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The following is a Solo Variant of mine using 1 GOO Cult Board & 1 Investigator(the Soldier),
This Variant randomly selects 1 Town Investigation Card & if solved gives a major victory.
The regular rules victory of exhausting the Cult deck is a minor victory.

The Cards of Cthulhu & the Beyond the Veil Expansion generate story lines which you can
see I got a bit carried away with.


Aron's Acre
New Hampshire


I'm writing first of all to try to assemble in my mind the various weird happenings that
have occurred since I arrived at Aron's Acre 3 months ago. It's been an up and down
year for me so far; back in February I was caught up in an ammo storage bunker explosion
at my post at Ft Dix which left me with a severe hearing impairment. Needless to say this
ended my Army career with a medical discharge and a small military pension. Then a bit
of good luck I received a letter from an attorney that my Great Uncle Hiram had died and
I had inherited his house up in New Hampshire North Country.

Needless to say I lost no time traveling to the Attorney's Office in Littleton NH signing the
papers, picking up the keys and getting some directions to Aron's Acre which is about 30
miles from Littleton. My mood was light but the closer I got to my destination the more
depressed I became. The vistas were not the typical New England scenery I expected
but brooding hills descending into dark valleys. The evidence of human habitation was
slight and consisted of dilapidated shacks void of any paint .I stopped for directions
at a gas station and found myself talking to a slack jaw ,dull eyed, greasy attendant
who mumbled something to my questions and gave me the creeps so much I left
quickly. To my good fortune I found the side road I had been looking for just a bit
up the road.

Uncle Hiram house was a two story Saltbox that looked sturdy enough although
several outbuildings would need major repairs. Upon entering I found it comfortably
if sparsely furnished. The 2nd floor contained a library which unlike the rest of the
house was cluttered and I realized I would need to spend some time organizing
the piles of papers and books- Oh that I would just have closed the door and left.

Later that afternoon I retrieved from my car a few bags of groceries I had secured in
Littleton and prepared my supper. I planned to spend the evening going over Uncle
Hiram's Library but with a full stomach and a couple glasses of wine I decided it
had been a long day and went to bed.

The next morning I decided to survey my property which according to Uncle Hiram's Lawyer
consisted besides the house some 15+ acres. Turning my attention to the out buildings I found
the barn empty except for a large grain bin which was about 3/4 full of some type of feed.
The other 3 building turned out to be chicken coops which unlike the barn appeared to be
in sound shape and from there condition it was evident they had been occupied recently,
I assumed that the lawyer handling the estate had sold them off but it was obvious Uncle
Hiram was a serious chicken rancher and it was probably the source of his income.

Next I turned my attention to the back property and just beyond the coops the woods started
and beyond them a ridge of low dark hills. Finding a well worn trail I followed it into the woods
and soon came upon a joining trail going off the East and from that point on I began see foot
prints which indicated perhaps a dozen or so individuals. My curiosity aroused I continued up
the trail and in about 30 minutes I came out of the woods and entered a small gap in the hills.

Entering the gap it led to a clearing and a large mound which the surrounding hills cast the
whole area in perpetual dimness .The mound and the clearing were void of vegetation and
from the many foot prints it was obviously the destination of my unknown trespassers.
I also notice an abundance of chicken feathers strewn around the area. The place was giving
me the willies so I left and returned back down the trail to where it had branched off to the East.
Feeling a little foolish about being spooked I decided to follow trail Eastward.

In about an 45 minutes the trail ended behind a clapboard building and I found myself in the village
of Aron's Acre. Looking around the place seem deserted as I walked around finding a
General Store and Post Office, a shuttered café and the gas station I had stopped for directions
the previous day. A dozen or so houses completed the entirety of the village.

I had this uneasy feeling that I was being watched from behind the closed windows of the
village and turned back to the trail noticing the clapboard building which I had first taken for
a church front entrance had a sign that read Silent Call Lodge. Before I could proceed further
the door of the lodge open and 2 rustic types approached me asking what I was doing on their
property. I explained who I was hoping being Uncle Hiram's relative would vouch for me
and that I was just looking over my new home found the trail and just followed it to the
back of the lodge. The men never introduced themselves but proceeded to question me about
my relationship with Hiram. Once I explained I really didn't know the man they lost interest
wished me a good day and returned to the lodge. I walked back to the house feeling that this
corner of New England had probably a bit too much inbreeding.

