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LnoE: Escape in the Plane (Blood in the forest)
04-18-2014, 04:02 PM
Post: #1
LnoE: Escape in the Plane (Blood in the forest)
Last night, me and three buddies of mine, sat down, and had a very tense and entertaining game.

Me: zombie
Friend’s kid: Nikky
Friend’s wife: Rochelle and Sam
Friend: Sheriff Anderson (Woodinvale survivor)
(We all agree that one Z´ player is better than 2, so we decided that the Heroes would have a double player instead)

After making the preparations, and rolling for random buildings, that the flight plans could be in, the dice nominated Sheriff Anderson and Nikky to be pilots.

First Zombie turn: Three play immediately cards and 7 pre-spawned Zombies set this show on the road. 3 zombies closed slowly but surely in on Mr. Anderson, while 4 Z set out to get a taste of Nikky. At the end of the first turn, a fire had blocked her escape, and she had received 2 wounds. The sheriff had received 1 wound.
When I rolled spawn Z (5), I decided that 2 spawn points would go into the feral dead, and I spawned that without delay.

Heroes first turn:

Nikky rolled a 4 and decided to bolt the building. Fleeing she managed to use her Signal flare, and slam my feral Dead in a fell swoop. The sheriff searched and turned up a bogus flight plan. Then he took aim at my Z with his shotgun. 3. No Z hit. Then a roll to see if the shotgun broke: 1. Bye bye shotgun. My friend was already getting the harassed look on his face.

Sam and Rochelle both fared well, Sam finding the right flight plan, and Rochelle downing 2 of my Z. With the Heroes in a good position, only needing the gas, and keeping one of the pilots alive, their hope was seriously raised.

Zombies turn two.

Oh the joy of getting precisely the cards you need. Sacrificing 2 Z, I get all my zombies on one board to move 2 spaces. This was enough for them to catch up with darling Nikky. A swift and brutal fight ensued, and ended up with Nikky croaking. One pilot down (and incidentally the first time I have ever downed a hero in the second turn) and the zombie team strengthen. I played a "lights out on the building behind Sam, effectively forcing him to be grounded in the building he was in. The zombies closed in and blocked the exit for him. Happy with the round so far, I had discarded "this could be our last night on earth" card, seeing as my friends are way too clever to stay a boy and girl on the same space. This was a ruse on my part, as my friends would find out, one turn later Watchmen02

Hero turn 2

Jade, dazed and confused, woke up, (replacement for Nikky) and decided to bolt for a trailer, where she could scavenge for gas. Sam remained stationary, and my friend’s wife had Rochelle come to him, to give fire support. Having seen me discarding the "this could be our last night on earth" card, she felt secure. Sam found a circular saw, and was quite happy. Sheriff Anderson retreated to the police station, hoping that he could replace his broken shotgun.

Zombie turn 3

I closed in on Rochelle and Sam. Having them together was risky, but really movielike, so I had around 6 z (including Dead Nikky) block the entrance of the building, stopping them dead in their tracks.

I managed a Shamble, and the sheriff received one more wound in the fight. With the sheriff being the only pilot left, and down on 2 wounds, he couldn’t stay and snipe, but had to get moving. No new Z this turn. Dammit.

Hero turn 3

Sam and Rochelle started a huge fight (bickering) with each other. I nearly pissed myself laughing from the comments my friends wife tossed at the table, her playing both characters, and thus essentially arguing with herself.

The sheriff moved on, while jade was searching like mad. Apparently her player hadn’t realized that the trailer had one door, and I was blocking it.

Zombie turn 4

I moved the zombies in on them, and managed to get 7 z´s in direct contact with them. This has got to be one of the toughest fights I have ever seen. Sam received a wound, and an infected counter, and when he received his next wound, it doubled.
Rochelle was a little luckier, and killed 2 Z´s but received a wound herself.

Jade suddenly found her exit blocked, and 2 more z was on their way. The sheriff was put on the run, with me shambling to an adjacent space of him.

Hero turn 4:

PANIC. Best way I can describe it.
Rochelle sacrificed herself, holding down my z in the space, while Sam was darting for the door. 4 Zombies in her space made it look easy, and soon thereafter she replaced Nikky as the Zombie Hero, as Nikky got taken apart by the Sheriffs Shotgun. Jade rolled a disappointing one on her movement, and decided to search, while the Zombie in her space gave her a wound.
Johnny awoke, to replace Rochelle as the fourth member of the Zombie hunting team, and with no weapons attacked a zombie, and killed it, while drawing away the focus of the other zombies, hunting down Sheriff Anderson.

Zombie Turn 5

Not many Zombies left, I proceeded to hunt down Sam with Rochelle and 2 other shambling Z’s. He was stopped at the door to the dark building, but marvelously managed to dodge everything thrown at him. He didn’t kill any of them though.
Jade’s new friend managed to inflict Zero wounds on her, but the danger of two more undead drew closer, and she couldn’t manage a full turn against three, which dawned upon her in that moment. There were 2 more turns before the wave would hit her.

Hero turn 5:

Johnny awoke, to replace Rochelle as the fourth member of the Zombie hunting team, and with no weapons attacked a zombie, and killed it, while drawing away the focus of the other zombies, hunting down Sheriff Anderson. The Sheriff took up position in a building, and took aim with his shotgun again, but the gods of the dice weren’t looking his way. A 3 followed by a 1 resulted in the shotgun once again being discarded. Sam managed to slip his pursuers, and bolt out the door. Him being infected, and having received 3 wounds mad him try to avoid the fighting, just for now.
Jade had gotten lucky once again, and searched the fuel last turn, so she bolted towards the plane. Now all the heroes had to do, were to gang up on the plane, fill it with gas, and leave the infested wood.

