Zombie Apocalypse Initial (incorrect) Premise (RPG) - Printable Version

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RE: Zombie Apocalypse Initial (incorrect) Premise (RPG) - Max_Writer - 04-19-2012 11:13 PM

Here's my newest idea on how it could work:

Starts with meteorite falling in graveyard or possible bioweapon test by foreign power in nearby town. Investigators are sent to investigate.

Alien or biological virus (probably alien) that starts, when it is first released on meteorite’s crash, as an airborne virus that lives for several minutes and moves quickly to encompass roughly a one-square-mile area. All humans (sapiens) in this area die within a few minutes, usually too quick to even call for aid. Virus within human bodies (that caused their deaths) mutates at this point, making it no longer airborne. It powers and raises the bodies and then creates aggression against non-zombies in the people in order to further spread. The virus is now spread by bite or blood, fluids, or saliva entering the bloodstreams of others. Bites, if not immediately fatal, fester quickly and spread, resulting in death in less than a week. Amputating the bit area might save the victim.

The virus, though not self-aware, is able to control the dead body to the extent of trying to spread itself. It is somehow also able to stave off rigor mortis and power the body as well, acting as the bodies new nervous system.

Virus continues its mutations. First zombies created by airborne virus are fairly slow, but those zombies created by being bit or the like tend to be faster and more in control. They can sprint. They are a bit smarter. The initial zombies are shamblers but those that they infect end up as runners.

It should be noted that some in the area of the initial airborne infection sometimes survive due to their environment (disinfected or the like) or situation (those on oxygen or completely cut off from the outside world are safe) or even physical condition (certain physical affects (being drunk, already diseased, or something - unsure what yet - think Andromeda Strain). The airborne virus only has a lifespan of a few minutes or so, after which it dies and becomes inert.

At end of first scenario, the investigators are greeted by seeing meteors falling in the distance and reports of a “massive meteor shower” across the western hemisphere as the planet passes through a “debris field” of some kind. The shower continues for over 24 hours, peppering the entire planet.

RE: Zombie Apocalypse Initial (incorrect) Premise (RPG) - j0hnnn - 04-20-2012 01:49 PM


I may be possibly late for this thread...

(prison, school, college, supers, film crew, class reunion, Survivor or survival, The Sims)
Supers (Is damn fine, seem then work very good as fake premises.)
College/School(You probably will have to be very compreensive with the unfolds of your story... as regular students aren't that specialized in anything)

About the rest... simply don't know...

About triffids... i would suggest you use both... without the zombies you only have stuff that eats people... the infection element of the zombie apocalipse is what it makes soo scary.

And if you get to kill a player... is always sad to have to kill him for the second time... are a lot of good elements of the drama that you're wasting if you change your monsters of choice...

Lastly... All flesh must be eaten has a great game system... but gives your intentions away in a blink of an eye.

Hope you make it work... this kind of campaing is always good to play!

RE: Zombie Apocalypse Initial (incorrect) Premise (RPG) - Max_Writer - 04-20-2012 03:55 PM

Thanks. Never too late for feedback - this is still in the preliminary planning phase.