Having had enough exercise, I made coffee fixed a sandwich and went upstairs to tackle
Hiram's library. The stacks of paper were just junk mail, Police Gazettes, old receipts from
which I learned Uncle Hiram was a railroad man who received a comfortable pension check monthly.

The books on his desk were an odd lot they were obviously old and a few appeared to be written in
Latin I returned them to the shelves where they seemed out of place among the expansive collection
of Zane Grey/ Edgar Rice Burroughs novels. A few books bore the imprint "Property of Miskatonic "
University so I put them aside to send back to the University Library .Two books caught my interest
one was a ledger that Hiram had notated Contributions for the Master which listed 15 names and the
amounts of money they gave on a monthly basis. Clipped to each months page were receipts for chicks?
It seemed that Uncle Hiram wasn't raising chickens to sell he was buying them but for what?

The other untitled book turned out to be a journal that Hiram kept as a daily account of his activities.
Mostly it was mundane accounts of his work with the chickens but nothing on what he actually
did with them. The accounts of the weather ,day trips to Littleton and Whitefield ,complaints about
his lumbago soon grew boring then a phase caught my attention as it was so outlandish." The Call
will come tonight with the full moon praise the Master praise Arwassa, the silent shouter on the Hill"
Reading on with renewed interest I noticed this phase was written everytime a full moon occurred and
there were also references to lodge meetings and even a mention to an initiate receiving the feeding ritual
upon the sacred mound.

My sandwich forgotten I pondered on what the hell my Uncle was involved in it seemed this Lodge
and reference to the Call had to be the Silent Call at Aron's Acre and the sacred mound had to be
that thing in the back of my property. I decided that this lodge was carrying on activities on my
property and I wanted to get to the bottom of this situation. A full moon was due next week and I
decided to see what was going on with these crazies.

Looking back I realize this was my last time of normalcy before the black horror engulfed me.

The night of the full moon I secreted myself in the branches of a pine tree overlooking where
the trails intersected on my property and waited. Shortly before midnight I saw lanterns and
about a dozen or so people came from the trail from the village and turned into the North
passage leading to the mound. They were men and women and they carried sacks with them
whose contents were moving around inside. I recognized the two men from the lodge and the gas
station attendant in the group.Giving them time to pass my location I climbed town and followed
them at a safe distance .

Reaching the clearing I heard chanting getting a near as I dared, I saw the group shambling around the mound
and then I noticed the top of the mound begin to rise. Floating just above the mound was a creature from Hell
it had a vaguely human torso with a short neck supporting a toothless maw and tentacular appendages.
The groups chanting rose to horrid screams of Arawassa and they opened their sacks and pulled out chickens and
throwing them into the monster's maw.

My nerves completely gave way I screamed ran losing my hat in my mad rush through the woods not stopping
until I reached my house and barred the doors. I spent the rest of night shivering in terror until the daylight began
to stream through the windows.I regained some of my composure and almost convinced myself that last night
had been a dream until I opened my back door and there on the stoop was my hat covered in bloody chicken
feathers …..they knew I had seen them.

I panicked got in my car and drove to the NH State police barracks in Littleton doing my drive I realized I couldn't
say some Cultist crazies were conducting some sort of a summoning a monster on my property. Instead I report that a group
of illegal deer hunters were trespassing. The desk sergeant informed me I could not file a complaint as I didn't know
who the trespassers were but I was instant that I was personally threatened and although I didn't know names I
recognized some of the hunters from the local village so he finally agreed to send a trooper up to have a look.

Two days later the trooper showed up I showed him my hat and the bloody feathers and took him out to the
trail and all the foot prints leading toward Aron's Acre. I also told him I thought the hunters were members of the
Silent Call lodge in the village. The trooper said he would check it out and let me know what he found out.
a couple of hours later the trooper returned and told me he had talked with the some of the lodge members and
they denied hunting and being on my property and said I was just mad because they had caught me on the lodge's property.
He said he had in any case made it clear that hunting out of season was illegal and my property was off limits.

