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New Jerusalem (Cadwallon City of Thieves)
03-01-2021, 02:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2021 05:37 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
New Jerusalem (Cadwallon City of Thieves)
New Jerusalem is my rethemed City of Thieves Game which I worked into my Gaming in Hell Series based
on the "Helldorado " Table top Game.The other Games include Claustrophobia ,The Guilds of New Jerusakem
(Aka Guilds of Cadwallon ),Acana Card Game & Unter dem Doppel Adler in Hölle my Battle Board Game).

I just revisited New Jerusalem which is a city/dungeon craw where Gangs in the Thieves Guild try to collect
loot & escape before the city militia catches them . Fantasy Flight did 5 print & play small Expansions &
1 big box expansion that introduced Catacombs. I reworked the Game as a 2 Gang solo which was fairly easy
as the Gang objectives are to collect loot & sic the Militia on eachother.

Here's the background:

The brutality of the 30 Years War reached new heights when
General Tilly's Imperial Forces sacked the city of
Magdeburg in 1631 & set off an orgy of rape,pillage & plunder.
So great was the blood shed that it steeped into the earth
in such vast quantities that it opened a portal to Hell.

The victorious Catholic forces lost no time in exploring
this gaping portal & discovered to their horror it
was a Hell Gate.Brief clashes with demonic forces
who resisted the humans exploration soon reached
the Imperial Court at Wen and the Pope in Rome.

Emperor Ferdinand II anxious not to be distracted
from his crusade to rid Protestantism from the Empire,
was disposed to order the sealing of the portal.
Pope Urban VIII was however appalled at the blasphemy
of the Hell Gate.He also was seeking ways to limit
the power of the Hapsburg's who although Catholic
presented too much concentration of power in their control
of both Spain & The Holy Roman Empire.This power
threated the Papal States in Italy which were sandwiched
between Spain & the Empire.

Pope Urban decided the Hell Gate was the perfect
distraction to keep the expansive Ferdinand occupied.
The Pope invoked a Crusade to cleanse Hell & requested
that Ferdinand provide the forces.

Ferdinand reluctant to put aside his campaigns in Germany,
nevertheless could not ignore the Papal obligation
placed on him.He therefore instructed General Tilly to
make some forces available for the conquest of Hell.

Thus the cleansing of Hell was begun as a poor stepchild
effort,the Emperor supporting it enough to show his
obedience to Papal wishes but not enough to interfere
with his war against the Protestants.

New Jerusalem was set up as a base /supply Depot
for the Holy Roman's Empire Invasion of Hell.

In spite of it's location in the antechamber of Hell
their was money to be made off soldiers with
idle time,money & not much to spend it on.

Soon a Civilian community began to spring up
around the base.Mercenaries looking to hire on,
Goldsmiths looking to make a profit from their
wares,Usurers to finance the soldiers pleasures
they could ill afford.

The seedier types came to,Fortune Tellers &
Necromancers eager to find a place to ply their
trades without the danger of the Inquisition.
Thieves to pray on everyone else.

Ordinary laborers,Ferrymen,Architects came
as well ironically to escape the Horrors of the
30 years war,found Hell to be the lesser evil.

New Jerusalem thus grew without order &
with law to bring some order the various
groups began to band together in Guilds
to protect their interest.

The result was more chaos as the Guilds
began to war against each other for
dominance in the city.

Finally the Army concerned for the security
of it's supply lines & the safety of it's soldiers
appealed to the Emperor to bring some
order to the lawless city.

The Emperor found a Duke whose appetites
had driven him into debt & had drawn the
attention of the Grand Inquisition. The Duke
found the choice of governing New Jerusalem
verses an interview by Inquisitions an easy

Surprisingly the Duke was fairly effective with
his Militia he put a stop to the open Guild
warfare & began an organized building
effort to employ the idle.

As the City prospered it began to attract the
the Squamata & Retiari residents of Hell who
were oppressed by their Daemon rulers
& sought refuge with the humans.The Guilds quest
for city dominance had not been stopped
by the Duke but merely been driven underground.

Rational- The city is located in Purgatories wet hells region a very dim gloomy
region often as not it's raining .Great Street Lanterns burn throughout.
The Duke to save on Lamp oil has the Lanterns extinguished after 7 Hours of
surface time leaving plenty of time for the Thieves to conduct their activities
under cover of darkness.

Note-The Dukes official currency is the Ducat but as Purgatory is a source of Gems
most residents keep their real holdings in Gems there easier to carry & hide from
the Duke's tax collectors.


