Game Night 11/23/2011 - Printable Version

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Game Night 11/23/2011 - Pred - 12-24-2011 06:30 AM

Just finished a Game Night of Fortune and Glory. Kinda tired so I am not
doing a game report like Trev does, but will tell you it had to be one of
the closest games anyone has had to of played.
4 people playing to 20 fortune and on the last turn everyone had 20 or
more fortune but one of the players rolled a 1 for movement and missed
his starting city by one square, 1 player made a final sell of 4 artifacts
for a total of 21 Fortune with tons of glory (no exact count), my wife
had a ally that allowed her to fly using Glory instead of fortune, spent her
last two Glory and flew home to tie for the win. I on the previous turn went all
out to achieve one last artifact, rolled a 2 on movement on this last turn,
(exactly what I needed to make it to my Starting location to encounter the
city and sell my artifact giving me the winning grand total of 24 (but loads
of glory). The player who missed his starting location would have had tied
me at 24 Fortune but I think I still had the Glory to win.
Down right had to be the closest game "I've" played to date thus far.