That night my barn burnt down and I knew It was a warning from the lodge. I hadn't run from the Krauts back in 18
and I was damned if I was going to run now. If was a fight they wanted I'd give them one . I put up gate where the
trail entered my property and posted No Trespassing signs & got out my rifle. Those Yahoos are too dumb to organize
these goings on there had to be a head honcho & if necessary, I would hunt him down & put an end to this crap.Things were
quiet for the next few weeks and I began to feel by May that I had won then the terror began.


I had spent some time in my uncle's library trying to learn more about the Lodge & delving into some of the more
estoc volumes. I discovered some spells & chants that might prove useful. One spell was so Dark & terrible I burned it.
This was probably just hocus pocus but what I saw that night a few weeks ago certainly wasn't rational. I also came across
a wicked looking dagger in a box with a faded scrap of paper which contained a Ritual in my uncles scratchy handwriting.

A few nights later setting on my back porch I again heard the low chanting & then a flash of sickly green light
which hung in the air in the direction of the Mound.I grabbed my rifle & set off into the woods to confront my tormentors.
Arriving at the Mound I found the Cultist prostate before an oval of sickly green light chanting Mi-Go---Mi Go along with
some large Insect creature that seemed to be leading them. I had a sudden insight to one of the Rituals from my
uncles damned books & half believing uttered the strange sounds & to my astonishment the green oval dissipated.

The Insect Thing made an horrid buzzing sound & headed towards me followed by one the braver Cultist as the rest
had staggered to their feet & fled. I hadn't loaded my rifle, as I just planned to scare them off so I just took it by
the barrel & brought it down on the damned bug's head. It went down & seeing this the Cultist turned to run but I caught
up with him & clubbed him senseless in a combat frenzy. Suddenly everything was still & I was alone with a dead Bug
& probably a dead Cultist who I checked over & was repulsed by the mutated tentacles on his face. Too tired to deal
with the situation I returned to the house & collapsed into a deep sleep.

(1st Turn Summary=drew Cards Gate,MI-Go,Cultist & Dark Magic.
Actions-spent 3 ex.points to remove Gate +1 ex.point & no purchase of black Magic Card = +1 ex.point,
purchased Ritual Dagger = -1 ex.points

Combat dice Roll: 6/4/3-used to remove 1 Cultist & 1 Mi-Go for Total of 2 ex.points)
Total Experience Points left =4)

May 2nd Week:

I awoke next morning thinking I had a terrible dream then I realized I was still fully dressed with my rifle
lying next to me its stock smeared with blood & ichor.God was it all real! My mind raced it had been dark &
I was keyed up had the stress triggered a flashback to the western front; had I killed 2 crazies wearing
bazar costumes? My first instinct was to go to the Sheriff in Littleton but instead I decided to check out the
Mound.Upon arrival I found no bodies nothing except a large rock painted red with odd black symbols. I gasped
realizing I had seen such a rock illustrated in one of my uncle's outré books. It was a Death Rock! I knew now a line
had been crossed no sheriff could help, this was now all personal. The Cult knew I was an enemy & a brutal private
war between us had started. I returned to my house & cleaned & loaded my rifle. Looking around the old root cellar
I found some dynamite but it was old so I discarded it for safety. There was also a jar labeled Poison arsenic
which I kept.

I didn't need to wait long for the Cult to retaliate that night I heard noises on my back porch & upon checking
it out I found one of the mutated Cultist helping himself to my jug of corn liquor. I guess he was fortifying himself
before breaking in to kill me in my sleep. He barely had time to look up when I shot him. I dragged the body back
to the woods figuring his companions would clean things up like they did at the mound.

I retrieved my jug & had an idea if these mutants had a taste for liquor I could set a trap.I returned to the root cellar
to get the arsenic jar & emptied its contents into the remaining liquor in the jug then returned it to the back porch.
Satisfied things were in hand I went back inside set in my easy chair with my rifle to keep watch.

