Books I've Written - Printable Version

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Books I've Written - Irish Daigle - 04-26-2013 06:52 PM

Hey all, I've been somewhat here for a while now, lurking and posting in random topics, and it occurred to me that I hadn't really talked about my books yet.

I self-published two books a couple years ago, neither of which are in the horror or zombie wheelhouse, but I thought some of you might like them anyway. Something More is a survival/mystery story with a science fiction backdrop, while Our Crumbling Ivory is more modern literature with a supernatural element.

They're only available on Kindle for eBook at the moment, but you can buy the paperbacks on Amazon, or from the self-publish website if you want.

But because I don't expect a lurker like myself to get more than a passing glance for things that cost money, and 'cause I like it around here, I'm gonna throw you guys a link to my books in epub and mobi format (can be read on just about any e-reading device or cell phone or computer). It's great if people buy my books, but I'd rather just give them away if it means more people read them.

Link to my Free Ebooks
Edit: Just click the Download button that lists 2.64MB on it.

Hope you all enjoy! =D