The Embassy Chapter #2-Sewer Safari(Part B) - Printable Version

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The Embassy Chapter #2-Sewer Safari(Part B) - Old Dwarf - 04-27-2024 02:16 PM

The Embassy Chaoter #2 Sewer Safari(Part B)

The Gentlemen:

Percy Carnehan-Leader/Knight/Guardian(Crystal Skull,Harpoon,Derringerx2/Whisky/Vimelixirx2/Surgical Bagx2))
Lady Widow-Exterminator/Dilettante/Impetuous (The Gramophone,Body Armor)
Phileas Fogg-Scout/Mekamancer/Homing Device (Momentum Vial,Arson Cocktail,Steel Top Hat,Mask of Robur),Scythe fingers mutation
Drago-Monster-Bouncer/Survival Instinct (Scythe/Alien remains Specimen))


Infected Bobbies-Minion
Kenny Jones-Agent-Crown =Hat defending(2nd turn)

Powers-Instill Chaos/Command Minions/Dominate/ Synaptic Fury/Bestow gift

Tiles(Fluff for Session Reports)

012B=Storage Room
025A=Intake Room
023A=Security Control Room(Grit Control Box)
028a=Overflow Chamber & Exit
All other Tiles=Sewers

Victory-Gentlemen-find Alien Remains & reach the Exit to the Exit
Victory -Nemesis (Chaos)-Neutralize Gentlemen 6 times

Note due to the Toxic environment of the Sewers the Gentlemen have picked up the following mutations:

Percy-Toxic Misma
Lady Widow-Cloven Hoofs
Fogg-Embassy Mark
Drago-none due to strong constitution.


The Gentlemen have made it through the Western side of the Sewer System and reached the Junction where the Eastern
side branches out into its Northern & Southern Channels.They have some Alien Remains but need more samples & decide
to split up Drago & Fogg take the Northern branch & Lady Wido & Peachy take the Southern branch.


Drago moves down the Sewer & finds a crate. Prying it open he finds 2 sets of Binoculars .He also spies Kenny Jones
lurking down the Sewer Channel.

Chaos Power stirs & sizes Control of Fogg & sends him after Drago but loses Control before Fogg can get to Drago.

Fogg moves to the crate & brings out a bottle of Whisky & a Momentum Vial.He then expends an Ether to fire up
his Homeing Device & attacks Jones who ducks the attack.

Kenny Jones moves to Attack Drago sensing the alien Remains sample he carries. Drago partially Dodges but
does take 1 hit.

Peachy moves down the Sewer Channel to the Overflow Chamber & notices the exits are blocked by Security Gates.

Minions wait in the Shadows.

Lady Widow moves & joins peachy in the Overflow Chamber.


Lady Widow moves up the Sewer Channel headed for the Security Control Room to release the Security gates.

A Shadow figure moves down the Sewer Channel toward the footsteps it hears. Meanwhile Chaos power enhances
its power.

Fogg using an Ether for his homing device attacks Kenny Jones dealing the Agent 3 wounds. Fogg downs a momentum Vial
& attacks again but Jones Dodges. Fogg then recovers to resupply his Ether. The Ether expended is absorbed by
the chaos power.

The Chaos power strikes out seizing control of Peachy & sending him after Lady Widow but its hold is not strong
enough to reach her. Chaos then Activates an Infected Bobby lurking in the Shadows & sends him after Lady Widow.
Chaos then imposes a Synaptic Fury Mutations on Peachy & a 3rd Eye on Lady Widow.

Peachy seeing Kenny Jones engaging Fogg & Drago moves up behind Jones & takes Vimelixer to Recover his wounds.

Kenny Jones undergoes a transformation as the Chaos power removes his Hump Mutation & substitutes Regeneration.

Jones then makes multiple attacks on Drago but he manages to Dodge both attacks.

Drago attacks Jones who is distracted by Peachy's Toxic Miasma & causes 2 hits. Drago's 2nd attack is however Dodges.


Fogg attacks Jones who dodges. Fogg makes a 2nd attack but it's infective in spite of Jones being distracted by the
Toxic Miasma rolling off Peachy.

The Chaos Power sizes control of Peachy & sends him to attack Drago who manages to Dodge, Kenny Jones then launches
a couple of attacks on Drago who is hindered by Peachy's Toxic Misma & takes 2 hits.