I woke up with the sun light streaming on my face still holding my rifle I would have to be more careful in the future.
The rest of the morning I checked out the woods & as I figured the mutant Cultist's body was gone. I was beginning to
see a pattern with these Cultists. Most were just poor ignorant swamp yankees carried along by the group rituals &
the supernatural experiences.The dangerous ones were the true believers whose mind & bodies had been mutated by their
devotion to their Dark God this Arwassa.

Later that afternoon there was a knock at the door which I carefully answered rifle in hand. Instead of a Culist my
visitor was a young lady who introduced herself as Lilly Parker an assistant researcher from Miskatonic University who
had received the books I had returned. She was anxious to view the other books that I had mentioned were in my late
uncle's library. I tried to warn her off but my recounting of the Eldritch Horrors I was experiencing just made her
determined to stay and she was soon ensconced in Hiram's Library. I had little choice but to offer her one of the spare

(2nd Turn Summary-drew Cards Cultist, Assistant Follower,Poison Trap, Dynamite
Actions-Spent used rifle = -1ex.point,slayed Cultist =+1 ex.point,added Follower =-1 ex.point, added poison Trap =-1 ex.points
discarded Dynamite +1 ex.point.

Combat dice rolls=N/A
Total Experience Points remaining =3)

May 3rd Week

Lilly & I spent most of this week going through my uncle's trunks & boxes. She found what she called a Necklace of the Veil
& came running to show me saying it was a powerful talisman. Her excitement cooled when upon further investigation she found
its power was drained & it was now just a useless curio & she discarded it back to the trunk. Lilly also told me I was getting
more company as she had invited Arthur Stowe an Art Dealer & guest lecturer at Miskatonic University to come & examine the
various illustrations from my uncle's books.I suggested his visit might be unwise given the circumstances, but she assured me
the man was an expert on creatures that dwelled beyond the wall or reality & would be an invaluable help with any such creatures
as I might encounter. Arthur arrived at the end of the week & proved to be a pompous ass & it was only at Lillys insistence
that I surrendered my remaining spare bedroom to him. Besides putting up with Arthur the week was uneventful but the days
seemed to reflect a growing unease .Lilly & Arthur both said Malignant beings were gathering just beyond reality. I took their
word for it. as with studying my uncle's books & daily discussions with my two guests I was becoming more acquainted with
these Invisible Realms. Frankly I was relieved no one or thing had tried to kill me for the entire week.

(3rd Turn Summary-drew cards- Art Dealer Follower, Lesser Horrow ,Major Horror, Necklace of the Veil Item.
Actions-added Follower=-1 exp.point, discarded Necklace of the Veil + 1 ex.point.

Combat dice rolls=N/A
Total Experience Points remaining=3)

May 4th Week

My respite proved short lived the next day I discovered my poison jug trap had claimed a victim. Sprawled on my back porch was a
Terribly mutated Cultist from the extent of his mutations I can only assumed he had to be one of their Leaders. Surprisingly
Arthur offered to help cart the body off to the woods for disposal. That night such a feeling of dread settled over the house that
I despaired & my Sanity was shaken. Lilly & Arthur both having more experience in the occult explained the sense of dread was from
the auras of presence from Horrors from beyond realities veil had entered our plane of existence. Arthur observed from the strength
of the aura we were feeling it was probable a Minor Horror.

Refusing to be cowed I was determined to put end to this Horror & again I was surprised that Arthur volunteered to accompany me.
I picked up my rifle but Lilly suggested that the strange dagger I found in my uncle's belongings would be a better weapon to use.
We set off for the woods but we had barely got to the end of the backyard when this Cultist charged us. He was on me at once before
I could use my dagger but my hand-to-hand army training kicked in & I broke his neck.

The Horror came at us. God if this was a Minor Horror I'd hate to encounter a Major one. Arthur hissed in my ear it's a K'Thun like
I wanted an introduction to this hairy thing.Before it could grab me, I recited the Ritual that came with the dagger & planted into
its bloated stomach .The Horror just blinked out of existence alas it took my dagger with it as well. Returning to the house I
thanked Lilly & Arthur for their help had 2 beers & went to bed.