I'm setting up the board & will start a Session Report as I go. Oddly enough the
random Mission Generator kicked out a Mission with Zombies.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-02-2021, 11:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2021 01:54 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #2
RE: New Jerusalem (Cadwallon City of Thieves)
I'm just about ready to finished setting up the Game Board after some last minute updates to my
Solo Rules & gathering the cards & tokens from the King of Ashes Expansion that can be
used with the Base Game. Plus the Magic P&P Expansion (years ago I ran it off & pasted to card).
So it's probably tomorrow before I can Start the Game as I need to sperate & shuffle the 5 card
Decks & randomly place Tokens on the Board.

I also discovered I have the pre-painted boxes of the Game figs so I need to the switch them out
with the unpainted figs( they pop into circular bases keyed to the color of each Gang.)The Game
uses 2 Gangs of 4 members each so in Solo it's keeping track of 8 Characters.

As I'm a Fluff Nerd (as you may have noticed-hey it's Retirement) here's some more background
from the Rule Book which in some cases I made some minor changes to fit the Hell setting.

Who's Who in New Jerusalem Thieves Guild & Others

The Thieves guild is made up of 4 organized Gangs & of course the usual beggars,
street urchins, pickpockets, muggers & various con-men/women.The 4 Gangs & their
members are:

The Executioners-A Gang with scruples they only target the rich. Members:

-Leona (Leader) -She learned her fighting & leadership in the Saxon militia

-Harid-a tarot mage whose skill who ran afoul of the Fortune tellers Guild &
took refuge with the Thieves Guild

-Iris-a Spanish Mercenary exiled from the Guild of Blades by a conspiracy &
forced to flee & seek refuge with the Thieves Guild

-Davitto-The Dwarf was a fool in the Papal court but his inventions were considered
heresy & had him banished to Hell .

The Nocturnis-Greedy, Violent & Brutal outcasts even other Thieves hate them. Members:

-Sanaris(Leader)-a deserter from the Austrian Army,so brutal even other gang members fear him

-Drokan- a Squamata escaped from his Demonic Masters to find acceptance with the Thieves

-Faras- Driven out of the Necromancer Guild for ruining his Guildmaster's experiment.His
error turned him partly incorporal which made him an asset to the Thieves.

-Valdur- a true killer ,shrouded in Mystery even his fellow Thieves know nothing about
him except he frightens them.

Kaldern's Gang-Professional Thieves who consider burglary a profession.They look down on
other Gangs as thugs. Members:

-Kaldern(Leader)-a former officer in the Bavarian Army who sick of the endless War came
to New Jerusalem & sold his Leadership talents to the Thieves Guild.

-Sarys-Quiet & efficient ,the rumor is that she is the Guildmasters Illegimate daughter.
What is known that Guildmaster himself asked Kaldern to look after her.

-Elise-the 3rd daughter of a Rineland Baron she came to New Jerusalem to seek her fortune.
she specializes in arcane items.

-Tortok-A rebel Squamata who came to New Jerusalem after the Demons of Gluttony destroyed
his band of raiders.

The Cursed Ones-Heretics -unknown to the Thieves Guild they secretly Worship the Duke of
Hell .They use their personal profits to help sow discontent & rebellion in the Holy Roman
Army.Their goal is cause the ultimate destruction of the Human presence in Hell. Members:

Jehan-(Leader) minor demon of Vengeance a secret agent for the Duke of Hell (7th Circle)
he poses as an escaped Squamata slave.

Anays-noble woman of Hanover who came to New Jerusalem to practice Necromancy but soon
found thievery was more profitable.

Dorak-a Deserter from the Papal States Army he's border line insane & seeks death & oblivion
in combat.

Torham-a Dwarf & the only Gang member who is aware of Jehan real identify & purpose.He hates
humanity & would welcome it's destruction.

The Incarnates -Mistake of an Necromancers immorality experiment. The 2 women captives
were given a foul Elixer causing them not only became immortal but too strong to handle.
They killed the Necromancer who knew the Elixer formula & escaped to become feared Mercenaries.

-Isabeau the Secret from the Guild of Blades

-Sienne an Arcanic Thief

The Guild of Blades is made up of Mercenary fighters. They provide extra muscle for the other Guilds.
The Thieves Guild often hires them & have their preferred ones:

-The Executioners-Chufflock
-The Nocturns-Lucius
-Kaldern's Gang-Jraem
-The Cursed Ones-Shaana

The Guild of Necromancers - a behind the scenes power (behind some of the Games Missions)

Sophet-Drahas AKA The King of Ashes is the Guildmaster of the Necromancers Guild. The Necromancers
are the most secretive Guild in New Jerusalem preferring to do their foul studies out of sight.
The Necromancers have a secret Treasure Room in the Catacombs below the city.Their Lairs are vile
places filled with corpse Ashes.

