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OD's SoB Prep Blog
11-05-2014, 02:21 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014 02:08 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #11
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/5/14- I finally got my Plastic Black Primer & today is
warming up nicely so I can finish Stage 2 Base Coating today.
My tool room should be warm enough in about 2 hrs to

Meanwhile I'm checking out my assembled paints against
the SoB Miniature pictures to see what I need. I have
the 2 War Paint SoB sets which will probably have most
of what I need but I'm sure I be using some of my GW
& Reaper paints as well.

I enjoy painting but I dislike figuring out which colors
to use. I can dither all kinds of time away trying to
sort out color schemes ,that's why I'm sticking to
doing the figs the same way FFP has done theirs.

" I'm going to the Market; do you think the grass needs a final cutting?"
"No dear it's fine"
" I think it needs cutting"
"Yes dear, I'll do it while your at the market"
(after 50 years of marriage you know the ones your gonna loose)

Anyway both the grass & the base coating is done but I'll need to flip
most of the figs. to get their underparts. The 8 Heroes are however
ready to go.

Finally all the base coating is done (the Slashers due to their pose were
a tad difficult) of course when I get ready to paint I usually find something
that needs a touch up.

I sort of feel the pressure is off now with all the figs. ready to go up in
my paint room. Now I just need to figure out where I want to start
& set some sort of schedule. This will be the first big project I'm
doing since I retired so I may want to revise my usual 20-30 minutes
for week days & 90 minutes on week-ends.

I also realized that I never included the Other variant Monsters
(Bog Bats/Swamp Slasher/ Snow Terrors/ Ancient Spiders) in
The Brimstone Mine Users Guide so I added them in their appropriate
Portal World.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-06-2014, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014 02:03 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #12
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/6/14-One area I had to address was storage for all the Wave 1 stuff. I
usually store painted figs in plastic shoe boxes so I picked up
some & a plastic frame that holds 3 bin type boxes deep enough
to hold the Epic size figs.

My long range plan is to store the Wandering Monster types
& Otherworld types each in their own boxes, with a separate box
for the Heroes. I just did a rough count of the Wave 2 miniatures
& it came to something like 215!!! So I'll need more but that
won't be until next Fall ( of course there is all the Cthulhu Wars
stuff arriving in late Dec. or early 2015 which I'll have to
work in as well-Note to self DO NOT GO to KS).

I was also thinking of making a scenery display piece for a Boot
Hill- getting some plastic tombstones & putting the names of
Heroes who bought the Farm in the Mines.

But I digress , It's a rainy but mild day, so perfect to start painting but
I tend to stall on actually getting started. So I'm going up to my
paint room & stare at some paint charts & hopefully take that
first brush stroke.

I Plan to do the Monsters first as their easier, most having just a couple of colors,
I'm starting with the Tentacles & then going to the Stranglers. My goal is
to have both sets done by Sunday- long range I'm thinking maybe
Christmas to finish up all of Wave 1.

I DID IT- started painting .I found that the SoB paint sets have a base coat brush
(I think it's standard for War Paint Sets-the Ink Set also had 1 ) it's a good brush
unlike some companies brushes that are included in Sets). I'm using the
Monster Set & it also had a paint guide but just for the Hell bats & Tentacles.

The Guides however showed a lot of mixing paints which I don't do for base colors,
I prefer to save that for highlights or just use a lighter shade. I was pleased with
the War Paint, it goes on smoothly & doesn't dry out on the pallet like my GW ones
do. I usually put some paint in a plastic bottle cap when I'm working & GW Paints
tend to need stirring after a bit to keep them useable.

I started on the Tentacles & did the initial coat of Tentacle Blue (what else), I'm
still not sure of the back side, the painting guide uses a purple shade mixed with
a bone shade that I'll have to think about.

I decided to try the mixed purple & bone but I didn't like it for the back of
the Tentacle so I added some GW-Codex grey & got a shade I liked so
the backs are now done. Shading is next I'm going to try a blue tone
ink on the Tentacle Blue color & a soft tone Ink on the back. These are
both from Warpaint & I never used them before. The directions are
apply straight from the bottle with the GW Inks I'm use to I always
need to water them down.So we'll see

Wrap for the day- The Tentacles have been shaded-I used Hard Tone
on the back as it worked better than the Soft tone. I'm using Reaper Paint
Ice Blue for the Suckers & highlights I'll probably the same purple/bone/Grey
mix with perhaps a little more grey-still experimenting at this stage.