Drago attacks Jones giving him 2 hits & then Recovers to heal his wounds.

The Chaos Power again uses it's Control Power to have Peachy attack Drago who Dodges. An Infected Bobbie then moves
to block Lady Widow.

Peachy regaining his control then fires a Derringer at Jones giving him 4 hits. Peachy expends Ether to order Drago to attack
Jones & Jones takes another hit. The expended Ether is absorbed by the Chaos power. Peachy attacks Jones with his harpoon
but Jones Dodges.

The Chaos Power Dominates Peachy & once again has him attack Drago Who Dodges. Chaos then enhances it Power.

Lady Widow fires up her Gramophone & attacks the Infected Bobbie blocking her but he manages to Dodge.The expended
Ether is split between Kenny Jones & the Chaos Power,


Peachy takes on Kenny Jones his attack does 3 damage then using an Arson Cocktail takes Jones down. Jones using his
Last Breath lashes out & doing Peachy 2 damage. Peachy then pours Whiskey on the burning Jones permanently Neutralizing him.
Peachy then Recovers to eliminate his wounds.

The Chaos Power ignores his remaining minions & instead seizes Control over Fogg & has him attack Peachy & Drago with
his Scythe Fingers .Peachy takes 2 wounds & Drago Dodges. An Infected Bobby attacks Lady Widow but she Dodges.

Lady Widow Recovers 2 Ether & spends to activate her Gramaphone to attack an Infected Bobby but the attack fails.
The released Ether is grasped by the Chaos Power.

With Willie Jones eliminated The Chaos Power again seizes Control of Fogg to attack Peachy & Drago .Drago again Dodges
but Peachy takes another hit.

Drago now moves up the sewer Channel to help Lady Widow.

The Chaos Power continues his control of Fogg & attacks Peachy landing 2 hits but Peachy is able to use his Surgeons Bag
to prevent a Torment Mutation. Chaos then decides to save his other powers for later.

Fogg finally shakes of Chaos's Control & moves up the Sewer Channel toward Drago & Lady Widow,


Drago attacks the Infected Bobby blocking his 7 Lady Widows way. The Bobby is neutralized & Drago proceeds
toward the Security control Room

The Chaos Power is unable to seize Control on any Gentlemen & instead holds to save Ether.

Peachy moves up the sewer channel to join Fogg & Lady Widow.

The Chaos Power tries Control again & seizes Fogg & has him attack Peachy & Lady Widow with his Scythe Claws but
they both Dodge clear. Chaos then uses his Command Minions Power to activate the 4 Infected bobbies hiding in
the Security Control Room & sends them out to confront the Gentlemen advancing up the Sewer.

Lady Widow recovers Ether & moves to join Drago

Fogg charges his Chrono Portal to move toward the blocked Exit. The Chaos Power absorbs the expended Ether.


Drago moves & charges the nearest Infected Bobby & Neutralizes it.

Chaos seizes Control of Fogg & sends him to attack Peachy & gives him 2 wounds. Chaos then
uses its other powers to Dominate Peachy & forces him to attack Fogg again but Fogg Dodges.
Then Chaos Synaptic Fury gives Fogg a wound.

Peachy Recovers from his attacks & moves toward the lower Security Gate.

Chaos fails at seizing Control & instead has 2 Infected Bobbies attack Drago giving him
2 wounds & the Metamorphosis Mutation.

Lady Widow moves to back up Drago

Fogg feeling the effects of Chaos seizures moves to the Exit Security Gate.


Fogg waits at the Exit security gate & Recovers.

Chaos Grabs Control of Fogg again & sends him up the Sewer channel toward the other Gentlemen.
Two Infected bobbies attack Drago & manage a hit.

Peachy moves to the lower Security Gate.

The Chaos Power seizes Drago & has him attack Lady Widow who Dodges. Chaos then draws more Power.

Drago recovers from the Infected Bobbies attack & attacks one of the Bobbies who Dodges.

Lady Widow uses Dark Control on an Infected Bobby & has it attack another Infected Bobby
& Neutralizes it.She then impowers her Gramaphone to attack the other Infected Bobby but
it manages to Dodge. The released Ether is absorbed by the Chaos Power.


