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by Graham McNeil vol 2 of the Dark Water Triology.

Maybe I should have waited to read this when the entire
Trilogy was complete as at this point I have all of
this blended together with the 2 books on The Lord of
Nightmares .

The Lord of Nightmares started in Kingsport & the last
book was set in Arkham.The Dark Water started in
Arkham & now Bones of the Yopasi is set mostly in Kingsport.
No wonder I get confused.

In any case as unlike The Lord of Nightmares Books
The Dark Water Books are all written by the same person
so at least you are mostly following the same characters.

The usual reference as many Board Game locations &
investigators as possible occures (one investigator gets
2 sentences & then is gone).McNeill manages to
pull in The High House in the Mist,The White Ship,Dream Lands,
The Terrible Old Man(he must be getting tired of visitors
-he was also in The Dance of the Damned) & a nice plot twist.

I don't know,it's an ok read(which applies to both series)
but the use of "town people just don't seem to notice"
is a bit much considering the body count.

Lovecraft & his best followers stuff was like unpeeling
an onion these series are like hacking open a watermellon.

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