I still have my base color problem. I want them to match the mine Tiles Color
but I don't have a brown to match-GW Bestial Brown was ideal but I ran
out & GW discontinued that shade. Reaper has a line of Browns so I'll
give that a look & will order some if it looks like it will match.

I usually paint all the figs in a project before I do the bases anyway.
If all goes well I highlight & finish up the Tentacles tomorrow
& possibly start the Slashers.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-07-2014, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2014 12:42 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #13
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/7/14- Coffee (check), Pumpkin Bagel (check), Wife gone to slot
tournament (check) The Day is mine! So upstairs to continue my assault
on the tentacles.

Oh I checked out Reaper Paints & they have a Harvest Brown which looks
close to GW old Bestial Brown so I ordered some tubes & a tube of Orange Brown
to highlight. From the net pics it looks like the same Brown colored featured on
the mine tiles.

Not a bad hour or so-The Tentacles are completed, the Reaper Ice Blue made
a good highlight to the sucker side.I was going to dry brush but instead use
a detail brush & did each sucker individually. I used my Army Painter Detail
Brush for the first time, it's triangle shaft gives a lot of control. I did notice
it tends to split bristles & I had to stop & repoint several times. The GW
Brushes do this to but usually not until they been used a lot.

For the back side highlights I did the mix of purple, bone & a heavy dose of
GW Space Marine Grey. The rocks the Tentacles are bursting out of I wanted
to match the rocks shown on the Mine Tiles. The War Paint Guide did this
with a Leather Shade but to me it looked too light, Instead I mixed Oak
Brown (an War Paint not in the SoB Sets) + Cimmeron Red+ Bone &
got a shade I liked.

I still need to shade the rocks with dark Tone (War Paints Dark Tone
in the Monster Set appears to be the same Ink they sell as Strong Tone)
& then highlight, probably with Reaper Golden Brown.

Noon- I'll break for a little repast & liquid refreshment (aka beer), I just
Inked the Tentacle rocks, I must say I really like the War Paint Inks,
you can just use them from the tube & get great results. My GW Inks
did the job but you had to be so careful to add the correct amount
of water-too much & no effect, too little & you got an oily, sticky mess.

I think I'll pack it in for today, the Tentacles are done, I finished off the
rocks with a dry brush of Reaper Golden Brown & a 2nd using Reaper's
Woodland Brown. I'll still need to do the bases but I'll need to wait for
the paint I ordered yesterday. I'll need to remember the mix I used for the rocks
as next up Hell Bats which also have rocks.

I started the core Hell Bats by painting their bodies, War Paint had a Guide with
the paint set but it was crap (IMO),the wings were done in a leather color. I
used the Adventure Book Pic as a basis for mine. The bodies are done in War
Paint Serpent Flesh from the Monster Set. The paint took a bit to cover the
black base coat but it set up a natural shading so I think it's Ok-I'll check
tomorrow to see if I need to do another coat.

I'll start on the wings tomorrow as well, I'm doing them in a darker green-
(Jargo Green) & then use Dark Tone to give them a leathery look, I could
even finish them up by Tomorrow. I then need to do the SoD Version
the 6 Bog Bats.

Seeing the Tentacles done makes we want to play the Game but I've
promised myself I'll wait till the Miniatures are painted. Instead
during some painting down time I rolled up a Mission to use when
the time comes:

For a Few Dark Stone More-Recommended 1st mission

Using Solo Set Up:(for the Core Sets)

D3-Hero # = 2 Heroes
D3-for Hero Type=Lawful
D3-for Hero=U.S. Marshall
D3-for Citizen posse=Indian Scout
Size of Deposit= Small/2 Clues (chosen to match backstory)

Nov.2nd, 1866-U.S. Marshall's Office, St.Thomas, AZ Territory

"But Marshall, you got the wrong man, I ain't done nothing."

Shut up Nate, you robbed that old prospector Zeb Buller ,he
identified you & you were in the Long Horn buying whiskey
with his Dark Stone.

"But Marshall Duffield, that t'aint prove nothing , I found that
Stone out on the trail, honest."

Nate, don't make it go harder on yourself ,you also were in
possession of Zeb's watch, you find that to? Look tell me
where you stashed Zeb's Stone, if I recover it the Judge
will go easier on you.

"Ok, Ok you got me Marshall, the rest of the Dark Stone I hid
up in that abandoned mine #13, left a couple of markers to
show where & got the Hell out."

