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Death never takes a Holliday
10-08-2023, 01:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2023 01:35 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
Death never takes a Holliday
Court of the Dead:Mourners Call is a unique board game in theme & mechanics played on a specular board & stunning art work. At its heart is a dudes on a board worker placement game where 3 Factions compete to control the underworld.It's a 3 player game that I converted to Solo here is the
BGG Link .

The Theme really called to me so I compiled some additional background
from The Court of the Dead: The Chronical of the Underworld.

The universe is cruelly imbalanced. All of existence is mired in an endless battle between Heaven and Hell, waged for longer than anyone can remember.

The war machines of both celestial realms turn on power stolen from mortal souls. Death himself is enslaved by the singular task of harvesting the dead, yet he yearns for a more noble purpose.

Compelled by the plight of the mortals, Death creates the Court of the Dead. This unlikely council is intended to spark his rebellious ambition to set in motion a daring plan to end the war.

Facing the forces of Heaven and Hell will not be easy. Death and his allies must not only defeat those mightier, but also tame their own destructive nature. To achieve their noble goal of peace and balance, they will have to…

Join the factions of Bone, Flesh and Spirit as they work to achieve the goal of the Underworld: to gather enough forces to take on the celestials of Heaven and Hell to end their ceaseless war. If the Factions work diplomatically in Court of the Dead: Mourners Call to maintain a balance, they can ensure the Underworld survives long enough for them to also complete their collective and hidden individual objectives. The Faction who best contributes to these goals will earn Death's favor and a place among the elite of the Underworld.

Mourners are Factions in an allegiant with Death — dedicated to realizing his noble ambition to end the celestial war and restore balance to the universe. However, Death's purpose includes your own ulterior motives. Factions must unite and rise, or fall together. But only one Faction will achieve their particular vision of the Underworld united. The task will not be easy. While the Underworld is united in its purpose, it is divided in its strategy to achieve that aim. There are three factions in the Land of the Dead: Bone, Flesh, Spirit. Each is a unique path to rise up against Heaven.

Court of the Dead: Mourners Call is set in an underworld whose population is divided into three main factions: Bone, Flesh, and Spirit. These factions are represented in part by the six guilds in the game, two for each faction.

For starters, there's the Bone faction guilds: the Council of Osteomancy and the Mortis Knighthood. Bone is known for its devotion to structure and order. As a result, they make up most of the Underworld's bureaucratic system. Lawgivers, judges, even jailers are all members of the Council of Osteomancy. It's pretty obvious that if a member of any faction wants something done, then he or she is going to have to go through the Council of Osteomancy, and for this reason, the player with the most of this guild gains two influence in the faction of his or her choosing. But lest you think that Bone is made up of nothing but a bunch of pen-pushers, you should know of the Mortis Knighthood, a militia of reaper guardians led by the Reaper General Demithyle, a prominent member of the Bone faction. This militia is tasked with a number of responsibilities, not least of which is the harvesting of fresh human souls, a task known as the Dark Deed in the Underworld. The purpose of the Dark Deed is to supply the celestials with their constant stream of etherea, the energy locked inside the souls of mortals. etherea.

Flesh is next with their two guilds: the Shroudrieves Coven and the Conclave of Shadows. Flesh is the polar opposite of Bone. Whereas the former prides itself on its unswerving rigidity, Flesh is always changing, always adapting. Even the castle of Queen Gethsemoni is a giant walking structure of animated flesh that moves constantly throughout the capital city of the Underworld, Illverness. Connected with this ever changing nature of Flesh is their chief arcane art, necromancy, the art of stitching together bodies for the new arrivals to the Underworld. This grim art is the realm of the Shroudrieves, and as a result, the player with the most of this guild will gain an additional guild figure of his or her choice, representing the new addition to Death's ranks that the Shroudrieves have prepared a vessel for. The art of necromancy is not limited to just the creation of new bodies, however. In fact, it is often used to augment and change the form that a mourner has already taken. As a result those who have the most cause to hide their identity, the spies and assassins of the Conclave of Shadows, make use of this art to assist them as they work silently to remove any obstacle that Gethsemoni has become impatient with.

