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The Cornfield - batgirl - 10-26-2008 11:52 PM

I've been a lurker for a while but this is my first post after a dispute I had with my boyfriend playing the other day.

We were using the board corner which contains the Cornfield (I think it's from the expansion game).
The text on the board for the Cornfield states "Zombies must roll 4+ to find and attack a Hero here"

The dispute was over the square immediately outside the entrance to the barn, as about half the square is covered with corn. I, playing as the heroes, said that this is still the cornfield; my boyfriend, playing as the zombies, disagreed saying that as it was the barn entrance and only half corn, it didn't abide by the Cornfield rule.

We ending up rolling a die to decide but I'd be interested on other people's opinions.

RE: The Cornfield - mqstout - 10-27-2008 04:22 AM

I would say it is cornfield.

RE: The Cornfield - deadrabbit - 10-27-2008 02:55 PM

right now im not able to look at that tile but if you say that its only half corn then id have to say that it is Not part of the corn feild only in the sense that i dont know many farmers who would put there corn all the way up to there barn doors. but like i said id have to look at it.

RE: The Cornfield - kosmium - 10-27-2008 09:43 PM

Looking at the board, my vote is that it is part of the cornfield. I say "roll to search" and tell the zombies they just have to bring there "Z" game.

RE: The Cornfield - batgirl - 10-28-2008 10:36 AM

In the spirit of how the rule was meant, that the heroes can hide in the corn so that the Zombs aren't able to find them, I think that a tile half covered in corn still allows the ability for the heroes to hide and so is still part of the cornfield rule.

RE: The Cornfield - supervike - 10-28-2008 02:40 PM

I agree. Cornfield.

RE: The Cornfield - Emp - 10-28-2008 05:52 PM

Yeah, cornfield.

RE: The Cornfield - ImhotepMagi - 11-16-2008 04:13 AM

I too, would say that any space with corn on it is part of the cornfield, so it counts.

While we are on the subject of cornfields, how does everyone play the "4+" rule? I't not sure quite what it means. Is it:

1) Each zombie that fails the roll is not counted when determining who fights during the Zombie Fight phase?

2) Each zombie that fails the roll is not counted when determining who fights during any Fight phase (rolled separately for each phase)?

3) Each zombie that fails the roll may not roll any fight dice during the Fight phase of a turn and the heroes get a free chance to roll fight dice and get doubles to kill the zombie with no attack back.

I personally believe it is #2, but some of the other players in my group (who prefer to play heroes) argue that it might be #3. I seriously doubt it, but I'd figure I get the consensus.

Ok...mild threadjack over now.

RE: The Cornfield - mqstout - 11-16-2008 03:06 PM

An extra roll is made per zombie *before* the zombie fight. Any zombie that fails is not eligible to participate in the Zombie Fight.

This does, however, open up the question, "What about Zombie Fight cards that count number of zombies?" Do they count the number of zombies in the space, or the number of zombies involved in the fight?

It might be interesting to give this roll to the zombies to avoid the hunger: if they fail the roll, they do not have to move according to zombie hunger. Hmm.

RE: The Cornfield - ImhotepMagi - 11-16-2008 03:21 PM

mqstout Wrote:An extra roll is made per zombie *before* the zombie fight. Any zombie that fails is not eligible to participate in the Zombie Fight.

This does, however, open up the question, "What about Zombie Fight cards that count number of zombies?" Do they count the number of zombies in the space, or the number of zombies involved in the fight?

It might be interesting to give this roll to the zombies to avoid the hunger: if they fail the roll, they do not have to move according to zombie hunger. Hmm.
So, the heroes still have to fight every zombie in their own space on their own turn, correct?

Also, I don't think having them avoid the hunger is the right way to go. Its supposed to help the heroes, not allow the zombies more tactical movement. Zombies be dumb.