Nov.3rd,1866-St. Thomas General Store, Arizona Territory

Black Elk, been looking for you, I need you to go with me
up to Mine #13 & track where Nate Taylor hid a stash of
stolen Dark Stone.

" Mines not good place, bad medicine Marshall, you pay?

Standard Govt. Guide fee & I think old Zeb will kick in
something if he gets his stone back.

"When do we leave?"

I'm picking up supplies now, meet me here just after
Noon time.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-08-2014, 12:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2014 02:38 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #14
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/8/14-Dawn ,this moment is sacred throughout the Western
Pacific, as all Japa....... Damn! total brain fart! anyway Dawn is indeed
raising here in S.Jersey & I am preparing to return to the paint room.
(my wife is home today, which means supervised activities - I best
get to it while she's still abed.

I just noticed I started on the Hell Bats rather than the Stranglers I had
intended (I guess they wanted it more). I do find I enjoy painting
up the larger figs. again as there is so much more you can do to make
them really cool looking.

Well time is a wasting, so it's upstairs & I'll see if I need to give the
Hell Bats some more Green.

Taking a break- The Hell Bats did not need another coat of Green after all
so I finished up the back wing struts with a detail brush & then use Crimson
Hand Red (about like GW Red Gore) for the mouth/tongues & gills.

I rather liked the black wings against the Green body so rather than
painting them a darker shade of Green I used Reaper Paint Nightmare Black.
It dries to a nice subdued leathery look. I still need to shade the body
with Dark Tone & get the highlights done ,including picking out their
teeth. So I may be able to finish them up today & move on to the 6
Bog Bats.

Another session-I shaded the Hell Bats bodies but instead of the Strong Tone
Ink I used War Paint Green tone from their Ink Set . I also picket out the teeth
& the wing spurs in Bone & as I had Bone left over (you can't really get the
stuff back in the tube) I mixed in some Oak brown & GW Codex Grey & did
the rocks. I still need to use Strong Tone to shade the rocks & a little
Soft Tone on the wing spurs & teeth before I'm ready to highlight.

Lunch Break- I did just finish up all the shading Inks-so this afternoon
I be ready for the highlights. For the body of the Hell Bats I don't think
a dry brushing of the Serpent Green base color will make the figs pop
enough. I have some GW Scorpion Green that would light them up like
a neon sign which would be too much so I'll try a mix of these two paints.

The Hell Bats are finished, I used the Scorpion Green/Serpent Green Mix
(probably wasted some paint getting the mix right*) for the body.
The Tongue, lips ,gills got 3 Highlights of GW Blood Red, War Paint
Orange & then a mix of Orange & GW Golden Yellow.

I had bought a "insane detail" from Army Painter & it works great
in picking out the teeth which had been done in bone,shaded with soft Tone
& then a white highlight.

* I don't like to mix paint & prefer to use the exact color I need if it's
available. Mixing for highlights is ok but if you use it for a base color
it can be a hassle. Too much & it gets wasted, mix too little & you
have to do another batch & hope you can match your original.
That's why I hope the Brown paints I ordered from Reaper match
up to the SoB Mine Tiles for the bases as there are just too many
bases to keep mixing paints for.

I did a test run on the Bog Bats using Crimson Hand Red, it covered
the black Undercoat well but is a dull color, so I'll probably use 2 or 3
dry brushings to highlight. I hope to finish all 6 of them as far as
their bodies go later today.

Final Session-the Bog Bat bodies are all painted & I used War Paint
Red Tone to Ink they for shading. Tomorrow I can start on the rocks,
tongue, lips & gills.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-09-2014, 11:49 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2014 11:55 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #15
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/9/14- It's not 6AM yet & my wife has me doing stuff as we're having
Company today so it's not going to be a very productive Painting day.

I'm slipping up to the paint room to do the wings of the Bog Bats (Reaper
Nightmare Black) & the rocks at the figs. base (Oak Brown) & perhaps
the Tongue /Gills/ lips (if I get that far before my absence is noticed).

Well I got all of the above + was able Ink the Rocks & the tongue/lips/tongue.
I went cowboy on the tongue/lips/gills-as the Bog Bats body is red I wanted
these features to stand out so I did them in GW Snot Green. Company
is coming around Noon so I'll have time to do the highlight on the body.
I'm going to try GW Blood Red & then do an Orange highlight.

