
Full Version: Two Or More Villains
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So I have been playing with a few idea to make the game a bit more interesting. They all kind of play off the idea of having two or three villain at the same time. I was thinking of the game in which you had a vampire and a werewolf at two different locations and then had to fight them both in the time limit, and then I got to thinking about maybe trying a team game with two teams of four and three villains and doing a "best two out of three" giving the victory to the team that beats two of the villain. Unfortunately i have not been able to get my friends to try this with me and I was wondering if any one has tried a variant like this before. I actually got the idea from watching things like Van Helsing and Buffy the Vampir Slayer, and thought that it would be pretty interesting to play a game where there is more than one villain.
interesting idea!
???????? I guess the AtoE mechanic could handle it,balance might be an issue & when it calls for a roll on
the Minion Chart which would you roll on?

What is a AToE strongpoint for me is the Villain & his/her unique minions,unlike Arkham Horror
with its Monty Hall approach to encounters.I think additional Villains running around Shadowbrook
all at once for me would strain my suspension of reality a tad too much.

Still I enjoy adding stuff to my Games so I'd encourage you to see how you can work out the idea
& share it with us.

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