Last and most mysterious of the factions is Spirit and their guilds: the Gravedancers Circle and the Dreadsbane Order. The Spirit faction is composed of those mourners who seek a wider view of the events that take place in the Underworld. While just as important as Bone and Flesh, Spirit lacks the clear organization of either, seeming instead to be bound more by a commitment to certain ideals. One of these ideals is an altruistic commitment to those mourners who seem most lost and in danger of succumbing to the various maladies that can befall them. The guild devoted to the immediate care of these poor souls are the Gravedancers, also known as fostermurden. Because they see to it that such souls are cared for, the player with the most of this guild can reduce the Dreadsgrip Threat meter, an action that would no doubt likely save many guild members from otherwise being destroyed. Yet despite the idealism of the fostermurden, the Spirit faction also knows that dark realities and consequences must be dealt with. After all, the Executioner of the Underworld, Oglavaeil, is one of the most well known, and perhaps most feared, members of Spirit. Oglavaeil, however, does not investigate the criminals and villains who become his victims, instead waiting for a sentence to be delivered to him from those whose right it is to issue such judgment. No, it is the order of inquisitor ghost knights, the Dreadsbane Order who seek out those who must be dealt with, especially any who seem to find themselves succumbing to the fearful Dreadsgrip. For this reason, the player who controls the most of this guild will not run the risk of losing any guild members to the Dreadsgrip since it is his or her guild who will be the ones seeking out and ultimately destroying those abominable Rakers who have lost themselves to this destructive force.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-08-2023, 01:36 PM
Post: #2
RE: Death never takes a Holliday
This Session Report covers my first Mourners Call Game in a Court of the Dead Campaign . Each Game is called an
Interregnum & the basis of the Campaign is the Court of the Dead rational in that the 3 Factions are constantly maneuvering
for dominance in the Underworld. When a Faction wins out Death begins a subtle campaign to undermine that Faction. Thus Death keeps
itself in control of the Underworlds agenda & timing to rebel against the Celestial Realms. The Campaign is endless as the Faction
that is the End Game low Scorer gets the Death figure & becomes the first player in the next Game.

I think calling the Rounds a bit mundane for the theme of the Game so I call Rounds Death Glance (DG #1,ect.)I also found writing
a Session Report a challenge having 3 Factions & Action phases that can go on & on with multiple choice of Actions. So I'm just
summarizing the Fractions after 3 Turns (called a Deaths Watch).

I would note this is the 1st try out of my Solo Rules geared to 3 Factions (Spirit/Flesh/Bone) & an AI that slightly favors the Faction
whose turn it is when choices are to be made. The Game Turn Order is Spirit (has Death figure),Flesh & Bone. Here's the back story:

The Chronicles of Underworld

1st Interregnum


Death sat on its grim throne watching Gethsemoni depart. A beautiful & worthy servant but her Flesh Faction
was moving the Underworld toward conflict with the Celestial Realms. The yoke of Heaven & Hell with
their constant demand for Souls was a heavy burden and He Death was determined to break their shackles
but the time wasn't right. A misstep in timing of the Underworlds rebellion would shatter all that
He Death had accomplished and doom the Underworld and Mortal Realm to perpetual slavery.

Death realized that simply imposing his will on his children would be difficult and disruptive to He
Deaths purpose and undermine their willingness to Rise, Conquer and Rule .He Death was nothing
if not subtle a gentle nudge to push the natural competition of all Fractions would be enough to distract
them inward toward their own objectives. Thus leaving He Death to plan where and when war on the Celestial
Realms would be declared.

A ghastly smile crossed Death face as he summoned Malaupstros ...……... let the game begin.

Illverness-outside Hushhyde

Ellianastis pondered her visit to Malavestros. His prattle was disjointed as usual but
the Oracle easily deduced the undertow of the meeting. The message was clearly that
the Flesh Faction was gaining too much power in the Underworld and needed to be checked
least the seduction of other Fractions Mourners continue before Gethemani came to dominate
the Underworld.

Left unsaid but strongly hinted by Malavestros message was that Death himself desired that
the Spirit Faction to start the opposition to Flesh. Ellianastis sought council in a trance.
She called forth the hidden ripples of the True Spirit Realm that revealed that Death was prepared
to back her endeavors. As a faithful daughter she put aside her distaste to become involved in the
affairs of other Factions and made plans to follow her Fathers wishes.
The Game has begun.

