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Heroes heroes - Graffical - 03-04-2012 10:39 AM

Here are my makings of the Heroes Character as heroes in LNOE.

RE: Heroes heroes - samuraitrev - 03-04-2012 12:08 PM

My wife watches this and thinks these are brilliant. She wants to use them +1 Rep from her and me. Good work Graphical you've not made them overpowered either. The wording on the last character could do with rephrasing such as: May use the abilities of any Hero in his space and adjacent spaces. Would Peter be better starting in the Hospital? Apart from that WIN!

P.S My wife says. Ask him if he'll do Matt Parkman pleaseZombie17

RE: Heroes heroes - Orguss - 03-04-2012 02:15 PM

I like them a lot. Theme? Check. Down to what building they would start in? Check.

I think a few of their abilities are... watered down. Not weak, per say. But less than some of other characters both that you made and in the game. Sylar? Will almost never see his abilities happen. Change his died on the same space to automatic. EVEN if you mix these (as a whole I don't advise. It's either townsfolk or Heroes.) none of their abilities are super broken until you mix it with another, which is what sylar is about. PLUS he has to be on the same space which forces weaker plays. IE: He rolled a 1, so we both have to move one, where I was planning on getting the hell out with my roll of 6. Automatically should happen. Either set a range of... 5? And make it a 4-6 (5-6 maybe) roll to get it or automatic success if in same space. Either should be balanced fairly well. Remember, if you steal johnny's blitz with hiro's teleportation and <insert random awesome ability> that's still three heroes dead. One more and it's over. Several scenarios are already over. Card draw scenario? Every time that hero died stuff hit the discard pile. Dying heroes are not something you want.

Peter has one power. As per the show. His power to gain powers. Unlike the show, he doesn't permanently gain them, just for one turn. If he's next to Sylar, he gains... pretty much nothing. Hiro? Pretty much nothing. Etc.
What I would tinker around with is the possibility to gain things forever. Instead of making a search action, a roll of 4+ permanently gain an ability (at random is funnier!). Or another idea is to make him gain a fight dice for each power stolen, since the powers are temporary. Are there 3 players next to or around him? Awesome. He's badass until he moves any distance away. Sure you had blitz(assume mixing), youth, fraternal instinct, teleportation and a hefty 5 bonus fight dice (in one specific order of events), but you moved away... so... yeah. That's all gone. Chomp.

Noah is perfect. Perfect.

Other than that... a few minor typographical errors, and you got some super solid cards. Would love to see you continue.. Parkman, Mohinder (lololol), Mycah, the other Petrelli brother. Hell, you could even do the parents. Linderman, mama Petrelli, Parkman's dad. You got a solid list of 20 possible characters. Almost tempted to take a crack at them myself ;p

RE: Heroes heroes - Pred - 03-04-2012 03:04 PM

I like the concept, but agree would tweak a few of the ability's

RE: Heroes heroes - PJON - 03-05-2012 02:09 PM

Awesome work. I really like Nikki, i thinks its a great ability and oddly dangerous.

RE: Heroes heroes - j0hnnn - 03-05-2012 03:17 PM

I would suggest the following changes...

Claire Benneth
Wound Dead
Regeneration: At the start of each turn (hero or zombie) Claire recover a wound. If she was killed she looses an item and wake up in a random building.
Stench of dead: After the first death Claire does not impose Hunger to the zombies.

Wound Wound Dead
Telekinetic Push - Range 2; Roll 4+ to move a zombie 1 square in any direction.
Understanding - If a hero dies Sylar may choose one of it's abilities to use. If another one dies he may substitute the first one. May never have more than one ability activated.

Hiro Nakamura
Wound Wound Dead
Teleportation - May ignore obstacles, zombies or walls while moving. May instead of move take a wound to move to a random building.

Nikki Sanders e Noah Benneth (Perfect wouldn't change anything on them.)

Peter Petreli
Wound Wound Dead
Absorption - May at the start of his turn may choose one single ability of any other single hero to use until the start of his next turn.

Bonus - (No shopped cards... sry for that)

Matt Parkman - Police Officer
Male - Lawman
Wound Wound Dead
Telepathic Tatics - May as ranged attack look the two top cards of the zombie deck and discard one. Or look the zombie player hand, but discard nothing.
Officer - Starts the game with the revolver.

"I can get some superficial thoughts"

RE: Heroes heroes - mqstout - 03-05-2012 03:56 PM

Quite fun!