Sophet-Drahas has placed an enchanted Squamata (lesser Demonic race from the upper hells)Cyclops in the
Catacombs to guard the guilds treasure. Alas the Cyclops isn't perfect & a rouge Necromancer managed
to enter the Treasure Room & steal a Sword of Power.

The hapless Necromancer now waits on Sophet-Drahas as Zombie but before his horrific death he
revealed he sold it to the Duke. Now Sophet-Drahas plots to recover the sword which the Duke has
refused to part with.

Other Guilds that figure in some of the Missions:

-Guild of Jewelers
-Guild of Alchemist
-Guild of Mages

Duke Vanius- Ruler of New Jerusalem who upon occasion takes to the streets to combat thievery.
He is a miser who is reluctant to pay off any of his debts.

The Soma District is the main Business District of New Jerusalem,the major Guilds have their offices
there (with the Exception of the thieves & Necromancers).The wealthy have homes there & the Duke's Treasury
& Militia are also there. Gambling Dens,taverns & brothels also provide services.The District is the main
hunting grounds for the Guild of Thieves as it's the only part of the City with wealth enough to make burglery
worth the risk.

The Base Game Board shows the Soma District & to provide some color the unnamed Buildings are named as follows:
Going from the top of the board down left to right & down .

Gambling Den-2nd building from Left-single room with Table & Cards
-Usurers Guild HQ & counting room
-Ferrymen Guild Storage room-single room with small crates on extreme left
-Red Lantern Tavern-last room on right-2 tables
-Room of Sighs(Brothal) attached to Red Lantern Tavern
-Jewelers Guild HQ-Extreme left single room with table with jewels
-Goldsmith Guild HQ-single room next to Jewelers Guild
-Goldsmith Storage Room double room next to Goldsmiths HQ with large chest
-Tavern Storage room-single stone room next to Fortunetellers Guild
-Fortunetellers Guild HQ-extreme right single room with table
-Architects Guild HQ-single room with desk & quill in center bottom
-Bath House-large room at bottom with Tub

The non- named rooms (single rooms with beds are homes of wealthy merchants)

The large Buildings with Coat of Arms are:

Dormitory-Guild of Blades HQ (Mercenaries)
Laboratory-Alchemist Guild HQ
Guardroom-Militia HQ
Magicians Tower-Magician Guild HQ

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-03-2021, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2021 01:21 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #3
RE: New Jerusalem (Cadwallon City of Thieves)
New Jerusalem
Purgatory ,1637
Guild of Thieves HQ

Yes Guild Master, what is your pleasure?

My spies report the Necromancer Guild has bungled a major spell
& the dead are all over the Soma District & causing terror, the
citizens are fleeing .

Shall we pack up?

Hell no man, that District is deserted & ripe for our pickings.
Which gangs are available?

The Executioners & the Nocturnis sir.

Get word to them tell them I want the Sona picked clean.
Tell them to hurry before the city Militia gets their act together.
Oh...& make sure they get a list of items we're getting the most demand for
from our fencers.

Soma District-The Executioners are approaching from the North & the Nocturnis
from the East.The Executioners are a little quicker to enter.

The First Hour

A Zombie wandering in the Street senses the Thieves to his north & moves toward them.

Leona leader of the Executioners moves & enters a house. She finds a chest picks its lock
an gets a Gem & a Ducat.

Davitto following Leona's enters another house discovers a chest easily picking the lock
he finds a Gem & a Ducat

Iris plays a hunch & enters the Gambling Den she figures it should contain wealth. She sees
a chest but the stubborn lock refuses to yield.

Harid taking his time moves deeper into the District.

Another Zombie shambles out of the Magicians tower.

Sanaris the Nocturnis leader moves into the District choosing the nearest building the
Fortunetellers Guild HQ He finds a chest & upon picking its lock discovers it's full
of Ducats .He hurries off with it.

Voldur moves into the Red Lantern Tavern looking around he spies a chest but it's doubled
locked & he ponders if its worth the effort?

Drokan moves & enters the Room of Sighs alas its occupants have fled but he finds a chest &
picking the lock gets a Gem & a Ducat.

Faras gets lost in an ally & loses time but finds his way into a building.

