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Cthulhu: Death May Die #1
09-30-2021, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2021 12:20 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
Cthulhu: Death May Die #1
Wilmarth Foundation-RESTRICTED-

Senior Fellows Eyes Only

File# 01: City/Eaton,Ohio/Date:12/2/1919

I.Incident : Subverted Grange

-Brief description of contact :

Sam Wood Was visiting Eaton on business to buy farm equipment .He decided to attend a
local grange Meeting but was refused admittance at the foyer as he was told it was a an executive closed
meeting.Mr. Wood noticed the foyer walls were painted over in strange symbols which he recognized as
Yoth-Sogoth Gyphs.He also detected the distinct odor of chemicals before being escorted out.

Mr. Wood curious extended his stay in Eaton & gathered information from the locals.It appeared the Grange
had changed in the last several months members had left and those who stayed had become very standoffish .
The change took place when several non locals joined as new members .Soon trucks hauling what appeared
to be scientific equipment started delivering to the grange building. Strange smells & noises at night followed
& a few towns people swore that they saw some big winged creature fly into the upper story of the grange.
Mr. Wood request backup to raid the Grange as he feels the equipment is being used as part of a ritual
to Summon Yog-Sothoth

II.Foundation Action:

Mr. Wood's petition is quite compelling, the pictures he drew of the glyphs & sworn statements he provided from
former Eaton Grange members back up his conclusions of cult activity. The Foundation Board has approved
Mr.Wood's request and have arranged for Al Capone to meet up with him in Eaton. Mr. Capone is of questionable
morals & character but he is the nearest Eaton & is a dedicated foe of cultists.

III. Psychological Evaluation:

Sam Wood-mild symptoms of short term memory loss
Al Capone-beginning stages of Paranoia


-Unsatisfactory-Cult briefly summond Yog-Sogoth

-Yog-Sogoth destroys Grange hall & massive fire takes an entire city block of Eaton.

-Al Capone & Sam Wood totally insane & sent to Athens Lunatic Asylum, Athens Ohio
Inv.Capone released in 1 month. Inv.Wood released in 4 months.


9:28 PM- December 8th,1919

"Hey Farmer John its been a half hour since anyone has gone into the Grange Hall, can we get this
show on the road ?"

"The name's Sam ,Al & give it another 30 minutes we want to make sure the Ritual has begun, so
hold your horses."

"Look Sam I ain't got no horses just a damn cold butt, hiding behind a Shell Station on a freezing night ain't
my idea of a stake out"

"Al quit your complaining this location is the only place we have a clear view of the front door of the Grange Hall,
you'll get warn enough once we bust in on those cultists"

10PM- "OK Al the Ritual will be underway & the Cultists distracted lets get-um"
"Right behind you Sam taking out some of those damn cultist will make freezing my butt off worthwhile"
"Al remember it's the lab equipment & machinery we need to take out stay focused"

10:01-10:29PM-Sam kicks in the Foyer door attacks one of the Cultist guarding the door killing him &
then turns on the other guard & wounds him. He then goes into the Main Hallway through into a storage room &
into to find Lab #1 taking out the Cultist there attacks the equipment doing 2 damage. Checking out the Lab he
finds a bottle of whisky.Returning to the Storage Room he kills a Byakhee that has come through a gate there.
Taking a brief look around he discovers a set of lab notes.So far he has lost 1 Sanity through his actions.

Al Capone following behind Sam he takes out the wounded Cultist then kills another other Cultist
Backin the main Hallway.He also finds a bound Feral Student Marget .Spying the Fire Vampire in the Back
Hallway he shoots killing the creature.Now Al moves into the Lab#1 & completes the destruction of the
equipment setting off an explosion.Searching the ruined Lab he finds the Amulet of N'Gahal.He now
rests briefly & returns to the Main Hallway where he catches a glimpse of Wilbur Whately through the
doorway in the Back Hallway.Opening fire he takes out Whatley who leaves a shimmering yellow
gate behind.Al's Paranoia is triggered. A Fire Vampire moves and attacks Al giving him a wound.Al
is on fire but uses the Amulet of N'Gahal to transfer the wound to the Fire Vampire.

