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Andras Peterson posted this up on BGG:

Hello Brimstone fans, Jason recently did a lot of Q&A on kickstarter and therefore, I am posting them here. Mind you this is mostly for backers general question for wave 1 of the core sets.
(Questions is written in Italics)

Pledge Manager:

@ Alex Colbert – “will we be able to buy things from the stretch goal list in the PM?” – Not sure yet.

@ William Cunningham – “How long do you think the pledge manager will be live?” – I really can’t say just yet. Still needs to be finalized.

@ Andrew Wilde – “so excited about this game, the minis, the art, backstory, rules, really stoked! Will we see any extra unlocked goals in the pm, or options on getting other FFP games with credit? Thanks ” – Thanks! Can’t say yet, that would be a spoiler!

@Tanya – “Pledge Manager?” – The Pledge Manager will be coming after we get back from Gencon. It should be pretty cool when it hits and will have a couple of small surprises as well.


@ Martin – “just wondering, will post international pledges for wave 1 first since it takes longer to get here? ( don't want to wait till November )?” – We haven’t finalized the shipping schedule yet, but I can tell you that the EU shipping won’t be happening before everyone else because it is going to be shipped from within the EU and that is taking a lot more investment of time and resources to figure out.

@ Jason – “is there a chance that the KS might ship in 3 waves? Or it is 100% 2 waves?” – Based on the extremely high costs of shipping (especially for international), we can’t afford to do more than 2 Waves of shipping. That being said, we are talking about possibly offering one or two additional intermediate waves of shipping for an extra cost in the pledge manager. We’ll have to wait until the PM hits and that is finalized before I have any more info though.

@ Ken Hiseler – “Do you already have and/or how are you planning to get our mailing addresses for shipment?” – We do not have them yet. We haven’t finalized that yet, but it will most likely either be the KS Survey or the actual Pledge Manager itself if it come online in time.

@ Rad – “when can we expect our core box to arrive specifically?” – I can’t tell you when you will receive them, as I am not the one actually delivering them to your doorstep. What I can tell you is that if everything stays on schedule, we should receive the first Ocean Freight shipment toward the end of the month and will start sending out backer copies as soon as we have it unloaded. We will then be receiving additional containers of games over the weeks following that (if everything stays on schedule) and will continue to ship them out as fast as we can unpack and label them.

@ Gavin Meakings – “Can you confirm what is happening regarding the European shipments? Are they being sent straight to a European distribution center from China?’ – As we announced during the KS campaign, the Core Sets will be shipping from within the EU and will be sent directly to Europe from China. I can’t really go into any more on that just yet though, as we are still finalizing all of the details.

Upgrade Pleadge:

@ Alex Colbert – “are you still going to let us buy additional pledges in the pledge manager? For example, I have a Minecart but added $150 on top of that to buy an additional Outlaw level in the PM. Is this still an option? Also, If you have the PM available before shipment of Wave 1 and we buy additional core sets (as part of a pledge or individually) will they ship with Wave 1?” – That is something that we are discussing right now as the costs for production are higher than originally anticipated. I can’t say for sure just yet.

@ Jonathan Buchalter – “Will we be able to upgrade to minecart via the pledge manager? I for one full intend to do so if able?” – Again, due to production costs being higher than anticipated, I can’t say one way or another just yet. That won’t really be finalized until the PM goes live.

What will ship?

@ Jason – “will any other extra classes be packed in wave 1” – The Outlaw cards and rules will be included, but the figure is not ready yet. No other Classes are through manufacturing yet.

@ Jason – “On a similar note, will be getting the deluxe outlaw figures in Red with wave 1?” – Yes!

@ Gavin Downing – “Any chance of anything else included in Wave 1 beyond the two core boxes?” – I can’t say for sure, but we will likely have some of the peripheral stuff ready like paint sets and some extra cards. There won’t be any other plastic figures that are ready for Wave 1.

2nd wave:

@ Joe – “It has been mentioned that all the stretch goals (phase 2 shipping) will be doled out to retail over a period of years to not overwhelm those channels, but I have not seen mentioned what time frame we Kickstarter backers could expect for delivery of all the remaining items. Any rough ideas (3/6/9 months or are we talking years too)?” – Well, we don’t have a solid delivery estimate for Wave 2 yet, but I can tell you that it won’t be ‘Years’ by any stretch. There is a lot of content that still needs to be designed, tested, sculpted, painted, layout, and production, not to mention manufacturing, packing, and shipping time. It will not be within the 3 or 6 month timeframe. We are working hard though to make the best game and the best content we can and we would rather have everything be awesome than everything be fast. We have broken a lot of ground getting the process sorted by doing the Core Sets and now it is a matter of creating the vast amount of content needed to cover all of the additional material.

@ Lou Michalski – “is the ks exclusive outlaw class going to be with first wave items or in one of the following waves?” – A little of both. We were working to get the Outlaw ready for Wave 1, but the figures for it aren’t through manufacturing yet. That being said, we do have the cards, Hero Character Sheet, and the Hero Rules (Upgrade Skill Tree, etc) ready to go. The current plan is to go ahead and send all of the cards and rules for the Outlaw with Wave 1 and include the figure for it when Wave 2 ships. Until then, players can pretty easily use one of the other figures to represent the Outlaw (such as the Gunslinger, Law Man, Bandido, etc). The Outlaw figure is going to be cool when it’s ready though!


Looks like Gavin will need to Proxy The Outlaw for a while.
So I guess it will be around another year before all of SoB
is delivered.

Yeah, I'll proxy my Outlaw. That's okay. Happy to be getting the rules, though!

Also, if they decide to allow people to pledge more to get additional shipments sooner, I'll definitely be doing that!
I was really hoping for my Granny Prospector to be a part of the first wave, but there is plenty of game to play without her.
Looks like the paint sets will be available for 1st wave which is good news for me as I'm
scraping my old GW paints to finish up an Italian & Russian Army for my Victorian
Steam Punk project.

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