The 2nd Hour

Another Zombie wanders on the street below the library & sensing living flesh moves east

The Executioners spread out with Davitto moves into the street & moves into the Treasury
building.He finds a chest picks the lock & gets Gem & a Ducat which was less than he hoped
to find.The Militia must have emptied the coffers when they evacuated.

Iris still at the Gambling Den gives up on picking the chest lock & instead explores
the room & springs a trap & suffers a wound.

Harid kicks out a window & moves into the Library discovers a chest picks it's lock & finds
a Gem & a Ducat.

Leona moves out to the street & enters the Alchemist Guilds HQ.In the Laboratory she sees
a chest & picking the lock she takes the golden armband & Ducat from within.

A Zombie in the street outside the Alchemist Guild & senses Leona within & moves South
toward the entrance.

The Noctunis are also on the move Dorkan leaves the Room of Sighs & moces across the street
to the Tavern's storage warehouse.Picking the lock on the chest he finds to his dismay only
a set of keys.

Faras is in the Usurers HQ and finds a chest the Guild members left behind when the fled ,
picking the lock picking he finds a Gem & a Ducat.

Sanaris leaving the Fortunetellers building enters the is floor of the Magician's Tower.
Picking the lock on the nearest check he discovers it's full of scrolls & a Ducat but a
false bottom reveals Hidden treasure of 3 Ducats.

Valdur leaving the double locked chest moves to the street & enters a house.It contains a locked
chest but his picking attempt fails.

The Third Hour

Another zombie enters the street by the Library & senses Sanaris in the Magicians Tower
A Zombie senses Davitto in the treasury
A Zombie enters the Library & attacks Harid.the Thief defends himself with Critical blow
& kills the Zombie.The Zombie tracking Leona shambles toward her in the Alchemist Guild building.

The Executioners spurred on by the increasing number of Zombies double their efforts.Harid
stepping the rotting corpse of the Zombie leaves the Library & enters the Guard Room.He
explores but finds only a backpack left behind by the Militia.

Leona moves from the Alchemist Guild HQ to the Ferrymans Guild's Store Room picks the lock on
the Chest she finds discovered a set of keys.Disappointed at first she remembers the list of
items the Guildmaster was looking for had keys.She pockets the heavy ring of keys.

Davitto moves down the street heading toward the Magicians Tower.

Iris stays in the Gambling Den & studies the chest lock that refuses to open.

Meanwhile the relentless band of Zombies continue moves to & attacks Sanaris in the Magicians
Tower.Sanaris with a Powerful Blow dispatches the vile thing.
A zombie outside the Magicians tower sees Davitto & moves toward the Dwarf.
Another Zombie outside the Alchemist Building has seen Leona leave & begins to follow her.
Still another Zombie senses Harid & moves toward the guard Room.
A final Zombie senses Iris & moves toward the Gambling Den.

The Noctunis are less concerned about the Zombies continue their searches.Sanaris moves up into
the Magicians tower 2nd floor looking to Muster his Resources finds a chest & picks the lock
finding a Gem & a Ducat.

Valdur again tries to pick the lock on the chest he found & this time success .He hits the jackpot
finding the chest is full of Ducats.

Drokan moves out into the street & sees Davitto forgetting treasure & in Battle Lust he charges
the Dwarf.Davitto fends of the attack & grabs Dorkan keys, butfailing to notice he drops a Gem .
The wounded Dorkan flees down the street right into a Zombie who attacks.Using a Powerful Blow
the Thief puts the Zombie down.

Faras goes incorporeal & pasess through a wall into a building

The 4th Hour

A Zombie appears in the street sees Dorkin who quickly cuts it down.
A 2nd Zombie moves to the door way just outside the Ferrymen's Store Room.
Another Zombie shambles up the Street by sensing fresh flesh it enters
a building & attacks Valdur who dispatches it.
Still another Zombie enters the Guard Room & attacks Harid.After a hard struggle the Thief kills it.

The Executioners continue their plundering as Davitto seeing Dorkan up the street but ignores
him & instead goes into the red Lantern Tavern.He sees the double locked chest & takes the time
to study the locks.

Iris recovered from the wound the trap gave her tries again to pick the lock on the chest &
again fails.

Harid-tries the lock on a chest he finds in Guard Room & gets a set of Scrolls.

Leona-sees the Zombie blocking the door to the Ferrymen's store room realizes she's trapped.

The Zombie enters the Store Room & attacks Lona who swiftly kills it.
Another Zombie senses Leona & moves toward her.