(4th Turn Summary-Drew Cards-Ritualist Follower, Explorer Follower,Lamp-Efts,Leng Spider
Actions-discarded both Follower Cards=+2 exp.points,slayed Cult Leader=+1 exp.points,(poison trap)
Combat dice rolls= 4/5/2/2 used to slay Slayed K'Thun =+2exp.points,Slayed Cultist=+1exp.point
Total Experience points remaining=8)

June 1st Week

June started off quietly but by the end of the 1st week I once again felt my sanity slip. I managed to calm myself enough to
head out to get some supplies but got no further than my front yard when huge reptilian creature shambled up my drive way.
I ran for the house but it caught me & we struggled. The creature wounded me, but I manage to break loose & get back inside
the house. Arthur said I had tangled with a Major Horror called Nioth-Korghai & was damn lucky to be alive. I didn't feel
so luck as I bound up the wound in my side which hurt like hell!

(5th Turn Summary-Drew Cards-Tycoon Follower,Priest Follower,Byakhee,Disruption of Ritual item)
Action - Discarded Tycoon & Priest & Disruption item=+3 exp.points, 3 Minions on board woke up Major Horror =-3 Sanity.
Combat dice=5/5/2 =against Major Horror=No Effect.Wound on Investigator=-1 Health dice
Total Experience Points remaining=8)

June 2nd Week

We were now barricaded in the house Lilly suggested that the Nioth-Korghi probably could not enter the house as my uncle
had set protection wards in case he lost control of any of the beings from beyond the Veil he dealt with. Whatever the
wards were they had no effect on the crushing weight of terror & despair that began to push down on us. Lilly said it
was the power or Arwassa focused on us & our lives were at stake. In desperation she attempted a counter spell & fell
into a deep meditative trance. Suddenly she screamed & collapsed as the power of the Old One's lifted. Arthur & I ran to
her but she was unresponsive.

We needed to get her to the hospital in Lttleton but the presence of the Major Horror outside was blocking our exit.
I resolved to confront the creature & poured over my uncle's once again to try to discover some chant or ritual that
would repel the Horror. I was able to find a chant & a hand gesture that might work & as I had little choice if I
wanted to help Lilly I'd have to try it. Gathering my courage, I opened the door & faced the Creature my pitiful
chant & gesture seemed woefully inadequate against the Nioth-Korghai. It glared at me with baneful eyes & I closed
my eyes awaiting death but it didn't come. Instead the Creature was gone. I turned to go back into my house when
a mutant Cultist jumped me & I snapped. This was just one thing too many & in my frenzy I throttled the life out of
the Cultist which from the extent of his mutations was obviously one of their leaders.

Leaving Arthur behind to dispose of the dead cultist I carried Lilly to the car & took her to the hospital.She was
still alive but in a deep coma. I called the University & advised them of her condition which I said was from nervous
exhaustion. I returned to my house realizing my only ally was now Arthur.

(6th Turn Summary-Card Draw- Journalist follower,Arawassa Power,Cult Leader,Xathagorra
Actions-Discard Lilly to stop Sanity loss =-3exp.points, Discarded Journalist Follower=+1exp.point, purchased 2
spirit dice=-2 experience points.
Combat dice roll=5/4/3/6 to slay Major Old One-3exp.points & a Cult Leader=-1exp.point.
Total Experience Points remaining = 8)

June 3rd Week

Things were quiet until mid-week & & I used the time to study my uncle's books hoping for more knowledge on how to
defeat these Horrors. Luckly I came across some enchantments that would boost the power of the chants I had learned.
I also learned a Healing Spell which allowed me to finally restore the damage from the Nioth-Korghai attack.

It proved to be none too soon as the Cult came at us in force. It started with sucking sound & that sickly green
light & oval appeared over the house. Arthur screamed they have opened a Gate & Arwassa's Minions broke through the
door. I lashed out with the knowledge gained from uncle's books unleashing powers that banished a Shoggoth,the Byakee
& a Lamp-Efts. The effort drained me & a Leng spider with a Cultist came at me sensing easy Prey but with my last
ounce of strength I cast a spell over myself that Hurried my actions & I manage to strike both down.I had won the
battle but the glowing Gate still remained.

