
Full Version: Art project: necromomicon and props
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Anyone here make there own necromomicon?

In my pathetic attempt at asking for permission peak behind the curtain, samuraitrev quoted the necromomicon.

I posted the project I started long ago as a Halloween party sign in book.

I was intent on filling it and finishing the cover in femo clay "skin". Of course I never filled it.

I always figure one day I would do it

Did anyone else make any props or such?


Heck I guess store bought props are good too. I have the necromomicon versions of evil dead though try are ripping. I have lots of halloween props, especially a few zombies and even the light up Halloween towns.


Does anyone else do art projects? decorating? and thematic game room design?
I say WHAT? All this stuff look ultra awesome and very professional. Do you work as an prop deisgner for movies? And your miniatures look so cool that I directly want to play with it, like a little kid.

Sadly I am not that in decoration or designing so cool props. But I am ok with 3D CAD programs and photoshop.

Looking forward to your next projects.

PS: Like your Halo collection, too (left bottom on the last pic).
Oops the bottom stuff was bought. I made the top book.

I was wondering if others did art crafts but then figured i shouldn't leave out decorating and collecting. I tried to separate the ideas.

I have made little statues here and there but nothing big those were all given out.

I can sketch and paint a little. I am color blind so I haven't painted much.

These are sketches in my "on the train" book

Something more whimsical

The book's pretty darned sweet. It sure would make a good sketch book cover.
Really cool place you've got there. The book rocks too!
Hey, these pictures look like my family pictures album. Weird ???

(06-27-2013 10:35 AM)Lythaeum Wrote: [ -> ]Oops the bottom stuff was bought. I made the top book.

I was wondering if others did art crafts but then figured i shouldn't leave out decorating and collecting. I tried to separate the ideas.

I have made little statues here and there but nothing big those were all given out.

I can sketch and paint a little. I am color blind so I haven't painted much.

These are sketches in my "on the train" book

Something more whimsical
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