1st Game review - Printable Version

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1st Game review - Kiddarqo - 02-18-2012 08:27 AM

well, there we go, our first FANG game is over
and here is my in depth board game review on it...
it's AWSOME Watchmen02
the only thing that it has going against it is the pricetag but
luckily there's such things as birthdays, new year, christmas, ect. to help you try to get this game

some players moved along at a steady tempo, others (like me) got knocked out a couple of times trying to retrieve an artifact, ah well still enjoyed the hell out of this game, we even did the saying the adventure thing..."THIS IS JAKE ZANE AND THE CUP OF PHORAX" hehe funny stuff

all players really got into the game especially during the dangers and cliffhangers but of course a couple of questions came up and when you need to find it in the rulebook during gameplay you never find it Zombie03

question nr1 when there are 2 players racing for the same artifact and one of them goes to a cliffhanger does this mean his/her turn has competely ended and the other player gets to continue his/her turn for the artifact? 'cause cliffhangers ends the turn right?

question nr2 when a danger gives you the option to fight an enemie and you choose to do that, once you have defeated the nme do you collect the glory for defeating the nme right away or do you have to wait until you have decided what to do after the fight ( press on or camp down) and also what happens to the danger glory that lead you to this fight? can you collect that as well or is it just the nme's glory that counts now?

anyway thx for tuning in and hope to play FANG again real soon
need to paint more coins and nazi soldiers now because I ran out of my painted ones yesterday

the Kidd

RE: 1st Game review - munkymuddface - 02-18-2012 08:58 AM

Answer to Q1: Yes, the Cliffhanger ends the turn for that player. This means that the other player can continue to make progress until they retrieve the Artifact, Camp Down, or encounter a Cliffhanger of their own. Keep in mind that even if the second player successfully retrieves the Artifact, the player in the Cliffhanger is still in their predicament and must deal with it on their next turn - even tho there is no Artifact to gain!

Answer to Q2: If you choose to fight the enemies, the Glory is gained immediately, you don't have to wait like the rest of the Danger challenges. This Glory collected from the Fight replaces the Glory listed on the Danger card.

I really do love this game too. It has been far too long since I have played it.... Sigh.

RE: 1st Game review - Emp - 02-18-2012 09:14 AM

I will say it another million times....grmmmbbmmmbbllllllggggzzzzgoddamngfrrooomotherfopfffgggzzmmmmm....

(I couldn't go to darqo's gettogether because of workcommitments of a new years dinner with bowling afterwards...)

RE: 1st Game review - Old Dwarf - 02-18-2012 02:37 PM

I also need to get this on the table again...right now all those Nazies & Gangsters are just eyeing me
there from my "To be Painted Box".The GoW of War Locus are keeping them quiet for now.