just checked on ebay I found a really damaged one for £12.63 here a wothwhile project. Right now to painting those three Descent Ogres...
This is so weird and cool. I've never seen/heard of anything like it before...
WOW Samuraitrev. Thats an awesome re-paint. He does look likes he is smiling a little more. Really nice looking work
Your paint job seems to have certainly brightened his spirits!

It sort of reminds me of the Indian Chief from the Creepshow movie... O_O
Awesome job there Trev.
I found a new one on Chesterfield's Thursday flea market. It was £5 but I haggled him down to £2.50 telling him it was irreversibly damaged. Here's the before and after pics. He's now hung with his buddy in my hall way.
NICE! My room mate has this creepy bust of Nefertiti that he moves around periodically to spook me.
Samuraitrev, are you creating your own house of horrors?

It has got to be the spookiest place to go trick or treat. I feel kinda sorry for the little terrors in your neighborhood.
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