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MoM-2 Player Game
01-24-2013, 04:53 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2021 10:46 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
MoM-2 Player Game
This Game is the 1st Scenario in the Core MoM Game.
It's the Keeper & 1 player using 2 Investigators.
My Game reports are usually story style & MoM can generate
some nice stories.

The Case of the Curious Debutante
(with apologies to Mickey Spillane & Mike Hammer)

It was about 3PM & the dull pain in my head had
finally decided to settle between my eyes,when
she walked in my office.Class dame,little sun dress
& an Easter Bonnet with legs that went on forever
.......(HEY!!! how she get pass Linda the
receptionist?? Then I remembered I had to let Linda
go last month,the same time I gave up my apt. and
moved into the office).

Her first words were"you look like hell & her second were"
want to share that bottle?"I knew this dame was trouble,
but the office rent is due,so I told her to park it, shoved
the bottle over to her and asked her what did she want with
a private dick?

She didn't even ask for a glass,just took a swig,propped her
legs up on my desk(like I hadn't noticed them before) and in
a hoity-toity voice gave me her story.

Her name was Jenny Barnes and dollar signs began to replace
the pain between my eyes,the Barnes Family Trust Fund baby.
Hey in my line of work you read the society pages and
they were usually full of dirt on her.Money is a great
hangover remedy so I turned my attention from her legs
to her pocketbook.

She said her God Father Walter Lynch had disappeared
along with his wife Edith.Seems things started to go
downhill for them about a year ago when their son
got some strange illness and died.Walter took it hard
but in the last few weeks seemed to be recovering,
when she got a phone call from him blubbering about
his wife.The guy was nearly incoherent and hung up
before she could make sense of what he was saying.

Since then she has heard nothing,which is most unusual
as they usually were in touch weekly.No one answers
the phone,responds to her letters or telegrams.She
come up to Arkham to check on them but no one answers
the door.

I interrupt her at this point to point out that Walter & Edith
just might want to get away,travel to help get over
the death of their son.Their house must hold bad memories
and they might just want to go somewheres else.

She said that's what the authorities are telling her
but she doesn't think they would just go off without
telling her and thinks something terrible has happened.

She feels if the Lynch Mansion can be gotten into that
it can reveal what happened or at least some clues
as to where her Godparents have gone.

I anticipate her request & ask her if she wants me to
break into the place & nose around?Then as some
of my brain cells break themselves away from her legs
and her money I ask why me and not some big
name detective agency?

She laughed,took another swig, again causing her
dress to hike up more ,and told me they wouldn't
agree to her conditions.She also said she had heard
I wasn't to particular on what I had to do to get a job

OK now she is beginning to bother me with her high and
mighty tone so I figure I'll put her in her place
and go for the fat fee little miss money bags can
well afford.

"Look Miss Barnes,if that skirt goes any higher it
will be a blouse and yeah I can do your job but
your asking me to do a break in and that kind
of thing cost more than a glimpse of your knees.
My fee is $1000,$500 up front,$500 after
I check out the Mansion,regardless of what I
find,plus any expenses."

She laughed,a real belly laugh and told me her
conditions were $250 after the job was done
and that she would accompany me and handle
any expenses she thought necessary.Then
she noted that I had past glancing at her knees
and was well into intense focus.

(Dammit I'm leg man...sue me)I didn't give her
the satisfaction of looking elsewhere but told her
that I don't work with amateur's that would
just get in the way.

She smiled,perfect white teeth,got up leaned
over my desk and put the bottle back in front of me
(giving me a view right down that sun dress)
and said "Good bye Mr.Diamond.

My brain cells now fully sober scream "idiot"your broke,
your old landlord is holding your stuff for back rent
and this is the first case you had in a month.

I tell her to wait..damn I sound desperate..she pauses
giving me that sweet closed lips smile broads give
you when they know they are going to get their way.

I stammer out that beings it's her God parents and that
I can see they mean a lot to her I'll make an exception
and agree to her conditions.I also say she can call
me Joe..(god Diamond shut up,your being pathetic)

She walks over to me looks up and pats my cheek
and said 'we have a deal Joe,meet me at the Mansion
at 8 pm tonight...and you may call me Miss Barnes..
At 8 PM don't be late and for gods sake get a shave.

The faint smell of her perfume lingered after she left
and I killed the bottle with a final swig.$250 clams
for an enter and search!I usually get around $15-$20
for that kind of work.This little caper was gonna
get me out of hock.A quick nights work with a classy
dame how hard could it be,plus maybe some more
exposure to the old Diamond charm might cause her
to dismount that high horse she riding.

I arrive freshly shaved at 8 PM at the Lynch Estate,
my employer is no where to be seen so I case
things a little.Nothing going on the house is silent
and has an unkempt look.

