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ILL Met in Eightpoints #1-A
02-05-2022, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2022 09:56 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
ILL Met in Eightpoints #1-A
Khagra hearing the Call of Archaon to join the Crusade of Chaos United has brought her warband from across the
Mortal Realms to Eightpoints. She hopes to firmly establish herself as leader, of the Ravagers over her sister Zarshia,
by gaining the recognition of the Everchosen & acceptance into his forces.

Upon arrival at Eightpoints her warband finds itself in a Chaos-twisted wasteland of searing winds & bubbling streams
of lava, The Bloodwind Spoil. The paths to Archaon's Fortress of Varanspir blocked by territories controlled by rival
warbands. It is obvious that Khagra's Ravagers to survive & reach the Gates of Varanspir they must carve out territory
for themselves & battle rival warbands to prove their superiority & power to gain the acceptance of Archaon.

Although the Bloodwind Spoil is vast only a few areas have the resources to support life & Khagra leads her warband to
search for one of these territories to be able to survive in this blasted waste. After some wanderings they come upon
the encampment of the Godsworn Hunt Warband. Khagra smiles this was the warband that ambushed her Ravagers at the Beastgave
on Ghur this would be a Grudge Match. She lets her ravagers rest & they plan their attack.

Theddra Skull-Scryer, War Shaman of the Godsworn Hunt felt fortunate, although her warband had recently arrived at
Eightpoints they had managed to find a patch of territory that provided some resources that made it possible to
survive in the harsh & unforgiving Desolate March of the Bloodwind Spoil. Soon she would lead them in conquest of competing warbands
but for now, they rested around the bitter but drinkable waterholes of their territory.

Silently khagra scouts out the rival warband & observes them spread out around several waterholes. Quickly forming an
attack plan to seize the waterholes knowing that Godsworn Hunt must fight to defend them. She orders Dour to the nearest waterhole
on their left & he occupies it.

Jagathra sees the Dorn at the waterhole & lets loose a javelin which grazes the Ravager (2 damage) a 2nd javelin misses.

Khagra seeing Dour under attack moves to support him & secures the waterhole.

Grundann moves to attack Dour his great ax bites home (3 damage)

Zarshia feels slighted at being left out of the fight nevertheless obeys Khagra order to take the waterhole on the right
& moves to secure it.

Theddra seeing the Ravagers going for the waterholes realizes that her warbands control of this part of her territory depends
on keeping the waterholes & she moves to secure the waterhole to her left.

Dour counterattacks Grundann his hellforged weapons just catching the warrior across his chest (1 damage)

Shond moves to support Theddra to keep the waterhole secure

Khagra is pleased with the opening of the battle her Ravagers control 2 objectives (the waterholes) to the Godsworn
hunts 1

Theddra is determined to press the battle & drive the Ravagers from their waterholes. She orders Shond to run over
to the unoccupied waterhole on their right & secure it.

Khagra moves into the waterhole & delivers a staggering attack on Grundann(11 damage)

Ollo returns from hunting to find his warband under attack & seeing Zarashia at a waterhole nocks his bow & shoots hitting
the Ravanger in her arm a second arrow lodges in her leg.( 4 damage)

Dour attacks the severely wounded Grundann hitting striking again he takes the Godsworn down (6 damage)

Theddra summons power & unleashes a Dark Bolt while casting an enfeeble spell on Zarashia who takes the hit (2 damage).
Theddra repeats the attack & Zarashia takes more hits & goes down (15 damage)

Khagra seeing her sister go down hurries toward the now unguarded waterhole

Jagathra moves to support Shond at a waterhole

Razek has worked his way around to the Godsworn Hunts Right & now moves on Shond to attack but the Godsworn fights him
to a standstill.

Both sides are now nearing exhaustion. Theddra realizes her warband must ends this quickly both sides hold 2 Objectives
(waterholes) but one of her Fighters is down & with Zarashia taken out there's an unguarded waterhole. She calls on her
warriors to make a final effort.

Shond responds & attacks Razek whose threatening control of a Godsworn waterhole. His attacks takes the Ravenger down.(15 damage)

Dour launches two brutal attacks on Jagathra & takes her down

Khagra gives in to her battle lust turns & moves to engage Shond

Theddra seeing her opportunity hurries to the waterhold Zarashia left ungarded & secures it.

Khagra makes vicious attacks on Shond seriously wounding the fighter. (13 damage)

Grawl has finally returned from hunting with Ollo & Theddra sends the animal running to support Shond.

Khagra desperate now renews her attack on the badly wounded Shond this time taking the warrior down (6 damage)
& occupies the waterhole only to be stood off by Grawl.

The desperate battle is over as both sides have half their fighters out of action. Khagra Ravangers have failed
to drive the Godswarn Hunt from the water holes. The 1 they have secured is not enough to support the Warband
& so, the Ravagers tend their wounded & retreat.

Theddra Godsworn Hunt has prevailed but the price in wounded was high. The Skull-Scryer knows this battle didn't
end anything & that the Ravagers would be back. But she knows that her Warband has become an Aspirant in the
eyes of Archaon the Everchosen


Base Game Figs - Drawn & Quarted Battle-Grudge Match Twist

I left GW in the dust around 25 years ago (actually it was my wallet that left) but recently I notice some
reasonably priced GW games through Barns & Noble which interested me, so I picked up a few. Bladeborn is my favorite
the rules are streamlined & it plays fast (I could easily do a Campaign in a Session). I'm mainly a Solo player & this
Game is an easy play even without Solo Rules as both warbands have to accomplish the same things to win. I do use
some modified Solo Rules from Sukria "Traps of Destiny" file here at BGG. One of which is a pre Activation "Lust"
die roll for each Fighter from the 2nd Battle Round on. If a certain number comes up the Fighter succumbs to Battle
Lust & takes a random Action. It came up once in this Game which led Khagra to go after the nearest enemy instead
of covering an uncontrolled objective & lost the chance for a Draw.

Of course now my wallet is again hijacked by GW for the other 4 Warbands Figs. not included in the Game-
The Eyes of the Nine arrive today.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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02-06-2022, 02:15 PM
Post: #2
RE: ILL Met in Eightpoints
Cool. Warcry brought me back as well. Reminded me of Chaos warbands from back in the day.
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02-07-2022, 05:57 PM
Post: #3
RE: ILL Met in Eightpoints
Cheers for posting OD. I would definitely play that if I knew someone who had it.

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