Peachy expends Ether to move up Sewer Corridor & orders Drago to attack the Infected
Bobby blocking his way. Drago Neutralized the Infected Bobby & the Chaos Power absorbs the
expended Ether. Peachy then returns to the Lower Security Gate,

The Chaos Power uses Control on Fogg & has him retreat from the Exit Security Gate.
Synaptic Fury is then used on Drago & Fogg giving them 2 damage.

Fogg shrugs off Chaos Control & moves back the Exit Security Gate & Recovers.

Chaos then uses Control on Drago & has him attack Lady Widow which she Dodges. The
remaining Infected Bobby moves back into the Security Control Room.

Drago expels Ether then Charges the Security Control Room & Neutralizes the Infected Bobby.
The Chaos Power scoops up the Ether.

Lady Widow pauses 7 Recovers Ether & then moves down the Sewer Corridor toward the lower
Security Gate.


Lady Widow joins Peachy at the Lower Security Gate.

Chaos renews its Control on Fogg & has him move away from the Exit Security Gate.Chaos then
uses his Synaptic Fury & inflicts 2 Wounds on Peachy.

Drago moves into the Security Control Room & releases the Security Gate control opening
the Gates. He them moves out of the Security Room & down the Sewer Corridor.

Peachy now that the Security Gate is down moves through the Intake Room into the
Storage Room finding the Alien Specimen sample.

Fogg groggy from the repeated control by Chaos discards his Mask of Robur & stumbles
out the Exit leaving the Sewer.The Metropolitain Police find him wandering London'e
East side & bring him to the Embassy.

Chaos searches for a Gentlemen to Control but finds none & instead gathers more Power.
3 Infected Bobbies that were lurking in the shadow of the Lower Security Gate
now move to block Lady Widow & Peachy.


Drago moves down the Sewer Corridor to aid Lady Widow

Chaos grabs control of Dargo & forces him to attack Lady Widow,She Dodges but is still caught & takes
a wound.Chaos recruits more Power.

Peachy attacks one of the Infected Bobbies that has him cornered in the Storage Room but the attack
fails. He the Recovers & from previous damage.

The Chaos Power is unable to exercise Control over any Gentlemen & instead has 2 Infected Bobbies
attack Peachy which inflict 2 wounds. Another Infected Bobby attacks Lady Widow but she uses Ether
to Evade.The expended Ether goes to the Reserve.

Lady Widow Recovers but is still pinned down by the Infected Bobby.


Drago lashes out at the Infected Bobby blocking him & Lady Widow but misses. A 2nd attack Neurtalizes
the creature.

Chaos seizes Control of Dargo & has him attack Lady Widow but she manages to Dodge. Chaos then Activates
2 Infected Bobbies to attack Peachy but he is also able to Dodge out of the Way.

Peachy Attacks an Infected Bobby blocking him but the Creature Dodges the blow.Peach then Recovers
from his previous damage.

Chaos again Controls Drago & renews the attack on Lady Widow who in spite of her age manages to again Dodge.
The 2 remaining Infected Bobbies attack Peachy & inflict a wound & Daze him forceing the Loss of 2 Ether.

Lady Widow moves up the Sewer Channel & heads for the Exit.


Drago moves to aid Peachy & attacks & Neutralizes one of the Infected Bobby threatening him.

Chaos Power uses Control to seize Drago & has him attack Peachy who Dodges.Chaos then chooses
not to waste Ether on further actions.

Lady Widow continues to make toward the Ecit.

Chaos again Controls Drago & renewed the attack on Peachy this time doing serious damage.Peachy
is however is able to use his Surgical kit to stop any additional mutations. The remaining
Infected Bobby then attacks Peachy & neutralizes him releasing 2 Ether to the Chaos reserves.

Peachy then attacks the Infected Bobby & Neutralizes him.


Peachy with the Alien Remains moves out to the Intake Room & heads toward the Exit.

The Chaos Power now deprived of all his Minions uses Control to have Drago follow & Attack
Peachy.The assault scores a hit on the Leader & Chaos also low on Ether brings Ether from
his Reserve,

Lady Widow finds the Exit & leaves the Sewer & is immediately taken to the Embassy by the
Metropolitan Police.

Drago no longer under Chaos Control heads for the Sewer Exit.


Drago continues toward the Sewer Exit with his sample of Alien Remains.

Chaos uses Control on Peachy in a desperate effort to keep him from taking the Alien Remains
from the Sewer by forcing him back into the Storage Room.

