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Last Night on Earth - the movie
10-10-2012, 05:00 PM
Post: #1
Last Night on Earth - the movie
Similar to the Invasion From Outer Space "scenario" that I posted, I'm envisioning the Last Night on Earth "movie scenario" as a series of existing scenarios played out with continuity in between to represent 3 acts in a movie. Any events that happen in the first "act" would have repercussions in the succeeding acts (e.g. character deaths). Since I only have the base set (yes, finally!), I'm only using the included scenarios in my recommended story.

Act 1 - Defend the Manor House

The zombies have risen and have started attacking the town. The Woodinvale survivors make their way to the Manor House in the middle of town and try their best to survive the night.

- Scenario is played as is.
- Any killed Heroes cannot be used in Acts 2 and 3.
- Heroes Replenish is Optional.
- If the Heroes win, they get to keep 1 Weapon that they found during the act.
- If the Heroes lose, the Zombies get to roll 3D6 for the starting zombies for Act 2 and remove the lowest die for the result.

Act 2 - Burn 'Em Out!

The survivors try to fight back the next day and must destroy where the zombies are coming from before sundown.

- Scenario is played as is.
- Any killed Heroes cannot be used in Act 3.
- Optional: Human players must use survivors from Act 1.
- Optional: Heroes Replenish
- If the Heroes win, they get to keep 2 items (1 weapon, 1 non-weapon item) that they found during the act.
- If the Heroes lose, the Zombies get to roll 3D6 for the starting zombies for Act 2 and remove the lowest die for the result.

Act 3 - Escape in the Truck

The survivors realize that the zombie apocalypse is inevitable and their only option is to escape from Woodinvale.

- Scenario is played as is.
- Optional: Human players must use survivors from Act 2.
- Recommended: No Heroes Replenish.

What do you guys think? Does it flesh out an entire story?

Personally, I'm excited to try this out. It gives a sort of role-playing feel in that how successful you are in previous acts improve your chances of winning in the next round. With expansions, I think the Upgrades serve as better rewards than just keeping any items found. I haven't playtested this yet but I'll post any results once I get the chance to.
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10-10-2012, 05:37 PM
Post: #2
RE: Last Night on Earth - the movie
I think its a great ideia. I like continuity, but i would go further and make it really continuous:
- Make everyone keep what they have, keep the zombies in the map, just change the layout to fit the new scenario. Maybe make the heroes survive the "defend the manor house" turns (cant remember how many), then proceed to burn the spawing pits (keep all the zombies on the board, maybe give 1 or 2 dice of zombies to the ZP), heroes stay as is (with guns and wounds and killed heroes dont come back) and then after they manage to kill the spawing pits, add the center of the board and 2 new "L" shaped boards next to the board (maybe turn the 2 boards that are forming the new board so it keeps its square shape, and remove the manor house and the 2 leftover boards) with the truck on it, so they have to find the keys and gasoline. You can either keep the players from knowing whats coming or pick random scenarios or taking away scenario search items and reshuffling to the deck, so they dont keep gasoline and keys for the scape in the truck and gasoline/dynamite for the "burn them out".
I´m currently drawing a mall to be printed and playable, so it could be an act 4, where they must stop at the mall and gather supplies, before finding their home somewhere else. Timber peak then? hehehe
All you have to do is tweak the switch between the scenarios, maybe letting them keep just the items and adding 1 or 2 heroes to the hero pool (so if they lost 3 heroes in the scenario they wont lose if they lose one more), and also the zp should have some compensation, maybe extra zombies? (ALWAYS EXTRA ZOMBIES!)
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10-10-2012, 08:18 PM
Post: #3
RE: Last Night on Earth - the movie
This is an AWESOME idea! I definitely want to thank you for sharing this! Even as is, I think this would work well, and would be epically awesome! But, I would certainly love to see others chime in with thoughts. Already, colorado added some cool ideas.
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10-10-2012, 08:35 PM
Post: #4
RE: Last Night on Earth - the movie
I've always thought each game plays like a movie. I think the artwork on the cards and character boards really adds to this. Also we have many nods to the Zombie films and B_movies of the past. Cool idea!
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10-10-2012, 09:10 PM
Post: #5
RE: Last Night on Earth - the movie
It could even be expanded by playing the quick two player version from Growing Hunger for each hero to start to give them each an origin story and some starting items.

Maybe taking out the kill track and just running it for a number of turns and then starting defend the manor with the four boards that the hero ended up in at the end of the two player game leaving the heroes and zombies in place on those boards.

This might give the hero players too much control on the board set up so they can do things like make sure to get the gas station and gun shop are both on the board for the manor house game, but that might not be a big deal since it happens randomly anyway.
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10-10-2012, 10:20 PM
Post: #6
RE: Last Night on Earth - the movie
I'm glad you guys like it. I'm sure we can still play around with the mechanics further.

One good thing that I like about LNOE is that one game is a complete game in itself, unlike an RPG quest where a story can drag out for days. Adding different levels of continuity in between games, especially with the mechanics from expansions (e.g. Timber Peak's Hero Upgrades, Advanced Abilities supplements) can add to the development of a long story. Maybe "movie" isn't really a good term but more of "series". Zombie17

I'll try this out and post some Battle Reports after my nephew and I have gotten accustomed to the rules.
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11-15-2012, 01:57 PM
Post: #7
RE: Last Night on Earth - the movie
Great ideia LabRat.
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