Actually I had time to finish off the Bog Bats- the Tongue/lips/gills got
a GW Scorpion highlight followed up by a Cinder Yellow(SoB Set)
& Scorpion Green on the tongue tips. I wasn't sure about an orange
highlight but the SoB paint set Orange is subdued so I dry brushed it
in. I dry brushed the rocks with Reaper Golden Brown & then Reaper
Wood Brown to match the other rocks I've done.

That's probably all for todays painting but next up are the 6 Stranglers,
there basically a greyish blue so I think the grey base coat I used
on them will just need some War Paint Blue Tone Ink wash. I may
have to play around with the colors for highlights-none of the SoB
Paint Sets include Grey but I have a little GW codex grey & space
wolf grey so I can probably work it out without having to mix black
& white.

Company arrived a little late so I had time to Ink the stranglers with
Blue Tone. I wasn't sure but they came out fine, tomorrow I can
do the mouth & mix up some pinkish shade for around the mouth.
I could even finish them up then but it may take awhile to work
out a good highlight.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-10-2014, 10:55 AM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014 08:49 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #16
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/10/14-Once into the breach to fill the ranks with our painted minis

I plan on doing the Stranglers mouth & lip areas this AM & then figure out
a highlight for the blue/grey body which I'm still unsure about-I've done
blue/grey combos in the past & they tend to be difficult to highlight.
a lighter shade of either blue or grey doesn't work, it just makes the fig.
look artificial . I'm thinking perhaps some GW Space Wolf Grey mixed
with War Paint Blue Tone Ink or maybe Reaper Paint Ice Blue.

Stranglers Done- I finished them of in one 90 minute session. The
GW Space Marine & Blue Tone Ink mix worked but I had to keep adding
Blue Tone to get it to the correct shade & then dry brushed it on.

So I got the body looking like the Adventure Book pic. but it's a dull
paint job, so I concentrated on the mouth area to give it some Umph.
The back part of the mouth got a GW Red Gore followed by a Dark Tone Ink
the rest of the mouth got GW Blood Red. For those lips I mixed white
& Blood Red to get a medium pinkish shade. I highlighted that by adding more
white to the mix to get a lighter pink. I then did the claws & feet spurs
& toenails black.

Better but still rather so-so I did a final orange highlight on the mouth &
then on to the teeth. I usually do teeth with a base dark brown color followed
by a bone color(if the teeth are big I also do light brown wash) & a
finial highlight of white. That did it the whole mini really popped
with the teeth.

I now have 30 completed miniatures on my paint desk & paint pots/tubes
all over along with paper towels from the dry brushings & several plastic
bottle caps holding left over paint dabs. So I need to put the figures
into plastic storages boxes & do a general desk clean up before moving on
to 24 Spiders. It's only about 8AM so I should have time to do that
& get the Spiders started today.

Noon-odds were I'd screw up sometime. I decided to paint up the Ancient
Spiders (the Ancient City variants) first figuring that a coat of tone blue ink
followed by a dry brushed white would do the job..WRONG! I had base
coated the Spiders grey as it would be better than black for the white
to go over. The Blue Tone Ink went on Fine but the white dry brush was a
disaster, the Spiders have little scales but they are too thin to really pick
up a dry brushing so they just looked bad. I then tried to just take a
detail brush & do the scales, that produced a Spider with measles .

I just gave up & decided to paint them white & then apply some Blue Tone Ink
to get the look from the Adventure book. That didn't work out as it was hard
due to the figs. size & all those legs to get a nice smooth white coat.
So I got some Kraylon Flat White spray & just sprayed those suckers white.

Later I'll try a watered down blue ink that hopefully will get between the
scales. This actually worked I also put some ink between the leg joints so
next I highlight the legs with White Paint & that will just leave the mouth & teeth

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-11-2014, 05:21 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2014 08:42 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #17
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/11/14- Late start today, had to deal with real world stuff this AM
(I hate reality) so I'm not getting started until Noon.

I just did the mouth/teeth area in oak brown & then I'm using a
detail brush on the gum areas between the teeth in red. Then I
can hit the teeth with bone & a white highlight. Probably a
bit excessive considering you'll hardly see the teeth when the
model is in the Game Tile- but I'll know there , there.

The Ancient Spiders are done, they look cool if their on their
back the mouth & teeth save what I consider a bland color
scheme of white & light blue, but they do resemble the
Adventure Book picture.

Now I get to do 12 more Void Spiders with a basically Grey
color scheme. The Grey base coat should just need a wash
of Dark Tone Ink & a lighter grey highlight for the legs &
lips. Probably GW Codex Grey with perhaps some Space Wolf Grey
mixed in.

