Ill Met at Eightpoints#3G(Burn & Pillage) - Printable Version

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Ill Met at Eightpoints#3G(Burn & Pillage) - Old Dwarf - 04-03-2022 08:22 PM

ILL Met at Eightpoints#3G(Burn & Pillage)

The Reavers knowing they have pleased Khrone press the retreating Eyes of the Nine. Vortemis has led his fighters back to
the Corrupted Soul Engine Location thinking that the Screaming Coil's shrieks would discourage pursuit. He has been working
on trying to dismantle the Soul Engine & has spread out parts of the engine in rune marked places that he thinks were installed
corrupted intending to Sacrifice them to Tzeentch ..

Garrek & his fighters have however braved the shrieking & find the Eyes of the Nine working on placing sacrificial runes .Garrek has
recognize the sacrificial rune Locations must be important to the Eyes & instructs his fighters to seize & destroy the runes.
He figures the Eyes of the Nine will fight to protect the rune locations & their contents & the ensuing blood shed will show their
devotion to Khrone.

The Eyes of the Nine see the approaching Reavers & prepare to defend their Rune Locations before the enemy can desecrate them in the
name of Khrone. K'Chrick Ever Advancing moves to secure the closest Rune Location.

Krasus anxious to enter the fray is held back by Garrek to await orders.

Vortemis Summons a Blue Horror & sends it to guard one of the Rune Locations.He then moves to cut off Targor from another Rune Location
casting a Bolt of Change striking the Reaver (8damage)

Targor although badly wounded proceeds to occupy the Rune Location

Narvis now moves toward Targor occupying the Rune Location

Arnulf makes a move toward another unguarded Rune Location.

The Blue Horror moves into to the remaining unguarded Rune Location

Garrek advances on Narvis to support Targor & unleashes a Decapitating Strike which takes Narvis down(12 damage)

Garrek sees his plan is working as the Eyes of the Nine rush to defend their Runes to Tzeentch Locations & now that
they are pinned down he orders his fighters occupy & destroy the Rune Locations.To inspire his fighters he orders
Bloodletting from them to please Khrone & invoke his favor

Arnulf holds after occupying a Rune Location & prepares to deface & destroy the Tzeentch Runes

The Blue Horror holds to guard the Rune Location

Turosh moves to the Rune Location nearest the Reavers & uttering Words of Arcane Power attacks Arnulf with his cursed blade.
Arnulf fends off the assault.

Saek moves to attack the Blue Horror his axe taking the daemon down( 10damage) & seizes the Rune Location

Vortemis Summons another Blue Horror to contest Targor at a Rune Location & then turns to move to the Rune Location
to stop Saek from defacing the Runes.

Garrek confronted by the Blue Horror at a Rune Location attacks with a Decapitating Strike which staggers the demon but
it hold on to prevent the Reaver Chief from defacing the Runes. Garrek then demands more Bloodletting from his fighters
& Targor complies but the additional blood loss takes him down

Vortemis sees that his fighters have succeeded in stopping the Reavers from destroying the Rune Offering Locations
but that they are all contested & 2 of his fighters are badly wounded so he must take the enemy fighters down
to sacrifice the Runes to Tzeentch before the Reavers can destroy them.He invokes Empowered Bolts & cast 2
Bolts of Change on Saek taking him down (15damage)

Garrek renews his attack on the Blue Horror his axe cutting the daemon deeply & taking it down(13damage) to secure the
Rune Location.

K'Chrick attacks Krasus his multiple blows on the reaver cause major damage(8damage)

Krasus enraged that Saek was taken out acts with pure Battle Lust & charges Vortemis contesting the Rune Location but
in so doing abandons the Rune Location K'Chrick is guarding.

Turosh Attacks Arnolf the Cursed Blade takes him down(7damage)& secures a Rune Location

Krasus makes a Blood Offering & attacks Vortemis who escapes most of the axe blow (3damage)

Vortemis counterattacks Krasus but his Bolt of Change goes awry (0damage)

Krasus fights back his axe hitting Vortemis hard (10damage)

Garrek & Krasus offer a bloodletting to Khrone as they see that K'Chrick & Turosh manage to invoke the Runes to Tzeentch.
Garrek destroys the runes at the location he controls but realizes that for his warband to have a chance of succeeding
the remaining Rune Location that Vortemis & Krasus are fighting over must be taken.

K'Chrick feeling the tormenting pain of his wounds succumbs to Battle Lust & charges toward Garrek

Krasus attacks Vortemis who manages to avoid his blow but the Reavers backhand blow takes the Sorcerer down (3damage)
& opens up the final Rune Location to the Reavers

Turosh Driven by Ambition charges to the Rune Location & strikes Garret a major blow (8damage) to contest the Rune Location.

Krasus moves to attack Tuorsh his Axe smites a mighty blow by most of it is absorbed by Toursh's Vanbraces (1damage)

K'Chrick moves in on Garrek his great Swords aided by Arcane Words of Power cleaves deep (7damage)

Garrek sees that destroying the remaining Rune Location is no longer possible with Toursh & K'Chrick contesting control
makes a final effort against Turosh with a massive attack but again Toursh's Vanbraces catches most of the assault(4damage)

The Reavers have only Garrek & Krasus both badly wounded remaining on the field have reached the end of their endurance
& retreat leaving the Rune Location in the hands of the Eyes of the Nine.


That was close the Reavers we reassured of at least a draw until Krasus went into Battle Lust & left K'Chrick
(with 1 wound left) to control a Rune Location (Objective) to go after Vortemis.Battle Lust is my Home Rule
that mandates a fighter who has it (Roll 8 on a die 8) goes after a random target.So the Eyes of the Nine
won with 2 Objectives to the Reavers 1 & 1 Objective was contested.

This Campaign has stretched out to 7 battles which I feel is enough for 2 warbands to slug it out but the Rules
would allow it to go on & on until 1 side wins 3 Convergences .So new Home Rule if no side has won the Campaign
after 7 Battles the side with the most Victories wins. In this case no Artefact of Power is awarded.

The Eyes of the Nine for the time being are left to continue their efforts to dismantle the Screaming Coil
(5 Wins vs 2 for the Reavers) while Garrek's Reavers search for another Territory & run into Grashrak's Despoilers