Death Watch #1(3 Turns)


Spirit:13 Spirit/1 Flesh/1 Bone
Flesh: 15 Flesh/6 Spirit/3 Bone
Bone:10 Bone/3 Flesh/0 Spirit

Locations held:

Vadlum Gates-Bone Majority
Curio Cryptus-Flesh Majority
Mortss-Veth-Spirit Majority
Life's Ebb-Flesh Majority
Higst Athenaeum-Spirit Majority
Cryptus Akhor-Flesh Majority


Mortis Knights-2 Bone Faction
Council of Osteomancy-2 Bone Faction
Dreadsbane Order-0
Gravedancers Circle-2 Spirit Faction
Concave of Shadows-2 Flesh Faction
Shroudrievers Covern-4 Flesh Faction


Flesh:2 Shroudrieves Coven & 1 Concave of Shadows
Bone:2 Council of Osteomancy & 1 Mortis Knight

Artifacts Held:

The Scryers Skull of Gygax-by Spirit
The Celestial Shackler Circlet=by Spirit

Mourner Cards held:

Spirit: Vessel Igomancer
Flesh: Madam Vexxeast/Con Tatterburn
Bone: Reaper Shieve/Goliad the Preserver/Ruse of Calvum Harrow

Remaining Unity tokens-9

Etherea held: Spirit 1/Flesh 0/Bone 5

Death Watch #2(2 Turns)


Spirit:13 Spirit/3Flesh/3Bone
Flesh: 13Flesh/6 Spirit/3 Bone
Bone:10 Bone/6Flesh/0 Spirit

Locations held:

Vadlum Gates-Bone Majority
Curio Cryptus-Flesh Majority
Mortss-Veth-Spirit Majority
Life's Ebb-Flesh Majority
Vexxingard-Flesh Majority
Cryptus Akhor-Tie (Bone/Flesh)
HushHyde-Spirit Majority
Grendall's Pillars-Flesh Majority


Mortis Knights-3 Bone Faction
Council of Osteomancy-1Spirit Faction
Dreadsbane Order-0
Gravedancers Circle-2 Spirit Faction/1 Flesh Faction
Concave of Shadows-3 Flesh Faction
Shroudrievers Covern-5 Flesh Faction


Spirit:1 Council of Osteomancy
Flesh:1 Shroudrieves Coven
Bone:1 Mortis Knight

Artifacts Held:

The Scryers Skull of Gygax-by Spirit
The Celestial Shackler Circlet-by Spirit

Mourner Cards held:

Spirit: Vessel Igomancer
Flesh: Madam Vexxeast/Con Tatterburn
Bone: Reaper Shieve/Goliad the Preserver
/Ruse of Calvum Harrow/Needles

Remaining Unity tokens-0

Etherea held: Spirit 2/Flesh 0/Bone 8

Ulterior Motive Bonus:

Spirit-4 (Control of 1 Location)
Flesh-18 (2x9 Guild Figures)
Bone-16 (4x4 mourner Cards)

Unity Tokens End Game Count:

Spirit =23

Game Winning Faction =Spirit-46 Points
Runner up=Bone Faction-42 Points
Lowest=Flesh Faction (will start with Death Figure next Game)


Illverness- Cryptus Abhor

Gethsemane lounged on her throne recovering from the finally departed Malavestros whose tedious & disjointed
conversation had greatly tried her patience. Why she wondered did her Father Death insisted in using the Jester
as a messenger, it was madding.

She had tried to ease her boardom by giving him seductive looks & gestures but that simply caused him to lose his
train of thought and prolonged his conversation. Still, the gist of Malavestros fractured message was good, Death
was concerned that her Flesh Faction had been supplanted by Spirit and that Death would support Flesh in recovering
dominance in the Underworld.