I could start the Void Spiders now but I think I've had enough Spiders
for one day.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-12-2014, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2014 02:12 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #18
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/16/14- I'm off to Ink the void Spiders, I think I can probably get these
done today & get on to something more interesting to paint like
the Night/Snow Terrors.

It may be just me but I find the Spiders a bitch to paint...perhaps due to
their size the detail (scales & leg joints) are shallow, so they won't take dry
brushing but they do need to be provided with some depth. Inking should
do it however the shallow detail also works against this method.

I base coated the Spiders with a dark grey spray & I found that the
War Paint dark tone Inks basically come out brownish when used
on grey. I have also found that the Inks need to be cut with about
60% water as due to the shallow detail Ink from the pot will not
run between the scales & joints but just stay on the raised parts as well.

So I needed an Ink that would show against the grey, to produce a darker
bluish grey . I've learned from using Reaper Nightmare Black paint that
water when mixed with it will turn the color bluish. So I mixed some with water
& created a wash gave it a shot & it worked. I had to do the leg joints on
each spider separately using a detail brush which ate up time.

Later today I'm giving the legs & lips a highlight of GW Shadow Grey & declaring
victory. Well actually I'll still need to pick out the teeth which is a 4 paint process
but I know what to expect with that process.

Another session done & did the shadow grey highlight which came out nice but
I still felt it needed something else & I have an old hex pot GW Hideous Blue
which is lighter bluish grey. So I gave the shadow grey a thin highlight of
Hideous Blue & it popped right out. I also did the mouth/teeth a Oak Brown
base coat. The next step is using a detail brush to outline between the teeth
with GW Blood Red, which is tedious but worth the effort.

Two more short sessions & I've finished the Void Spiders, I gave the lips a
thin line of Hideous Blue & then popped out the teeth with Fang Bone
& a white highlight.

This Afternoon I'm starting the 3 Snow Terrors. Again I've used a dark
grey base coat & the figs. look like they will take dry brushing. I'm
planning 3 highlights to dry brush o GW Codex Grey, GW Fortress Grey
& a final Ripper white. If these come out I can then go for the details as
claws, teeth, & eyes.

The Snow Terrors are done !-Things went as planned for a change.
The dry brushing worked I did add an extra brushing of GW Shull White
as its a tad whiter than the Ripper White.

I picked out the teeth as usual & did the nails/claws Midnight Black
with a Shadow Grey highlight. The big thing on the Terrors are those
big glowing eyes, so I based them with GW Red Gore & did a highlight
of GW Blood red followed by War Paint Orange (each highlight done
slightly smaller than the previous to give depth.

I have 3 regular Night Terrors which are dark bluish so I need to
work out how I'll handle that, as I want to dry brush them,
they have a black base coat.

I think I'll call it a day for painting, so far of Wave #1 I have
painted up 54 Miniatures leaving 33 to go (6 Slashers/12 Hungry dead/
the 2 epics & of course the 8 Heroes,3 Night Terrors)

PS-I got in another session & finished the 3 Night Terrors-dry brushing
is the key to knocking these figs. out. I put a tad bit of codex grey
into some Reaper Nightmare Black & for some reason this gives
the Black a dark bluish color & used it as the first highlight.
The second highlight was GW Regal Blue & then a final brushing of
GW Ultramarine Blue & this duplicated the pics from the Adventure Book.
I did the eyes, Claws & teeth the same way I did on the Snow Terrors.

I can now forgive the Terrors for being a hassle to assemble as they
were so easy to paint up.

Tomorrow I'll start on the 3 regular Slashers, which won't be so easy.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-13-2014, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2014 11:06 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #19
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/13/14- Another morning here in depths of S.Jersey.
Thus the start of another painting session with todays
subject regular (the Red & Black ones) Slashers. These
guys don't look so friendly paint wise as the Terrors &
their poses on the bases means their underside is going
to be a bit of a challenge. So I'm going up to start.

The first session I did the red parts-I think the hardest
part of the Slashers is deciding which parts get which
colors but I'm sticking to the adventure pics. Next I'll use
War Paint Red Tone to set them up & hopefully shade
out the crannies (Slashers have a lot of crannies).
I did find their hunched up pose wasn't too bad to
get to their underside.

