SPECIALTY ZOMBIES - Printable Version

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SPECIALTY ZOMBIES - pasngr46n2 - 06-06-2012 08:21 PM

My question about them, whether it be radioactive, grave dead, plague carrying..., is if the zombie player that is controlling them is the only one allowed to spawn them during the spawn zombies phase? Can the player not controlling the specialty zombies still spawn them if they have enought spawn worth?

We actually haven't been following the rules for controlling the extra zombies simply cause we didn't see the point(being a team and all). Does anyone have insight into that? The only thing i can think of is that there are some cards that refer specifically to 'your' zombies and if you aren't controlling the specialty zombies i guess you couldn't play those cards on them.

RE: SPECIALTY ZOMBIES - j0hnnn - 06-06-2012 08:32 PM

Hey comrade...

The correct use of these special zombies is:

Each zombie player takes turns controlling them.
Zombie Player 1 - Controls them in the even turns
Zombie Player 2 - Controls them in the odd turns

And i guess they may only be spawned by the player controlling them.

About the term "your zombies" you're treating it right... it can only affect the zombies under your control...

RE: SPECIALTY ZOMBIES - pasngr46n2 - 06-06-2012 09:52 PM

I went back and re-read ALL the specialty zombie rules and i think i got it. Each player may spawn them but only one controls them during their specified turn. I also found that my question doesn't even apply to plague carriers cause they are already place in the buildings and not spawned. The zombie Horde and Grave Dead rules read the same:

If there are 2 zed players they share the extra Pool of 7 zombies that either player can pull from.

The Radioactive Grave Dead rules get more specific:

If there are 2 zed players they share the extra Pool of 7 zombies. Either player may spawn Zombies from the Grave Dead pool.

Then the rules for all three specialty zombies go into the specifics of control. So this leads me to believe spawning isn't included in control. Thoughts?

RE: SPECIALTY ZOMBIES - j0hnnn - 06-06-2012 11:36 PM

Right you are friend...

Even because the spawn is made by the end of the turn... so any player may spawn then...

but control is shared between players as i said before...