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So my question doesn't have to do with going walls or anything like that but the wording on the card is confusing regarding HOW MANY adjacent spaces it is referring to.
"At the end of the Hero's move, they may make a free Combat attack using the Fence Post against each Zombie in one adjacent space."
It can be interpretted two ways to me.

1) If there are multiple zombies in an adjacent space you could attack all zombies in that ONE SPACE.
2) If there are zombies in multiple adjacent spaces you get to attack each one of them as long as they are within one space.

My crew has been playing based on theory 1. but if anyone has any concrete answer we'd love to hear it.
You and your group are playing it correctly with theory 1. Here' some extra info on the Fence Post from Jason C.Hill

Fence Post
'Adjacent' is meant to include diagonals and is NOT blocked by walls. Think of it as stabbing the Fence Post through a window or door to skewer a Zombie on the other side.

That is correct. The Fence Post is a Double-Handed weapon which means that it counts as 2 weapons (you are only allowed to carry 2 weapons at a time). Because of this, you could not carry the Fence Post and the Revolver at the same time.
As for what the Fence Post does -
The Fence Post has a 'Combat Bonus:' that lets you roll an extra Fight Dice. It also allows you to Fight every Zombie in one adjacent space at the end of your move. If the Zombie wins, nothing happens. If you win and get doubles, the Zombie dies as normal. These Fights with Zombies in an adjacent space are in addition (and occur before) any normal Fights in your own space. Of course, you get to use the extra Fight Dice Combat Bonus in all of these Fights (in your own space and adjacent).

The Hero is still in their own space, only the Fight is considered to be in the Zombie's space. Example, Billy would still get the 'Beautiful' bonus from Amanda as he is in the same space as her.
A good example of a time that the location of the Fight might matter is if 'Lizzy, The Shopkeeper' is on a building and the Hero is inside that building, but the Zombie is not. The Fight does not take place in the building, so Lizzy would not be able to help.

A Hero must 'Move' to be able to use the Fence Post to attack an adjacent space, even if they don't actually go anywhere.

The Fight takes place in the Zombie's space. and P. 10 Growing Hunger Rulebook
Best solution: Remove Fence Post from the game and pretend like it never existed. It's the only card I recommend you do that with.
(12-15-2013 10:06 PM)SSTrunks85 Wrote: [ -> ]" one adjacent space."

To boil it down, the rule seems clear that you can only attack one space.
(12-15-2013 10:31 PM)mqstout Wrote: [ -> ]Best solution: Remove Fence Post from the game and pretend like it never existed. It's the only card I recommend you do that with.

I agree. This card is more trouble than the play it delivers.
(12-15-2013 10:31 PM)mqstout Wrote: [ -> ]Best solution: Remove Fence Post from the game and pretend like it never existed. It's the only card I recommend you do that with.

Lol disagree. Shit's strong. We love it.
I happen to think the fence post is awesome and bad@$$. It is a bit confusing at first, but once you understand how to properly use it, it is pretty cool.
Agreed. We love it and it somehow raises the spirit of the Heroes every time it's found.
Fence Post stays in on my tableZombie17
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