(7th Turn Summary-Draw-Gate,Herbert West Follower,Cultist,Shoggoth,Temple of Light Item
Actions-Discard Herbert West=+1exp.point,purchased 3 Spirit dice=-3exp.points,purchased Healing Spell=-3exp,points,
Discard Temple of Light=+1 exp.point
Combat dice roll=1/1/3/6/5/3 to slay Shoggoth,Lamp-Efts,Byakee=3exp.points
Purchased Hurry Spell =-2exp.points to allow 2nd combat.
Combat dice roll-4/4/3-to slay Cultist & Leng Spider =+2 exp.points
Total Experience Points remaining=7)

June 4 Week

The problem with the Gate had to be settled & I had some knowledge on how to seal it but It required a lot of power
so I searched one of my uncle's books to see if there was another way to accomplish the sealing. Alas I only found
a cursed scroll & a Potion labeled wisdom, I burnt the Scroll & kept the Potion & drank it. The Potion stirred my
brain & gave me the answer to sealing the Gate I had been seeking.

I went outside at once with my newfound knowledge to confront the Gate when I was attacked by a Minion that swooped
down on me. I recognized it as an Xathagorra from one of Arthurs lectures & quickly burnt up some more of my limited
power to slay the Thing. I was now free to address the Gate & I completed the sealing ritual. Exhausted I returned
to my house & half a bottle of bourbon to calm down.

(8th Turn Summary-Draw -Psychiatrist Follower,Madman Follower,Cursed Scroll,Potion of Wisdom
Actions-Discarded Pychiatrist & Madman Followers=+2exp.points, Discarded Cursed Scroll=-3xp.points,Purchased
potion of Wisdom=_-1exp.points
Combat dice roll-4-4-4-1-6 -used to Slay the Xathagorra= +1 esp.point-which cleared Cult Board of Minions allowing
use of Potion of Wisdom to be played to seal Gate & absorb the Experience Point Loss.
Total Experience Points Remaining=6

July 1st Week

July now brought the heat of high Summer & that with previous week's attacks had sapped my strength & the occult knowledge
I had absorbed from my uncle's library had clouded my mind & I sought relief in bed. Arthur however was still keen on
rummaging through my uncle's possessions & papers. He woke me from my stupor asking if I had a key to a small chest he
found? I didn't & told him to go away but he insisted it might be important, so I took it to the kitchen & pried it opened
on the counter with a knife. It contained 2 Items a terrible spell that would eat flesh,& weird charm that when I touched
it glowed with radiated Evil it was obviously cursed. I burnt the spell it was too terrible to use on anyone even the
Cultist,kept the Wisdom Potion as useful but when I reached for the Charm it wouldn't budge! In fact the chest itself
could not me moved from my kitchen counter & after several attempts to pry it loose we gave up. Arthur said he had
heard of such Items & we would need to find out what would lift the curse neither of us had any idea of what affect
this Curse actually caused.

Having no answers to the cursed Charm problem Arthur & I decided to visit the Lilleton Hospital to check on Lilly
but driving through the town of Whitefield the State Troopers waves off to a detour as the informed us that the town
was quarantined due to a virulent & unknown disease that was fatal. Continuing on a side roll we passed Forest Lake
& Arthur yelled at me to stop the car. He pointed through the trees to large insect form bending over by the lake shore.
This looked like one of the Minions that were harassing us & on investigating it was obviously a MI-GO & it was dumping from
a big sack into the lake.I realized that we had found the source of Whitefield's plague.I raised a Spirit power
& cut the Thing down.

We continued on to Littleton only to find that Miskatonic University had her transported to a hospital in Arkham but
we were told her condition was stable but unchanged. We then purchased some supplies & headed back home anxious to
make the trip before nightfall.

