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Do you think there will be a new advanced abilities deck for the characters introduced in the Anniversary edition of the base game and Hero Pack 2? or perhaps they'll include the relevant cards in both?
No, I guess the Experience rules replace this aspect.
Right, the up-to-date way to obtain an Advanced Ability is to buy it with experience exactly like a regular Hero Upgrade card.

A while back Jason clarified (and samuraitrev gathered up answers including this one, which I repost here for convenience)

Quote:Advanced Abilities combined with Timber Peak

- A Hero's Advanced Ability works just like a normal Hero Upgrade - get enough Experience Tokens to get an Upgrade and you can choose to take a Random card from the top of an Upgrade Deck (Melee, Ranged, or Special), or you can take the Hero's unique Advanced Ability that is only available to them. Hero Advanced Ability cards count exactly like Hero Upgrades in every way (other than that they are unique to a specific Hero).

- Zombie Advanced Abilities are slightly different than normal Zombie Upgrades in that they are stronger, permanant bonuses and so cost 5 Experience Tokens each (instead of the normal 3). Draw randomly from the Zombie Advanced Abilities cards.

This replaces the previous method for getting Experience on the original version of the Advanced Abilities Rule sheet (it was originally that Heroes could only collect up to 1 Experience Token per turn and that Zombies only got an Advanced Ability by killing a Hero - this was to slow down the system a bit when there were fewer Upgrades to be had, and when there weren't other normal Hero and Zombie cards to support the system).
Anyone who purchases the Advanced Abilities Supplement now is receiving the new version of the Rule sheet (with these changes) and the plan is to post the new Rule sheet on the website as a free download shortly (with the changes noted above).

The new Heroes in Timber Peak do not have Advanced Abilities yet (they did just start fighting Zombies afterall ;> ). The intent is to address this in a future Supplement, once a few more Timber Peak era Heroes are released.

So in my opinion, the only advantage given by the Advanced Abilities cards is that these particular heroes have an option of knowing what their upgrade will be before they buy it - one time - in the case of their card, OR taking a random one... I think we could easily write up home-brewed advanced abilities for the remaining Heroes to give the others this same advantage, if the Frogs don't end up addressing this themselves at some point.
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