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Got a germ of an idea....

A game function that allows the Zombie Player to spawn a living human group....say two zombies for one 'living'.

This 'living' would be generic, one hit each and no abilities, but can move 1d6 and search and use Hero Cards. They can shoot, attack, etc. the Heroes, providing the usual living problems that zombie movies present.

In return, the Heroes can take a Zombie card in place of a Hero card and can play it on a zombie during the zombie turn providing that zom is not in the same location, adjacent or within one of a Hero and that has not been used by the zombie player that turn. Playing the card activates the zombie and allows use of the card with that zombie. This uses up the zombie for that turn. The zombies, of course, can be used against the living.

Just a idea hatching....
I Like this idea.. since not all living people in a Zombie Apocalypse help each other, in fact they fight each other.. I was thinking maybe to roll a die or something when entering a building.. to see if theres already another looter in there that doesn't want you to take "his stuff".

Then i thought maybe to hide them in the Hero deck (as town folks) so when they are pulled, the zombie player take control of them.. but then maybe they need some own character templates.. Well i like your idea, it just hatched some ideas in my head too Watchmen02
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