I wait,20 minutes go by and I'm beginning to think
the shave was for nothing,a light rain starts
adding to my mood of wasted time.I decide
to do something and knock on the door.
No response but then it creaks open!

Just then Miss Barnes shows,sees the open door
and asks how I got it opened.I smiled and told her
professional secret.She almost looked impressed,
then she asks if I'm packing heat?

I laugh and tell her she didn't hire me to shoot anyone,
she says never mind she is prepared and pulls out
a pair of 45 automatics.I silently curse and tell her
to stow the heaters,the last thing I need is for her
to jump at some shadow and shoot herself or me.

She seemed to bite back a remark and pushed past
me into the House.The Foyer was huge and we
both stopped upon entering as the dead silence
of the place was unnatural.Suddenly a bloodcurdling
scream shattered the silence.Miss Barnes said
that it sounds like it's coming from the laboratory
& headed off up the stairs.

With the words "wait here"dieing in my mouth I quickly
follow her up the stairs and into the room and find
her just looking around saying there's nothing here.
I run past her to the door at the far end of the room
and ask her "what's in here"?

She shrugs and says she doesn't know it used to be
Walters study but when his son got sick he told her
he converted the library into a laboratory but he
never mentioned other changes.

Looking at the closed door I just get the feeling of an
Evil Presence brooding beyond it.I have an idea that
whatever is beyond the door is no longer a study
but something ancient and evil.Damn I'm getting spooked
probably over nothing,one way to find out.

I open the door to be greeted by total darkness,I look
along the wall for the light switch but instead find
an electrical panel!In the faint light from the open door
I can make out ripped wires and circuits.I Call out to
Miss Barnes to stay put and don't block the door light
as I need to rewire the panel to get the lights working.

I begin repairing things but after getting most of
the wires reconnected I can't seem to find the
final connection.Damn it's taking too much time.

Miss Barnes enters the room ,blocking all the light,
finds her way along the wall and asks" whats the
problem"? I'm about to tell her she is,but she moves
around me looks at the panel and says "try this",
making a couple of adjustments and the room is
flooded in heavy duty light.I get the feeling she's
wondering if I'm worth the $250.

The light reveals an operating room,with,MY GOD!!
a flayed body on the table.Miss Barnes goes
over and examines it and discovers the guys still alive!
He manages to whisper..."he let me stay overnight"
and unclenched his hand to reveal a silver key and
with a final shutter dies.

She takes the key from the dead guys hand studies it
and then takes off back into the laboratory.I say Hey!
what goes and she shouts back"I'm going to check out
the guest room..that poor man said he spent the night,
maybe this key fits something in the guest room".

My brain cells start kicking me again as I hear her running
down the Foyer stairs,they are telling me I've lost control
of this situation and better get control fast.That feeling of Evil
just keeps building.

I follow her on a run gaining the Foyer stairs just as she
hits the landing.How she can run in those shoes are
beyond me but I need to catch up and let her know we're
going to do things my way.

Suddenly I feel Somethings Wrong I missed something
and the urge to go back into the laboratory is uncontrollable.
Now the feeling of an Evil Presence is really growing.
A clock somewhere in the house strikes 10.

My God!! The flayed corpse shambles out of the operating
room,and I shrink back as he moves past me,throws open
the laboratory door and moves down to the Foyer
as I hear Miss Barnes scream.I feel my hold on reality slip
some and from the sound of her scream I think she has
gained some unwelcome Forbidden knowledge.

I can only hope Miss Barnes has the good sense to get
the hell away from that thing.Then I hear the the
cannon like sound of her .45's going off,damn I hope
she's a good shot.

I move out of the Laboratory and look down the steps,Miss
Barnes is backed up against the Foyer landing wall
still holding her guns and looking in shocked disbelief.
The Thing has holes in it's chest you can see through
but it's still on it feet.I silently curse myself for not bothering
to pack a piece but I can't let a client get killed.I hurl
myself down the stair and jump the Thing with my bare
hands.The horror of the Thing registers but it just
gives impetus to my savage attack as I rip
into the the wounds the .45's have already inflicted.
I tear at the gore until I feel the Thing collapse like a
puppet with a cut string. Miss Barnes hugs me,smearing
that little sun dress with blood from my clothes and says
Joe you killed it.Not one to let an opportunity go by I hug
her back,and tell her "it's OK Miss Barnes",she gave a
weak smile and said call me Jenny.

We stood in the awkward embrace both feeling the
house projections of ancient Evil.Finally she said "Joe"
and I replied "yes" you can let me go now.I didn't
realized the tightness of my grip I released her
but keeping my hands on her shoulders,deciding
now was the time to take charge.

I told her that we needed to get the hell out,
her gun shots could well bring the police and
here we were with a bloody corpse at our feet,
with bullet holes from her guns and we were both
smeared with blood.We get out and then make an
anonymous call to the cops.