The Nocturnis not to be outdone hurry to find unplundered locations.Valdur sees Harid but ignores
the chance to fight & instead goes down the street & finds the Gem Davitto dropped.

Dorkan moves into the Architects Guild HQ finds a chest ,picks its lock & finds a purse of 5 Ducats

Faras explores the room he entered & finds a Gun.He then spies a chest & picks its lock getting
a Gem & a Ducat,

Sanaras leaves the Magician's Tower sees Valdur on the street who signals someone is in the
Guard Room.Sanaras charges in & attacks Harid who flees the room but not before Sanaras grabs
a scroll he was carrying.Sanaras decides the Scroll is valuable discards a Gem to make room
in his pocket.

The 5th Hour....gong.Gong...GONG -the sound of the Portcullis slamming down across the Districts
Entrance Gates.The Thieves realize that the Militia is finally taking action & they have limited
time to get out before the District is sealed off.

A Zombie catches Harid on the street & attacks but he kills it.
The other Zombie continues to track Leona & blocks the entrance to the building she occupies.

The Executioners note the Alarm sounding but know they still have a little time to plunder.
Harid sees Valdur but slips out of sight before he's noticed & goes West to avoid the other

Leona manages to find a secret passage out of the Ferryman's Storage Room & avoids the Zombie
at the entrance,She goes into the Goldsmiths Guild HQ & stops to examine the rich furnishings.

Davitto gives up on the Tavern's chest double lock & simply smashes the chest finding Keys & a Ducat

Iris-Flustrated by the Gambling den's chest lock finally smashes it open getting a gem & a Ducat.

The Zombies there numbers reduced continue to prowl .A Zombie in the Guild of Blades HQ senses
Dorkan & moves toward him.The Zombie outside the Ferrymens storage room no longer senses Leona
but senses Harid & moves toward him.

The Nocturnis also realize time is getting short & head East looking for unplundered buildings.
Valdur moves down the street turns the corner & runs into a zombie & attacks killing it.

Dorkan moves into the Guild of Blades ,just missing a zombie, finds a chest & picks the lock
& finds a Gem & a Ducat.

Faras moves West but finds no unplundered buildings.

Sanaris moves to the Goldsmith Storage Room picks open a chest revealing a Gem but leaves it
as his pockets are full & it;s not as valuable as what he already has.

The 6th hour Gong...Gong..the sound of the heavy portcullis slamming down is unnerving the but
the thieves know it will take the Militia some time before they can completely seal of the District.

A Zombie ignores the noise & seeing Davitto on the street moves & attacks the Dwarf. Davitto
is overcome inspite of his expierence & flees down the Street.Another Zombie attacks Harid but
the thief quickly kills it.

The Executioners make final attempts to secure more loot before they need to cut & run.Harid
moves into a building finding a chest picks the lock & finds a golden Arm Band & a Ducat.

Davitto anxious to put more distance between him & the Zombie moves toward the Goldsmiths Guild.

Leona in the Goldsmiths Guild tries to pick the lock on a chest she found but fails.She gives up &
being pressed for time moves next door to the Jewelers Guild.

Iris leaves the Gambling Den sees Davitto down the street & follows after him.

A Zombie ambushes Valdur & he kills it.Another Zombie sees Iris & moves toward her.

The Nocturnis now seek to plunder the Western part of the District.Dorkan leaves the Blade Guild &
moves into the Goldsmith Guild. He fails to pick the lock on the chest he finds.

Faras sees Davitto but ignores him instead he enters the Guardroom & finds the Gem Sanaris discarded.

Saranis also spies Davitto out of the window of the Goldsmiths storage room & slips out the back window
& heads towards the Bath House.

Valdur however beats Saranis to the Bath house finds a chest & oicking the lock opens it to find Scrolls
& a Ducat.

The 7th hour....GONG ....GONG more & more Portcullis smash down & one blocks the street just ahead of
Saranis. Time is running out.

A zombie senses Harid & starts to track him.

The Executioners are now down to crunch time with more District gates being closed.Davitto however
has a score to settle with Dorkan & seeing him through the window of the Goldsmith Guild he
jumps through & attacks him.Dorkan taken by suprize is defeated & flees out the door ,as Davitto
grabs the fleeing Thief's Golden Arm Band.

Iris-realizes she needs to get out eventhough her plunder is small,the Guildmaster will not be
pleased but if she's caught by the Militia the bribe to release her will displease him more. She
moves toward one the West Gates.

Harid seeing the District Gate near him sealed turned & headed towards the N.W.Gate hoping it was
still open.

