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I also seem to recall Soundgirl reporting that the two CDs (one for each base set) would be different. There'd be some tracks in common, but the otherworld tracks would be very different.
I trust we get an update today & more SG + an Add-0n.We're less than $5000 off the last SG(Void Hounds)
& the MC7 are closed.(for good?..or just waiting to add more as they have in the past?Jason did say the
MC7 was not unlimited.

I hope we get something as I think pledges will be held off until we get something new.
If they can put out some more stuff & get the Euro Vat bit selttled I think this will
go to a Mil+ rather quickly.


PS: FFP added a 100 MC7 but still waiting for new SC & Add-ons
Yeah, I expect we'll get an update soon. We're about to get through the last of the listed stretch goals, but I also know they've been distracted with other stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming next, but I'm also being patient; they need space right now due to dealing with a personal loss. They'll get to an update as soon as they can, I'm sure.
I asked Soundgirl today: "One of my favorite things about all FF games has been some of the wonderfully cinematic moments we've had in our board games, such as when Billy passed Sally the keys to the truck and drew the zombies off of her to let her escape; or when Anne Marie faced the Unspeakable Horror with a library of books in her collection, destroying the fleshy tentacled monster in a single attack. Are there any moments you've had in Shadows of Brimstone that stick out like that to you, personally?"

Her response: "Oh yes, the Bandido writing in his journal that he had just been attacked by a pack of stranglers, The Bandido complaining that the Targa Plateau was too cold, in Spanish, while gathering his weathered poncho up around him, The Saloon Girl feeling used as other heroes kept yelling "Give me some comfort, damnit!", The Preacher smiting demons with his Judgments, The Rancher shootin' varmints one after another, and The Bandido getting too happy with his dynamite and blowing up his fellow posse members (we had to change a rule because of that one.)."

I'm getting way too excited about this game, dammit. I still have to wait 9 months before I can play it!
Aaand new stretch goals announced!
The Drifter pare him with the Bandidio & the gunslinger & we Have The Good, the Bad & the Ugly.
Looks like we're enough over $700K that the Void Hounds are are going to stick around
(they went back into the Void several times this night).

Still looking for some more love on the Add-Ons for us MC pledgers.The new set of 100 they
put up really isn't moving & we need some new stuff for them to get people to buy in plus
it will stop drops outs.

And we lost a few more Minecart backers, so we're back under 700K. Dammit.

I suspect there will be four things we'll get which will really get things moving again, two in the short-term, and two in the long-term:
1: A new update.
2: A new Add-on (and let's face it, more add-ons throughout the campaign, as they've promised, will only make things even better).
3: EU shipping; I believe them when they say they're working on it and they promise to have a solution before the end of the campaign.
4: A gameplay example. They said they're working on it; that might even be in the form of the upcoming update.
I figure once those are in, we'll get out of the current stalled status.
We just cleared 700K Again but it's a real roller coaster ride.GD if FFP can get
those 4 things I expect we'll see a real take off.

The dropping MC backers seem to be dropping back to Outlaw so once new Add-ons appear
that make MC seem like a good deal again should bring them back.


PS just noticed discussing with GD,SoB looks like I'm, cursing.
Looks like we got 3 out of your 4 predictions. Hopefully once EU wakes up we can get the campaign rolling again.
Nice wake up this AM an Update, Euro -Vat solved & a naked chicks with horns/tails add-ons.
The MC7 is up 10 pledges from last night.

I don't think SoB will stall again.

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