(9th Turn Summery-Draw-MI-GO,Cursed Charm,Melting Flesh Spell,Christchurch Investigation Card.
Actions-Discarded Melting Flesh Spell=+1exp.points,Investigated Christchurch Card.Purchased
1 Spirit dice=-1exp.point.
Combat dice roll-3/5/2/5 succeed in Investigation & get to remove MI-GO from Cult Board .
Total Remaining Experience Points=6

July 2nd Week

Late this week we had another visitor at the door & I readied my rifle but Arthur recognized the man as Dr. Humphries
Lilly's fiancé from Arkham. He brought news that Lilly was out of the coma & explained what happened to her and the
problems with the Cult we were having. He said that Lilly had charged him with visiting us to see if we were ok & to
help out. I thanked him but suggested he leave before we had more Cult trouble visited upon us, but he refused saying
Lilly would not forgive him if he abandoned us. Knowing Lilly, I knew she meant it, so I gave him her old room.

That night there were strange scratching's at the back door so rifle in hand I flung it open ready to fire but it was
only a Dog who looked worst for ware. He limply wagged his tale & looked up with those soft brown eyes & I melted.
I brought him in fed him & cleaned up & he curled up at my feet so I understood I had a new companion. Next morning
Arthur announced he was leaving as he really had to get back to his business but said he would update Lilly that
her fiancé was staying over.I told him I appreciated his help but after he left I felt a little guilty relief as I
really didn't like the guy all that much.

The next day the Dog started barking & staring at the door with the hair raising up on his back. I figured we had
Minion about raised some Spirit Power & went out to confront them. A Byakhee & a Deep one were down at the edge of
the woods so I quickly attacked before they saw me. Striking out with my power I took both down on my way back to
the house I was buoyed up by the victory but wondered how long this would go on.I still had no idea who in
Aron's Acre was the Cults Master & until I could find that him out I knew the Cult wouldn't stop.

(Turn 10 Summary-Draw- Deep one, Byakhee, Doctor Follower, Dog Follower
Actions-Purchased Dog & Doctor Followers=_2exp,points,Discarged Arthur Follower=+1exp.points,Purchased 2 Spirit Dice.
Combat dice roll-1/3/5/3/3 to slay Byakhee & Deep one=+2 exp.points
Total Remaining Experience Points=5

July 3rd Week

Growing tired of waiting for the Cult to come to me I decided to take the initiative & hiked out to the Mound
Clearing to look around. It was the usual chicken feathers & worn footprints, so the rituals were still taking
place. Just then I was startled by a "Hello" & sung around to see a big man with a huge gun. I thought the Cult
had me but then he asked "what the Hell was going on around here" I realized he was just a hunter & explained
I was the property owner & about the Cult & the Mound. He introduced himself a Bob Wasco & said he had been
trying to figure what happened to all the game in the area & was really pissed that all this damn Cult activity
was obviously the cause. I told him about the various Minions I had been fighting & to my surprise he offered to
join me. Usually, I had tried to dissuade people from getting involved but brought a lot to the table combat
wise so I invited him back to the house.

We got about half way back through the woods when a Deep One hopped out Bob unslung his gun but cast a spirt
power spell & cut the thing down. Bob looked at me a little funny but then said "all right man" but how did
you do that & what was that thing?" Back at the house I explained things over a few glasses of bourbon.

(Turn 11 Summary-Draw-Big Game Hunter Follower,Curse Cubes,Curse Temple,Deep one.
Actions-Purchased Big Game Hunter =-1 exp.point, discarded the Dog follower to eliminate the Cursed Temple
Combat dice rool-2/4/5 to slay the Deep one =+1 exp,point
Total Remaining Experience Points=6

July 4th Week

Still hoping to find out the identity of the Cult Master I rummaged around in my uncle's desk but only found
a pair of Cubes which upon holding began to glow with the same evil radiance as the Charm. I had activated
another curse of which I had no idea what was its effect. Discouraged I sat down & my Dog bounded into my lap.
Petting him I looked up at the bookshelves & noticed one book that was pushed out beyond the others. Leaving
the Dog in the chair I pulled out the book & found behind it a picture frame turned against the wall. Turning
the picture around it was of another cursed Item a strangely constructed Temple. The evil glow was an angry red
& startled I dropped it to the floor which caused my Dog growl & attack the picture. As soon as my Dog landed
on the picture he collapsed in death & the red glow disappeared. I grabbed the now faded picture & tore it
to shreds no doubt the Dog had saved me from some horrendous curse.