Leona still not ready to give up picks the lock on the chest in the Jewelers Guild & this time succeeds
and finds its full of Ducats.It's too heavy for her the carry with her other plunder so she takes a Ducat
& leaves the rest.

A Zombie senses Faras in the Guardroom & moves toward him another Zombie continues to stalk Harid.

The Nocturnis also know time is short.Dorkan heads to one of the Western Gates.

Faras moving out of the Guardroom sees Iris down by a West Gate catches up to her & attacks.
He overcomes her & grabs the Gem her only treasure as she flees.

Sarais seeing the Gate in front of him closed ,takes out his bone whistle & blows the Danger get
out signal to his Gang.He then goes S.W. Gate yells at Dorkan to leave pushes past him & leaves
the District.

Valdur hearing his chief's whistle moves out of the Bathhouse & goes past Dorkan who is sill
milling around the Gate & leaves the district.

The 8th Hour GONG..GONG...GONG...The Gate portcullis continue to drop on the East side &
in the N.W. cutting of Harid's escape route.

A Zombie senses Harid in the street & shambles toward him. Another Zombie senses Davitto and
starts to track him.A Zombie catches Harid but the Thief quickly dispatches it.

The Excutioners hear the Nocturnis whistle knows it's time to GET OUT . Iris having lost her
single treasure in a fight moves toward the opened West Gate still manages to Dodge Faras & leave
the District.

Harid gasps realizing the N.W.Gate is closed he turns and heads toward the North Gate but finds
it barred as well,he is trapped.

Leona leaves the Jewelers Guild an swiftly exits the District via an opened west Gate.

Davitto leaves the Goldsmith Guild & follows Leona out the opened West Gate.

The 3 remaining Zombies sense Harid & move toward him.The arriving Militia cut them down & arrest

The Nocturnis only have Faras & Dorkan remaining,

Faras slips out the opened West Gate

Dorkan dithers between leaving & continuing to hunt for loot, alas it's too late the Militia
arrives & arrest him.

The Guild of Thieves Headquarters.

The Guildmaster examines the loot the Gangs have plundered.It's a nice hull not great but it's OK.
He is pleased the Executioners managed to bring several sets of keys which he was interested in,they
could be useful in the future.He however is displeased to find Harid & Dorkan were captured by the
Milita.He sets aside out of both Thieves booty 3 Ducats each to cover the bribes to the jailor
to secure their release.

Then he examines the various Gems & other Treasure pieces expertly converting them into Ducats .
The Executioners loot totals 64 Ducats,The Nocturnis total swag totals 84 Ducats.

He deducts the Guilds 25% & returns the rest to the Gang Chiefs to distribute to their members,
Leona sets aside some of her profits for Leona & Harid. Sanaris considers Dorkan a dumb ass &
resents the 3 Ducats deduction for his bribe.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-10-2021, 01:24 PM
Post: #4
RE: New Jerusalem (Cadwallon City of Thieves)
I'm glad I pulled out this Game which I hadn't looked at in 6 years.The play through let me update the Solo Rules
I did back then & really get into the expansion Material.The Game Board City has 6 main buildings (they figure in some
special way in certain Missions & in the Expansion you can obtain certain Cards in them) & 18 unnamed ones.
To make more sense for Session Reports I gave each of the unnamed buildings a name based on the art work it contained.
The smaller ones with just a bed & table I left unnamed & consider them the houses of wealthy merchants.

I limited the Solo rules to 2 Gangs that's 8 Thieves & 2 Militia figs (this Mission I just played had
hordes of Zombies rather than Militia) which is enough for 1 person to keep track of.The Game supports 2-4 players
which is 12-16 figs if 3 or 4 Gangs play but even with just 8 figs I managed to take 23 of the 24 Treasure Tokens.
I think more than 2 Gangs would devolve into a mess of combat.

The Game with it's expansions has 15 Missions & although the basic mechanics are the same each mission has special
rules & objectives that make them different.The Games usually last 8 turns & but has an Alarm Turn where Portcullis
begin to block exits to the board & any Thief that can't get off the board losses all treasure & his Gang gets a
penalty of -3 Ducats.

In someways it's like Fortune & Glory as your going around & trying to discover Treasure or other useful Items &
it has different Cards that can be play to help a Gang or use against another. Other Cards provide equipment or
more types of Treasure.

I want to try another Mission but first I need to put some books on the Game Board.During the Game it began to warp
up on the edges,nothing really serious but it just bugs me.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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