
Full Version: LNOE Grave Weapon Zombie
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Well, I tried my hand at one of my grave weapon zombies.... The smaller size really threw me... I need a super fine detail brush... Everything was going good through the base and the shading, then trying to detail it out I think I went overboard with blood and then my detail brush was all frayed for some reason... Here is my first zombie attempt... Hopefully it gets better... I am also getting supplies together to do some proper bases, so they look a little shotty on the base, sorry..
Love it!
Not that bad really
Not a bad effort! If your brush is all frayed it's time to get a new one. As you know a decent set of brushes is a must. Change your water pot regularity. Clean your brushes in cold running water. Store them in an upright cup. Use an old brush for drybrushing. (That technique can ruin your best brush in a short time). Keep at it and you'll definitely improve. I say for a 1st Zombie it's a win!
Painting the models really is an enjoyable and rewarding passtime.
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