She quietly said NO,something terrible has happened
here and Walter and Edith may be hurt or prisoners.
She was going to find out and she understood I
didn't sign up for this so I could have my $250 now
and leave.Then looking up into my eyes continued
"or you can stay with me and I'll raise your fee to $500'.

God this dame is good,an appeal to my honor and greed
all in one sentence delivered in a voice like a lovers sigh.
Jenny I exhaled,I won't leave you alone and the fee doesn't change.
My brain cells are are just appalled but that's
not the part of my body I'm listening to just now.

She squeezes my hands and says OK,lets go.I hold
her back and tell her,"look we need to work fast here,
no more just running around,you follow me".She
actually said your the boss,I wonder how long this
humble spirit will last.

I ask her where the guest room is and she tells me it's
at the top of the stairs I just came down,the door on
the left,just across the hall. I look at her funny and
she admits she got confused and ran down the stairs
instead.Somehow that screw up makes me feel better.
I go up the stairs and into the hallway,giving it a quick
once over but its empty.I call Jenny she can come up.

Jenny gets to the top of the stair when a picture flies
off the wall and sails toward her.She easily ducks it
and says "oh great Poltergeist"I reply I didn't sneeze.
She mutters philistine as she passes me and goes
to the door on the far end of the hall..this is it,but
it's locked.

I see she has again taken the initiative but maybe
we've had the worst of it.In any case the Evil
presence feeling Hasn't' increased.I tell her to
let me check out the lock.

No she says,I think this silver key fits and she
slides it home and goes into the guest bed room
forgetting she suppose to wait for me.I yell
hold up but all I heard back was a thud.I called
again but she answered she was OK just had
a vision but she was now trying the lock on the
storage closet.

I went into the room and found tying to work a
combination lock without much success.I asked her
what went with the vision.She replied she suddenly
felt she was in another woman's body and a man was
dragging across the floor then she felt she was outside
in the rain and then a shovel came down on her head,
It only lasted for a few seconds and she felt it was
trying to tell her something but she wasn't sure what.
She also said that a strange phrase was imprinted on her
mind.She pronounced it for me but it was gibberish.
I thought it over and said to her"does this place have
a garden?She said "why yes" don't suppose...
I said forget the lock lets check out the garden.

The feeling of an Evil Presence seemed to quadruple,
it really felt like something was just toying with us.
I told Jenny again to just follow me and then had
to ask her where in the hell the garden was located.
She told me it's just off the operating room.

I move out into the hall with the thickening of the Evil
presence all around me,as I move over to the door
to the stairs it slams shut and I can't get it opened.

Jenn comes out of the guest room saying she had
suddenly felt confined and had to get out.To my
chagrin she pulls on the stair door and goes
into the stair landing.

Suddenly the lights briefly flicker and shots echo
out of the guest bedroom and across the hall.The
feeling of Evil is now oppressive.The unseen clock
chimes out 11.

I tell Jenny to run for it and she runs through the
laboratory into the operating room.
I follow her across the stair landing and into the

Suddenly Jenny comes back into the laboratory with
the strangest expression on her face,she said
why did I come back?The Evil that now seemed to
almost be a physical presence at this point
glowed around her.

Before I could move out of the laboratory I
was assailed by Baffling voices that seem to
engulf me. I stumble hard and the pain shoots
up my leg while my brain struggles with the
voices.The trauma of the shock causes my vision
to blur and I move through the operating room
to the entryway and then run from my torment
out to the garden path.

Jenny followed me out on to the garden path but I
could she was troubled, when I asked her about it,
she said she had found a book in the operating room
entitled Ancient Knowledge but as she opened it the
writing disappeared and she was filled with horror.
She moved off the path into the garden.

She had just gone out when she returned back to
the path saying she felt compelled to come
back by an uncontrollable urge.We both realize
that whatever force was in this house it was
trying to keep us from the garden.

Jenny told me to stay as my vision was really messed
up and proceeded into the garden.I watched
from the pathway with the little sight I had as
she approached the garden which began to
glow a slickly red.I heard her repeat that gibberish
phase and suddenly the garden was revealed to be
a sea of muddy blood .A voice boomed out "We must
feed it".The house was then filled with groans.
Jenny screamed "oh my God,it's Walter"it's too late
we need to get out of here NOW!

Who is there? my mind seems to slip but I shake the
thought loose and move inside to the entryway
as I follow Jenny's command.I find out as I run into
a shambling corpse,without thinking I attack the thing
and rake over its eyes with my fingers.My attack
catches the creature off guard and it stumbles
back stunned.

The creature however recovers and the miasma of
an Evil Presence fills the room.I warn Jenny to stay
back .That damn clock chimes Midnight and then I
hear her scream again....Edith..Oh.No ..not Edith.

