
Full Version: Unbelievable "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"
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Just heard on NPR's show "Wait wait...Don't Tell Me".

They have a section called "Bluff The Listener", where one story is true and the other 2 are made up. Today, one of the options was a book based on the original Pride & Prejudice, but with the added benefit of zombies. Come to find out, that was the actual story. I've looked it up, so here are a couple links to find the book.

With this, let's start something. What classic book do you think would be most improved with Zombies?

My example, let's say "Alice in Wonderland", which could be:
"Alice Battles Zombies in Wonderland" or
"Alice in Zombieland" or
"Zombie Alice in Wonderland"
How about:

"An Undead Christmas Carol" by Charles Decayins (see what I did there).

Miser Scrooge is visit by Jacob Marley's zombie and after bravely fighting him off, he 3 more zombies break their way in and after despatching the lot, Scrooge believes if he doesn't change his ways he will end up as a shambling corpse!

"Macdeath" by Zombie Shakespeare [Image: index.gif]

"Is this a dagger I see before me...oh shit, no it's a zombie!"

"The power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macdeath but a zombie horde now that's another matter!"

Actually a similar thing has happened for real in the past. The Val Lewton film "I walked with a zombie", is actually an adaptation of Jane Eyre..with voodoo and zombies (but not of the flesh-eating kind).
Douglas Adams' 'a Zombie hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy'
this would be rad.
it would be a sci-fi/horror/comedy that would bring to mind this question:
what is the answer to life the universe and everything?
-to which one heroic zombie might reply .... '...braaiins...'
cheers to the pineal gland
A Tale of Two Zombies

Z-War and Peace
Animal Farm by George Orwell. Not a bad book, but think of how great Zombie Farm would be! Whenever you start getting bored with the subtle commentary on Communism and World War II, you get to read some scenes about zombie livestock assaulting their survivors! Just think of how interesting it would have been if Old Major came back as a zombie pig! It would have given the book a million exciting new places to go! Silly George Orwell. If only he had realized what a golden opportunity he had.
War of the Worlds, with Zombies. Martians feed, then the dead return to get thier revenge upon the invaders. :-)
How about the Huckleberry Finn? It'd be alot harder to cruise down the mighty missip w/ the undead chasing your ass!
I just got a copy for my birthday recently. I also saw a copy of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter I want too.
Both P&P&Z and AL:VH are being made into movies:

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
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