The Cultists surprised by the invasion begin to rally.Summond Fire Vampires cause conflagrations & Byakhees
appear. The Cultists rush their Ritual in their remaining 4 Labs. Yog-Sothoth advances twice toward the mortal

10:30-11:04PM-Sam moves into the Main Hallway to help Al by attacking and killing the Fire vampire.He then
rests & gives Al the Lab Notes as Marget will be able to make sense of them.He now moves through the Back Hallway
& Study to Lab#3 & does 1 damage to the equipment before putting out the fire in the Lab. Looking around he
discovers Fire Extinguishers .Leaving Lab #3 for Al he swiftly runes back through the Study to the Back Hallway
up the stairs and into Lab#4 dealing its equipment 2 damage & puts out the fire in that Lab. Sam turns to see a
a startled man obviously not a Cultist he identified himself as Charles a grad Student. Sam grabs the Beaker Charles
is holding and tells him to get the hell out who quickly flees.Sam clothes have caught fire but he easily uses his
Fire Extinguishers to put fire out .He then renews his destruction of Lab#4 destroying the equipment & setting of
an inferno. he then runs into the stair landing into Lab#5 smashing its equipment before the 2 Cultist working with
it can react.Sam does 1 damage & then drops the beaker doing 1 more damage to the equipment & inflicting
1 wound on each Cultist & himself.The 2 Cultist attack Sam but only manage to do 1 wound on him.But the
attacks trigger a Short Term Memory Lost. Then a swirling vague mass appears & attacks Sam as Yog-Sothoth
struggles to materialize. Luckly the GOO's attack fails to do any damage to the investigator.

The Fire Vampire breaks of from Al and goes into the Back Hallway heading for Lab #2 but Al fires through
the doorway & kills the thing.He quickly sends another round & takes out a Cultist.Resting a bit he searches
the Main Hallway and discovers an odd object in the corner.It's grotesque but Al feels compelled to take the
Monkey Paw.Al now runs back to Lab#3 & finishes destroying its equipment the collapsing Lab cabinet
pops open revealing a bound body. Marget screams "it's Professor Warren"!Al shrugs "it was Professor Warren"
he then attempts to put out the fire licking at his coat he manages but takes a wound.Pulling Marget along he
follows Sam up the back stairs and into Lab#4 and helps do another point of damage to the equipment.A quick
rest & a brief search finds another bound man in the closet but this time he's alive. Untying the man who
turns out to be Ralph the Janitor who agrees to help.Al & his companions hear the commotion in Lab #5 and
enter to find Sam under attack from Cultists .Al finishes off the Lab Equipment the Cultist wail as their Ritual
is disrupted but suddenly the Yog- Sothoth materializes.Al ever the Brawler attacks ripping out 6 wounds on
the GOO.

The Cultists embolden by their GOO & Byakhee which suddenly appeared & all attack Al who survives but takes
a sanity loss.Al manages to transfer fire damage using the Amulet of N'Gahal to kill a Cultist.

11:04-11:23PM-Sam now fires & takes out 2 Cultists & retreats back to the upper stairway pursued by the GOO &
Byakhee who attack.Sam fights them off but his Sanity is slowly slipping.

Al continues his assault on the GOO which on taking more damage transports finding safety in the Storage Room.
Turning to pursue to GOO Al returns to the upper stairway.There he is trapped by a Byakhee & a Fire Vampire
Ralph is killed & Al mind collapses in upon itself & he falls to the floor.

Sam now alone continues the fight killing a Byakhee & wounding a Mi Go but then Whatley appears & attacks
along with the wounded MiGo somehow Sam survives. Sam is now in desperate straights he must overcome
the Mi-Go & Whatley & try to get to the GOO to stand a chance of finishing his mission.He manages to kill
the Mi-Go but fails to take out Whatley dropping Sam's Sanity to a dangerous level. Whatley counterattacks
wounding Sam and the pain pushes his Sanity over the edge & he collapses .The Cultist have won they have a brief
moment of victory before Yoth-Sogoth absorbs them & withdraws his Gates & leaves this dimension exploding
the Grange & spreading an inferno of fire to the neighboring buildings.

Epilogue- Firemen when arriving found 2 men in a subbasement of the destroyed Grange building they are alive
but incoherent & taken to the local hospital. Orders from the Governor's Office soon arrive & the men are transferred
to a State Insane Asylum .The fire is ruled accidental & the case is quietly dropped.

This Game was "Blasphemous Alchemy" Season 1-Epsiode 1 using the Wilmarth Background.I ripped off Brian Lumley's Titus Crow.

I lost but it was a near thing I got all the Labs but 1 & then old Yoth showed up.Al Capone is a
real tank & I think he could have taken Yoth down but when the GOO transported out of his
reach it was all over.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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