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Hi Zombie fans.Zombie13

I know there are some Lovecraft fans lurking here as well, and I just watched an interesting movie last night that I wanted to let y'all know about. It was called "The Last Lovecraft: Cult of Cthulu." Anyone seen it? It was entertaining, but not phenomenal. Lots of cool Lovecraft elements, though.

It is about a relic being found in modern day, and the Miskatonic profs getting its sister relic in their posession to the "chosen" one so it can not be combined by the cult to free Cthulu. The chosen one is Lovecraft's last remaining heir, who has no idea even who Lovecraft is. He is chosen because that bloodline is immune to the psychic attacks of the starspawn. Because he has no idea wtf is going on, the chosen one relies on the comic book and gaming knowledge of his nerdier friends to triumph.

The flick has a sort of B-movie feel to it, and there are some cool makeup and gore effects. I would recommend it to any Lovecraft fan with 90 min to kill, but it may not hold the interest of anyone not interested in Cthulu already.
Neverheard of it......"LA LA CTHULHU FTAGN!" but it something I'd watch.


I think I caught parts of this on TV once. It was alright background.
I watched it on Netflix when I was bored one day. If you love "B" movies like I do then you will love this movie.
Ya, I saw it on Netflix too. It sat in my queue for about 4 months before I finally watched it. I enjoyed it.
I thought it was great, in a horribly cheesy movie way. I watched it a couple of times.
Haven't seen it but that trailer looked awful and did nothing to make me want to see the film!
I think I could have passed on most of it, even as a huge C-mythos fan. Two parts that made it worth it though, the animated Cthulhu massacring the dinosaurs...and mad-sailor ravings of Deep One buggery.
haha, just watched the trailer on youtube, looks like a fun movie, gonna check it tonight, thx for the movietip

grts Watchmen02
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