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Hi and welcome to another Game Report. This Scenario is from the expansion Survival of the Fittest. It starts with a bang! Read on…

Scenario Special Rules: Grave Weapons, Always Zombie Heroes, Survival Decks, Barricades, Heroes Replenish.
Mission: The Heroes have to find 2 Unique Item cards with Keyword Records. (The code on the first Record A/B or C determines what happens to the Evidence/record. The code on the 2nd card determines where it needs to be taken. Zombies win by killing 3 Heroes.
Board Sections (random): Graveyard, Gun Shop, The Factory and the Junkyard.
Characters (random): Billy, Amanda, Stacy and Rachelle.
Starting Zombies: 7
Turns: 17

GWZ = Grave Weapon Zombie (The Zombies with the red bases in the photos)
UI = Unique Item

Rachelle is in the Gas Station with her Revolver and Flashlight. Billy and Amanda are at the Town Centre. Billy has some Ammo. Amanda has some Gasoline. Stacy is in the Junkyard.

Turn 1
Stacy: “I’ve been researching what’s been going on here. There IS a way to end this. You just have to trust me and do exactly as I say. I need you to get out there and find me any notes or evidence about how this started. Then I will know how to stop this. It’s our duty to stop this from spreading…”
Rachelle: “Look, you seem to know what you’re doing. Okay Billy, Amanda, I don’t want you putting yourselves in danger. You get in trouble and you come back here and wait for me. You can reach me on these C.B. radio packs. I’m going to get us all out of here I promise.”
Stacy and Rachelle leave and Billy and Amanda dive on top of each other frantically tugging off each others clothes. Amanda purrs,
Amanda: “Hurry Billy This Could Be Our Last Night on Earth.”
Stacy finds some Rusty Keys in the Junkyard. Rachelle breaks open the Gun cupboard in the Gas Station and finds a Hunting Rifle. Suddenly the door shatters as an enraged GWZ with a Rusty Axe starts breaking in. Rachelle quickly loads it and fires without thinking and the Zombie’s head explodes. Rachelle reloads and stands resolute, a single bead of perspiration runs down her spine…

Turn 2
A fast moving Zombie Shambles towards Stacy as she searches through the trunks of cars in the Junkyard and she is thrown against a car door. A deep wound had been opened across her forehead. Amanda makes a brave run and places the can of Gasoline at the feet of several lunging Zombies. She then retreats. Billy makes it into the Gas Station and gives Rachelle his Ammo.
Rachelle: “Billy, here take this Revolver. Do you know how to use a firearm?”
Billy: “Of course I do. I’m not a kid!”
Rachelle: (Watching Amanda) “Good girl, now watch the fireworks”
Rachelle fires at the Gasoline and misses. She now has to use the Ammo to reload.
Stacy frantically pulls at the Locked Door of the Junkyard. The Zombie looms over her and rends a chunk of flesh out of her shoulder wounding her.

Turn 3
Amanda: “I can’t believe you missed! I’m going now, I Have To Get To The Church. I know someone who can help. Shhh! Wait! The Lights just went Out in the Library. I suggest we stay away from there.”
Stacy was close to escaping the Junkyard but was tripped by a child Zombie. She fell to the ground her screams cut mercifully short.
Within moments she arose again as a Zombie Hero. A New Hero arrives in town. It’s Sam at the Town Centre. The Zombies were rotting and swarming with flies. They'd gained their 1st Advanced Ability: Infectious. Billy shoots a Stench of Death GWZ with the Revolver and kills it in the Gas Station. Rachelle makes a kill with her Rifle.
Rachelle: “Good shooting kid. Whoever trained you did a good job.”

Turn 4
Billy: “Hey look, Stacy’s back. Oh my God are you alr- Aghhhhhhhh!!!”
Billy is wounded by Zombie Hero Stacy in the Gas Station. Amanda has made it into the Church and discards I’ve Got To Get To The… The place was empty. Billy kills a Blood Spray GWZ with his Revolver. Sam takes a Shovel from the General Store. Rachelle kills another Zombie with a well placed Rifle shot. She had now become a Zombie shooting pro and had gained her Advanced Ability: Manhunt.

Turn 5
Billy: “My God They’ve Taken The Plant…”
All of a Sudden a Zombie was upon the exhausted Billy and he closed his eyes and awaited the inevitable.
Coach Packer: “Billy, Get out of here! I’ve got this now. RUNNNNN!”
Amanda Twisted her Ankle as she tried to saddle up T.J. Thoroughbred in the Church. Sam attacks Zombie Stacy with the Shovel and smashes its head into a thousand fragments. When the red mist cleared he realized he’d been Bitten.
Billy made it to safety and his Youth ensured his wound healed well. Rachelle fires her Rifle and kills a GWZ with a Pitchfork.

Turn 6
Amanda desperately tries to flee the Zombie swarmed Church on the back of T.J. Thoroughbred but the terrified horse only takes 1 step before throwing Amanda and bolting. Rachelle fired again from her sniper position with her Rifle and kills another Zombie. Billy makes it into the Gun Shop and kills another Zombie with his Revolver he’d now gained his Advanced Ability: Anger.

Turn 7
The same two Zombies who’d killed Stacy now had a taste for flesh and crept upon Sam. With a vicious bestial snarl the pacifist Zombie delivered the killing bite and Sam stopped breathing.
However he soon arose to walk the earth as a stinking Zombie. A new Hero arrived in town. It was Johnny in the Junkyard. The Zombies were gaining in number and had reached their 2nd Advanced Ability: Swarm. Rachelle's Rifle finally runs out of ammo in the Gun Shop and is discarded.

Turn 8
Johnny finds UI Book of Family History in the Junkyard. Stacy had dropped it just before she’d been killed. Billy finds UI Sam’s Dog Tags covered in blood. What had happened to him? Rachelle Picked Up her loaded Rifle from the Gun Shop and fired it; (click). It didn’t fire and she discarded it in frustration.

Turn 9
Billy finds UI Doc Broady’s Medical Bag he holds it under his arm and fires at a Zombie in the doorway killing it with his Revolver. Billy quietly thanked his father for teaching his so well. Rachelle Picks Up a new Rifle from the Gun Shop and kills a Sickle GWZ.

Turn 10
Amanda crawled on the floor in agony with her Twisted Ankle and winded from being thrown off the horse. Behind her four Zombies approached slavering gore. The first bite from the Explosive GWZ made her scream for the last time ever. The second bite from the Rusty Axe GWZ clamped around her throat and the night fell silent…

Result: Zombie Victory (3 Heroes Killed)
Hero of the Game: Johnny (1 record found)
Weapon of Choice: Hunting Rifle (6 kills)

The Book of Family History revealed who had been responsible for the Zombie outbreak but Johnny had tossed it aside when the call had been raised to retreat from Woodinvale. The secret remained and so did the solution Stacy had tried so desperately to find. It would fall on others to end this nightmare.

Upon Reflection:
When I needed my Heroes to move the most they just couldn’t. It would be easy to blame the dice gods but maybe I need to think more about keeping my Heroes on the move, far from the Zombies. The problem is (and the beauty) of this scenario is you can’t just keep moving you have to find those UIs 1st you need to be in a building with 1-3 then you need to roll 5+ just to get a UI card. You have to do this twice. Oh yeah and they have to be records… This is a good test for Hero veteran players and I’m starting to realize the clue's in the title with SotF! I would play this again and on a better day I’d hope to find my 1st record before Turn 8. The Zombies kept the pressure on and made life hell for the Heroes.

See you next time! If you're reading this, warm my cold heart and commentZombie13
To see the next game report go here
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