Peachy shakes off Chaos Control & heads toward the Sewer Exit again.


Drago takes the Exit out of the sewer with the Alien Specimen & into the arms of the Metropolitan
Police who escort him to the Embassy.

The Chaos Power seizes Peachy again & sends him back toward the Intake room & away from the Exit.


Peachy & the Chaos Power struggle, Peachy to reach the Sewer Exit & Chaos to keep forcing him back.
Finally, Chaos its Power weakened can no longer stop Peachy & he makes the Exit with the Alien
Specimen. The Metropolitain Police quickly grab him take him to the Embassy.

Week of April 18th-24,1886

The Gentlemen are thoroughly sanitized by the Embassy scientists & are highly displeased with their
treatment. They demand to know why they were called upon when the Embassy staff had the resources
to handle the alien contamination? Prof.Galton explains the Embassy had identified one of its
scientist a Prof.Swanson as behind the hijacking of the Alien Buds. The Embassy was preparing to
take action but Lord x demanded that the Unicorn Club should handle the matter.

The Gentlemen realized that one of their own was involved, Emma Swanson was the wife of Prof.Swanson.
The reason for Lord x involving them became clear.Emma Swanson had been out of contact with the
Unicorn Club missing several important meetings & functions which was highly unusual for her.
Fearing for her safety they resolved to go to the Swanson Mansion at Nottingham Hill & investigate.

First, however they made a quick visit to the Nightside Market to prepare themselves for the raid on
the Swanson Mansion.

Peachy went to the Wilkison Arms Arsenal & picked up a Revolver.
Lady Widow went to Borrow 1 Artefact & secured the Nobunaga Mask.
Fogg visited Wilkison Arms Arsenal & got a Sword Cane.
Drago went back to the Unicorn Club & trained in the Open Season skill.

Unfortunately, their time in the filth of the Sewers had spread toxic cells throughout their blood streams
that even the Embassy medical staff could not fully banish. The Gentlemen had Mutations emerge:

Peachy got Cloven Hooves, Lady Widor developed Acid Blood, Fogg developed a Sixth Sense & Drago got
a Tumorous Hump. Nevertheless, they pushed on towards the Swanson Mansion to discover the fate
of their fellow Gentleman Emma Swanson.


The Rise of the Moloch rules do have instances of needed interpretations & questions not covered the
Embassy is no exception. I had 2 cases in this Chapter where I had to had to fill in the blanks.

1.Set up calls for 2 Security Gates but only 1 is shown on the set Up diagram (covering the Exits)
so after looking at the aet up tiles & decided the only logical place was between Tiles 024 & 025.
It forces the Gentlemen to enter the Grid control box before they can access the Tile with the Alien remains.

2. Ambassador Nail- per the Rules he was permanently neutralized in Part A but the part B Set Up calls for
the placement of 6 Shadow tokens & 1 is for Nail. Plus, Nail is also in the part 3 set Up.
So is Permeant only for part A or is out of the Campaign ? The Rules refer to Surviving Agents so I ruled
him out of the Campaign & randomly eliminated a Shadow token Placement.

It was a long Game the Gentlemen started from one side of the Tile Board & had to go the other End to
get to the Security Control to unlock the Security Gates. They then had to go down to the bottom of the
Tile Board to get the Alien Specimen & finally back around to get to the Exit.Chaos on each of its Activations
gets to roll a dice & if its Icon matches a Torment a Gentlemen has then it can Control that Gentlemen
for 1 Agility & 1 Attack action. This caused a lot of time with extra attacks & keeping the Gentlemen from
getting to their Objectives.( Fogg had a Torment that gave him nearly all of the necessary Icons to cause
Chaos Control & I had to get him off the Board as soon as the Exit was opened).

The 3rd & final Mission in the Campaign will be a little easier for the Gentlemen as Kenny Jones was
permanently Neutralized in this Mission so only 1 Agent Lord Swanson to deal with in the final game.


PS-I misread the rules concerning Crates & allowed multiple actions to obtain Gear from them.The Rule states
once the Crate is searched its removed from the Game. So The Gentlemen had a lot of Gear they should not have
had. Luckly, I had assigned it all to Peachy & hadn't used any of it ,so when I realized the mistake I just
returned the Gear Cards to the box.