
Full Version: Some new custom Game Cards
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Lately I created some new weapon game cards, the military weapon set.

But just some new weapon models are not enough for me, so I created these three cards. They can be combined with the military set or just added to the regular decks.

The Gunshot Attraction is stolen from another thread, but I love the idea and think it forces the Heroes to a bit more tacticle behaviour when using range weapons.
The Scope is one of my first custom cards, just edited the text a bit.
The Suppressor is an item to negate the influence of Gunshot Attraction.


Hope you like them and please correct the texts if there are any mistakes or misunderstandings.
Great cards. I would just change the wording from 'take infuence' to add.
I really like them, just thinking the first 2 should be in the unique item deck.. There should be like 2 or three of the gunshot attraction card in the zombie deck, and honestly I wouldn't mind having a couple of them in the hero deck too as a non remain in play (instant). That would be great in a defend the mansion game..
Nice work, I really like these.
You have some grammer and misspellings.

Scope: The hero may equip one Ranged Weapon with the scope, adding +1 to the weapons range.
When the weapon is discarded, the attached suppressor is discarded as well. Once this item is equipped to a weapon it does not add to the hero's item carrying limit.

Suppresor: The hero may equip one Ranged Weapon with the suppressor. The equipped weapon does not make a sound when fired to attract zombies.
When the weapon is discarded, the attached suppressor is discarded as well. Once this item is equipped to a weapon it does not add to the hero's item carrying limit.

Gunshot Attraction: Anytime a gun is fired for the first time that hero turn, all zombies on the same tile may move one space.

I worded the gunshot attraction one differently to not be too overpowered when a gun like the police shotgun is fired multiple times this could possibly cause a zombie to move multiple spaces. So I just added for the first time that turn.

All in all nice work I like the cards.
Now should the gunshot attraction have "move 1 space towards gunshot"? Or am I mis understanding the purpose of this card?
That's true fiskers I bet now it could be used to lure heroes away from a scenario objective such as destroying a generator
Thanks a lot to all of you, just what I needed.
Here are the updated versions.
Awesome! I like them. I think each of them is really neat, and adds a cool effect to the game. I also really dig the art on them. Looks like they actually belong in the game. ;-)
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