My web shows... Acquired Taste,The JD Sauce Open - Printable Version

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My web shows... Acquired Taste,The JD Sauce Open - zerodanja - 08-30-2012 05:15 PM

Hey if you like watching people try different foods and drinks you never seen before. You might want to check out my web shows on youtube.

Acquired Taste
we try the weird food and drinks u might not heard of. Like bacon flavored soda,Sweet Corn Soda,Gefilte Fish,Microwave Pork-rinds

The Jd Sauce Open
We take Jack Daniels Sauce from the restaurant Fridays, and we try it on foods u wouldn't think of trying it on. Like Ice Cream,Cookies, Oatmeal, and pudding.

Check it out let me know what u guys think.

My Youtube Channel

RE: My web shows... Acquired Taste,The JD Sauce Open - PJON - 08-30-2012 05:43 PM

I Happen to like gefilte fish, its even better with horseradish. Ever try some charoset, its yummy as well.

One of my favorite things to eat is, like a tripple chocolate cake with horseradish, yummy. I can never get enough wasabee on my sushi either.

The you tube vidieo was interesting. Which one are you ?

RE: My web shows... Acquired Taste,The JD Sauce Open - zerodanja - 08-30-2012 06:00 PM

I didnt like Gifilte fish at all. It wasnt really bad tasting but the texture killed me. I never tried charoset whats that?. Everybody has been liking the Jd sauce episodes. But our shows are still kinda new so were to evolving.
I'm Darnell the who mostly introduce the show. thanks for checking out my shows.

RE: My web shows... Acquired Taste,The JD Sauce Open - StayPuft - 08-30-2012 09:19 PM

That sounds awesome! I will definitely have to check that out when I have a moment to do some YouTubing. ;-)