Frustrated with the results of my search of my uncle's room I headed out to go to Aron's Acre & have it out with
the Cult. Taking the trail through the woods I came to the back door of the Silent Call Lodge. Barging in I
confronted by one of the mutated Cult Leader & a Cultist. Surprising them I called up my Spirit powers & dispatched
both of them. I then took a large book off the dais & returned unseen to my house.

(Turn 12 Summary-Draw - Cult Leader,Cultist,Thief Follower,Cursed Symbols
Actions-Discarded Thief=+1exp.point, discarded Dog Follower to discard Cursed Temple Item, purchased 2 Spirit dice
+-2 exp.points.Discarded Cursed Symbols as did not apply due to no Gates on Cult Board.
Combat dice roll-4/1/5/6*/6* to slay Cult Leader & Cultist=+2 exp.points
Odd situation where 2 cursed Items cancelled each other out-Cursed Charm requires a reroll on 6 but Cursed Cubes
stops all rerolls so I figured it was a wash.
Totao Remaining Experience points=4

August 1st Week

I spend most of the week going over the book I had taken from the Lodge while Tom was out patrolling the woods to
make sure the Cult didn't disturb us.The sense of dread and terror now hung over us and it was obvious the power of
this Arwassa had been invoked by the Lodge.The old Book was a lot of rambling praise for Arawssa, various rituals but
in the back was a ledger with the rather pitiful financial accounts of the Lodge & BINGO the name & ranks of its
members & addresses .The top of the list was the Lodger Grand Master Earl Freeland # 7 Curwin Street. I had him!

Wasting no time I summoned up my Spirit Powers & headed out to Aron's Acre to end this once & for all. Finding
the house without difficulty I was momentarily uncertain on what to do,but decided on the direct approach & knocked
on the door. The man who opened the door was old at least 80 with sharp keen eyes set in his weathered face. He
smiled through tight thin lips & said "come in I've been expecting you". I followed him inside the foyer this had
to be a trap but I was ready. He indicated for me to take a seat in the living room where a fire was set in the
stone fireplace. The coziness of it all nearly undid me for as I was setting down the old man made an occult gesture
but his age betrayed him. His unsteady hand sent a lethal bolt into the chair arm & I struck out sending him back
striking his head against the stone fireplace as he dropped to the floor. I checked his pulse to make sure he was
really dead. It was over.

(13th Turn Summary-Draw Marshes of Dunwich Investigation,Arwassa Power Card,Sword of Crusader,Old Man Investigation Card
Actions-Discarded Sword of the Crusader=+1exp.point,Purchased 3 spirit dice=-3exp.points
Combat dice roll-6/2/4/1/5/6- to succeed in the Old Man Investigation which being the Main Investigation gave me a
major victory.
Total Experience Points remaining=2

August 2nd Week

The body of the Cult Master was found & the police have contributed to a slip & fall accident the atmosphere of
dread & terror has dissipated. Tom, Ashley & I checked out the Mound Clearing after the full moon & found it
deserted with no sign of recent activity. I've decided I've had enough of New Hampshire & will move on Tom has offered
to stay on at the house until I decide what I'm going to do & Ashley has returned to Littleton to be with Lilly.

9 months later-April 1929 San Francisco CA.

Reading back over my Journal it all seems like a terrible dream. I decided to get as far away from Aron's Acre as
possible. Tom brought my uncle's place & reports the Silent Call Lodge is boarded up & the game is returning to
the woods.Ashley & Lilly were married a couple of months ago & invited me to the wedding.I begged off & they understood.
This Journal has stirred up too many bad feelings I'm going to burn it & get on with my life.

I think I finally worked all the bugs out of my variant .I had 5 Cards left in the Cult Deck/Four were
helpful Items & the last Card was Pharol The Black an Unspeakable Horror so I lucked out.

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