Zombies turn 6:
Tides were definitely turning in the heroes favor. Them having all the items they needed, I needed to stop them, Stat!

Following Jade, I pulled my Zombies (of which I only had 6 at this moment) out in the open, and managed to get most of them just outside the middle tile.

No real fighting were taking place and I had to focus on chasing down one of the seriously wounded heroes, to make a victory.

Heroes turn 6:
Jade had managed to reach the center space, and discarded the fuel. Now all they needed was to get the Sheriff in there, to be the pilot, and Sam to bring the plans. The Sheriff was dodging zombies, and reached the inner tile, just adjacent to the center space. Sam needed 3 more spaces, and managed that beautifully. Johnny then pulled out a Fire extinguisher, and moved ALL my Z one space back. The victory was moving closer to the heroes, and I actually managed to spot hope in their eyes.

Zombies turn 7:

What to do. All the heroes needed now, was to get to the center. A feat, all of them would manage, even if they rolled a two on movement.
I had a grand total of 5 zombies left. I sacrificed 2 Zombies, to make all my Z move two spaces, and the Z-Hero a D6. They I rolled my dice, and hoped for the best. 4. Rochelle rolled a 4. Moving her into the plane space, she was faced with 2 heroes. They argued about who should take the fight. None of them could withstand a wound, and none of them had any weapons worth a damn. They decided that Jade was the best choice, and she rolled her dice. Two 6´s. Crestfallen, I rolled my one dice…………..a 6…………

And there we have it. One of the closest games I have ever played. The Heroes were overcome, but at the end I had 4 Z´s on the table (two of them heroes) and the heroes preparing to go fully touchdown. WOW what a night!!! 

I have made it a habit, of writing a little vignette for my posts, and this is no exception:

“At the end”

“Sheriff Anderson was cursing. Never in his life had he missed so many of his targets. It felt like god was really out to get him. He made his way towards the plane. He could see the lights flicker on in the cockpit, and Sam’s shape moving frantically up the ladder, and disappearing into the plane.”

“We are safe. We are safe.” Jade almost made it a mantra. Reassuring herself, and balancing the heavy canister of fuel, the weight of it almost toppling her over, but her inner strength kept her on her feet. She could hear gunshots, as well as Johnny’s bat hitting one of the undead with a wet thud. Sam came running past her, an odd limp to his stride. “I’m getting the plans ready”, he managed to mutter, while almost falling up the ladder. Just a few more minutes……

Johnny heard the moan of another Zombie. Dammit. He emptied the last of the canister, and the CO2 blasted the zombie off course. He needed to get back to the plane. Darting towards the plane, he saw Jade. She was refueling the plane, and from the other side of the plane, the Sheriff came running, his shotgun bellowing its roar out in the night.

Jade lifted the canister to the fuel port, and started to pour the precious lifeblood of the plane into the tank. She saw the lights go on in the cockpit. Sam’s shape slumped down in the seat, and she managed to smile. They were safe. A soft moan right behind her, made her blood chill. The stench of human waste was filling her nostrils, and strong arms locked themselves around her waist. Turning, she looked straight into the dead eyes of Rochelle.

Sheriff Anderson and Johnny reached the plane at the same time. Scrambling up the ladder, they made their way to the cockpit. Sam was sitting in the copilot seat. His skin was off color, and he was shivering like he was standing in freezing rain. “Where’s Jade” The sheriff demanded. “Out……side……” Sam’s voice was breaking up. He fought to keep conscious, but he was so tired. “I’ll go help her” Johnny muttered, and turned to walk out the door. “No….” the sound was almost a whimper……Johnny turned to look at the Sheriff. As he stood there, the pain in his face was evident. The haunted memories of Woodinvale. The loss of his son. All his friends. Johnny walked up to him. He gripped his shoulder, but the sheriff weren’t reacting to his touch. All he could do was staring. Stare at the open fuel canister lying on the ground. Johnny followed his glance, and the same sense of dread filled him. The body of Jade was barely visible in the dark night. The shape of Rochelle, feasting on the small framed girl was one of the most terrifying sights Johnny had ever seen. “Oh man” he muttered. Then he steeled himself. “I aint' going out like a chump”……..

The soft moans of the undead were filling the lifeless airstrip. In the end……
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04-18-2014, 04:42 PM
Post: #2
RE: LnoE: Escape in the Plane (Blood in the forest)
Hi. Awesome game report. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

I have a dumb questions, lots of them actually. ( to be honest i have not played LNOE in a while. I also could not find the answer to my question) I though if Jade rolled doubles, she does not take a wound ? (even against barbed Wire)

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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04-18-2014, 05:22 PM
Post: #3
RE: LnoE: Escape in the Plane (Blood in the forest)
Yeah, you might be right there. It is all in a bit of a fuzz. It might not have been 2 sixes or i played a card to make her reroll. Cant remember that detail. I was caught up in a victory rush, and it was 2 in the morning. Trust me, they tried anything to avoid that wound Watchmen02
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04-18-2014, 07:31 PM
Post: #4
RE: LnoE: Escape in the Plane (Blood in the forest)
Awesome game report! I really enjoyed that.

We had a really close game of Escape in the Plane also. The last Pilot needed a good roll to make it to the plane in a last ditch effort. She rolled a four, which would have done it, but I played a card to make her re-roll and all she got was a two. That spelled Z victory right there!!

Sssshhhh...I thought I heard a feetstep...
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04-18-2014, 08:02 PM
Post: #5
RE: LnoE: Escape in the Plane (Blood in the forest)
Glad you liked it Watchmen02
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