The regular Slashers are done ( they worked out quicker
than I thought).I started the dry brushing with The
Saloon Red from the SoB Hero set as I thought the
GW Blood Red was a bit too bright. I found that the
Saloon Red wasn't showing enough over the
SoB Crimson Hand Red so I mixed in some Blood Red to
get the effect I wanted. The 2nd highlight was The Orange
from the SoB Monster Set ,followed by Cinder Yellow however
I found Cinder Yellow a bit thin to dry brush with so I goosed
it up with GW Sunshine Yellow. Basically a lot of dry brushing
was required to get the figs. looking like their pics.

I used a Primer/Paint Black Spray Base Coat so the Black
parts were really done but for the raised black parts
I went over in Ripper Nightmare Black. That in turn was
dry brushed with GW Shadow Grey.

I've found the War Paints in general are more subdued than
GW's paints, which I like but sometimes for highlights the
GW Paints brighter shades work best (otherwise you would
need to mix the War Paint with White (or whatever) to get
the shade you want.

So next up the 3 alternative Swamp Slashers , basically
a repeat just using Green & Brown in place of red & Black.
I'm using Ripper Turf Green for the base with a green Tone Ink
& highlight with Ripper Meadow Green ,I'll need a 3rd highlight
but I'll have to experiment but probably GW Scorpion Green.

The Brown parts I plan for War Paint Oak Brown with a
monster Brown highlight.

The Swamp Slashers now have their base coats of Green & Brown
& have been Inked. So I just have the highlights to do, I'll do
them tomorrow AM . Next up will be one of the Epic Monsters.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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11-14-2014, 12:25 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2014 07:50 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #20
RE: OD's SoB Prep Blog
11/14/14- The Swamp Slashers are done as indicated above,
I mixed Ripper Meadow Green with GW Scorpion Green for the
final green highlight.

So todays efforts will mainly go into the Ancient One, I chose
this fig. mainly as I can use the same paint scheme of Ripper
Turf Green & meadow Green for the base color & highlight.
I'll probably throw in some GW Scorpion for a final highlight.

The under side of the tentacles I'm doing War Paint Necrotic Flesh
(its a light green). I actually bought a couple tubes of this to
paint up some Zombie figs but never got around to them.

I'll need to borrow a larger brush from my wife's studio or I'll be
all day painting the Ancient One up.

A #6 Brush did the job- I painted the under side of the Tentacles &
put a drop of Green Tone in the suckers. The Body was painted Turf green
& I've just inked it with Green Tone. When it dries I'll start dry brushing
with Ripper meadow green.

For all it's size the Ancient one is an easy paint job, I'll spend more time
on the human type figs. (which is why I'm doing them last)

The big guy is about done the body is all highlighted & the eyes put in.
I still need to pick the teeth out with white over the oak brown & Fang bone
base. The tongue/Tentacle I've done in a mix of Fang Bone & purple which
gives a pinkish shade, however it seems to have a problem going over
the black base coat. I'm letting it dry before shading with a purple
Tone Wash cut with 60% water. Then I can throw more Fang bone into
the mix for the final highlight.

The Ancient One is done, the Purple tone nicely separated the Tongue tentacles,
so then I just had to use a lighter pinkish highlights.

While waiting for the Ink to dry on the Ancient Ones tongue tentacles I started
on the Harbinger -damn that thing can eat some paint! I used Ripper Desert Tan
which is a perfect match for the Harbinger . I'll need to give it at least other coat
to cover up the black base coat.

Like the Ancient One the Harbinger is fairly easy to paint as it basically one color
so I figure soft tone Ink will work for shading & I'm thinking using Strong Tone Ink on
the wings. The face can get a Fang Bone highlight ,the horns get a Oak Brown
base & a crimson hand red pick out.

I gave a 2nd coat of ripper Desert Tan & then applied the Inks, I also
blocked in the brown claws,horns & claws. One things are good & dry I can
start brushing.

The Harbinger is finished & he took a lot of paint, I had picked some Desert Tan
for another project then decided to go with another color so I lucked out that
it was a perfect match for this Miniature.

Tomorrow I'll pull out the 12 Hungry Dead and figure how I'm going to paint
their clothing (I always get hung up on clothing) I figure they will be good practice
for getting back to painting human size figs. & set up for the final batch of 8 Heroes.

I also got my Reaper Harvest Brown & Orange Brown paints in the mail today.
The Harvest Brown is very close to Bestial Brown so it looks like I can get my bases done,
but at this point I'll finish painting the figs. & then do all their bases.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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