Jenny comes through the garden door into the
entryway yelling Edith's Corpse is rising in the garden,
then sees the Corpse Thing and is startled.She
pulls out her .45 but fumbles them,recovers and
opens fire.The Thing is hit but keeps coming.

My mind rebels at the horror but I manage my fear
and attack the Thing ripping at the bullet holes
Jenny's guns have opened up.The Thing goes
down and stays down.I tell Jenny to get going
and move into the operating room only to find
another Corpse Thing there,I easily evade it,
shout out a warning to Jenny and escape to
the laboratory.

I feel the house is just waiting ,just brooding
before unleashing some other horrors on us.
But nothing happens and I wait for Jenny
to get pass the Thing and join me.

I hear Jenny enter the operating room but
then I hear her panic and she runs the wrong
fleeing back out to the garden.I wonder
if the Edith Corpse thing is loose my answer
is a, a single word BUGS!Then a wail.."dropped
my Guns",then her voice steadies and she
yells "I got them back".

God part of me wants to run out of this hell
house but I can't leave a client behind so
I go back for her.Reentering the operating
room a plague of darkness descends.
I however remember the lay out and the
general location of the Corpse Thing so I
manage to slip through and gain the entryway.
I look around quickly to see if there is anything
I can use as a weapon,damn it's hard to focus.
I find an old tome "Nameless Cults"it's certainly
not a weapon but I notice a sheet of paper stuck
in it and quickly read it,hoping it will shed some
light on whats going on this this horror house.
It's a Spell! called Blood Pact".This is suppose to
allow me to heal wounds.Might be useful so I
commit it to memory.

Before I can do anything else I hear Jenny
struggling with the Edith Corpse,I can tell
from the sound Jenny is making that she has
been hurt.I hope it's not serious?

To answer my question Jenny staggers into
the entryway she wounded but appears stunned
more than anything else.I guess being attacked
by ones Godmother will do that.I decide to
try the Blood Pact Spell to heal her.God what
a mistake I say the words and I just go pale,
Jenny wounds are not effected and the spell
vanishes from my mind.The shock to my brain
is absorbed and I'm suddenly realizing 'It's
Alive " the whole damn house is alive and
the doors are it's mouths,I shrink back from
the doors.

Jenny however does recover enough to throw
off the effects of being stunned,good thing as
the Edith Corpse shambles into the entryway
from the garden and the other Corpse Thing
enters from the Operating room.
Jenny and I have been through too much to be
effected by these horrors and stand ready to
defend ourselves.Edith attacks me but I easily
sidestep and avoid her and the other Corpse
Thing misses Jenny as she falls to the floor to
avoid it.I yell RUN!!!Just then the Clock chimes
1 PM,followed by a hollow metallic's not
a reassuring sound.

Jenny tries to get around Edith but she's not
quick enough and suffers a couple of wounds.
She does evade the other Corpse thing and
makes through the operating room and to
the stair door of the laboratory.

I get by the Corpse Thing but Edith catches me
and I take a couple of wounds,screwing up my
courage I got through the entryway door and the
operating room door to join Jenny at the stair door.

Just then the Edith Corpse comes shambling into
the far end of the laboratory.I hold down my terror
and Jenny displays unwavering determination
and pulls the stair door open and runs down to the

Jenny hollers up Joe,the damn Front Door is LOCKED!!!
and I can hear her cursing.She then tells me she
needs help getting the last part of the lock undone.

I swallow hard look at the door convince myself it's
not a mouth and step through to join Jenny at the
front door.I study the lock,which isn't easy with my
vision still messed up but can See Jenny has freed up
the right half but the left half of the thing is still
stuck. I make out a pattern and take a chance
and with a couple of final rotations the thing clicks

The house seems to sigh,we both hold our breath
waiting for some new horror to hit us before we
can get out,but nothing.

Jenny pulls the door open and escapes into the night,
I hesitate as the the image of a huge mouth
overcomes me ,but I hear Jenny calling me and I close
my eyes and step through into the night air.
The great door slams behind me.

So Friend that's my story,I told you you wouldn't
believe me but is it worth a bottle?You promised
it I gave you a good story you would buy me a bottle.

The dame? she was too rich for my blood,she took
off for somewhere in Europe.She was OK paid me
$1000 ,I stayed drunk for a year.The booze helps
me not to remember.

The House?..we both decided to just forget it,
some things are too terrible to dwell on ,it's
still can go see for yourself.

Come on do I get the bottle?..oh Thanks man,I'd
offer you a drink but I need it all.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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01-24-2013, 07:45 PM
Post: #2
RE: MoM-2 Player Game
Great read! I read all of this before and I recommend it! Thank you for sharingWatchmen02
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01-24-2013, 10:08 PM
Post: #3
RE: MoM-2 Player Game
Epic... I really enjoyed this... Thanks for sharing it..

I'm not dead. I'm electroencephalographically challenged...
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