
Full Version: Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan
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If you're into wargames, enjoy simple rules and wooden blocks, you'll enjoy this game.

It's a two-player game which as the name suggests is a historic game which centers around establishing a unified Japan. To do this each player commands armies and generals in their fight for domination. But only a fool judges his forces by their numbers. It takes more than military might to win at the fields of glory as the generals need to rely on the loyality of their men.

The game is turn-based with wooden blocks representing unit types, strengths and allegiance and cards used for troop deployment and loyality checks. Units are moved on a map surface depicting the main island of Japan (Honshu I believe).


It's pretty straight forward and although you do rely on some luck, playing your strategy right is equally important.

* Simple rules
* Easy setup
* Fast paced
* 3 hours of fun
* Balanced
* Beautiful artwork

* 2 players only
* Not suited for use as a campaign mechanism to fight miniature battles
I was looking for a Game that I could use to generate "Samuari Battles" (C&C does untification of Japan).This looked
good but it only represents 1 year,so not much for a prolonged campaign.I finally Chose "A Most Dangerous Time"

If your idea was to find a board game to use as a campaign mechanism and fight the battles on the with samurai miniatures (sounds cool), I think you made the right choice. The loyality checks in Sekigahara are meant to surprise both friend and foe, so you would have to make some major changes to the rules if you want to have all troops at your disposal on the battlefield. Also, movement and the map doesn't fit my idea of a good campaign basis. It's a great boardgame but that's it.
I checked "A Most Dangerous Time" on BGG and it seems more appriopriate for the job.
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