Borderlands 2 - Printable Version

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Borderlands 2 - Karden5048 - 09-29-2012 07:33 AM

Any one playing borderlands 2? I had expected there would be a thread already but I haven't seen one. I just started it today and I have to say it improves on the first one so much more than I expected it was shocking. The badass ranks are great I really that they increase the stats as a whole instead of just as for a certain type of gun.

RE: Borderlands 2 - zxenluvszev - 11-23-2012 03:29 AM

I got bl2, I got the season pass for it too if you wanna ad me my psn Id is ZXeN420, maybe we'll meet up.

RE: Borderlands 2 - Irish Daigle - 11-23-2012 11:00 AM

The story and ending are leagues ahead of the first BL, and that makes the experience oh-so-tasty.

RE: Borderlands 2 - vikinglad - 11-26-2012 07:54 PM

I have been busy playing Borderlands 2 since the day it came out (on my daughter's 10th birthday), and I am about to beat True Vault Hunter Mode in another session or two. I am playing through as Zero, whom I thought felt weak at first, but after level 30 or so, he becomes really fun. The only thing I miss from the first one is all of the gory dismemberment. Headshots are still pretty cool in BL2, but remember blowing off arms and heads with an explosive revolver in the original? I do.