The Queen of the Dead rose up throwing off the near stupor the inane Malavestros conversation had caused & summoned
Exraile plans needed to be made.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-08-2023, 01:39 PM
Post: #3
RE: Death never takes a Holliday
The 2nd Interregnum

Death continues to play off the Underworlds Factions against each other preventing
any one of them from becoming strong enough to start a premature Celestial War.
The Spirit Faction has supplanted the Flesh Faction as the dominate power and Death
has let Gethsemoni Flesh Faction know that He Death would support their efforts to
regain power. The Game Begins:

Deaths Watch 1(3 Turns)


Flesh: 10Flesh/3Spirit/3Bone

Locations held:

Curio Cryptus-Flesh Majority
Life's Ebb-Flesh Majority
Higst Athenaeum-Spirit Majority
Voxxingard-Flesh Majority
Cryptus Akhor-Flesh Majority
HushHyde-Spirit Majority
Grendall's Pillars-Spirit Majority


Mortis Knights-2 Bone Faction/1 Spirit & 1 Flesh Faction
Council of Osteomancy-1Bone Faction
Dreadsbane Order-2 Spirit Faction
Gravedancers Circle-1 Spirit Faction
Concave of Shadows-3 Flesh Faction/1 Spirit Faction
Shroudrievers Covern-3 Flesh Faction/1 Bone Faction


Spirit:1 Mortis Knight & 1 Dreadsbane Order
Flesh:3 Shroudrieves Coven & 1 Mortis Knight
Bone:2 Mortis Knight/1 Council of Osteromancy/1 Shroudrievers Covern

Artifacts Held:

The Celestial Shackler Circlet-by Bone

Mourner Cards held:

Spirit: Vessel Igomancer/The Blabbers'Commune
Flesh: Wightshiv The Errant-Flesh
Bone: Madam Vexxeast/Clattershanks EsQ./Revenant Ezekil

Remaining Unity tokens-7

Etherea held: Spirit 0/Flesh 2/Bone 0

Deaths Watch 2 (2 Turns)


Flesh: 15Flesh/3Spirit/1Bone

Locations held:

Dreadforge-Flesh Majority
Vadlum Gates-Flesh Majority
Curio Cryptus-Flesh Majority
Mortis-Veth-Bone Majority
Theater of Memory-Spirit Majority
Life's Ebb-Tie Spirit/Flesh no Majority
Higst Athenaeum-Spirit Majority
Voxxingard-Flesh Majority
Cryptus Akhor-Flesh Majority
HushHyde-Spirit Majority
Grendall's Pillars-Spirit Majority


Mortis Knights-2 Bone Faction/1 Spirit & 1 Flesh Faction
Council of Osteomancy-1Flesh Faction
Dreadsbane Order-2 Spirit Faction
Gravedancers Circle-1 Spirit Faction/1 Flesh Faction (Death breaks Tie for Flesh)
Concave of Shadows-2 Flesh Faction/1 Spirit Faction
Shroudrievers Covern-4 Flesh Faction/1 Bone Faction


Spirit:1 Mortis Knight & 1 Conclave of Shadows
Flesh:2 Shroudrieves Coven & Council of Osteromancy
Bone:1 Shroudrievers Covern

Artifacts Held:

The Celestial Shackler Circlet-by Bone

Mourner Cards held:

Spirit: Vessel Igomancer/The Blabbers'Commune
Flesh: Wightshiv The Errant-Flesh
Bone: Madam Vexxeast/Clattershanks EsQ./Revenant Ezekil/Reaper Shiev

Remaining Unity tokens-0

Etherea held: Spirit 0/Flesh 1/Bone 3

Ulterior Motive Bonus:

Flesh-16 (2x8 Guild Figures)
Bone-16 (4x4 mourner Cards)

Unity Tokens End Game Count:

Spirit =12

Game Winning Faction =Flesh 43 Points
Runner up=Bone Faction-32 Points
Lowest=Spirit Faction =31(will start with Death Figure next Game)



Death stared down at Kier his adopted daughter,his chosen Warrior she was in turmoil
taking the regaining of the Flesh Factions dominance over the Spirit Faction as failing
her Father Death. The irony that Death had helped Flesh in the last Interregnum didn't bother
Death He would do what had to be done to keep the Underworld Factions occupied on their own
agendas and away from unifying to start a premature Celestial War.

Grimly smiling he assured Kier that Spirit still had his favor & watched her leave with a martial
stride that bespoke of renewed purpose.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-08-2023, 01:41 PM
Post: #4
RE: Death never takes a Holliday
3rd Interregnum

Flesh has once again gained dominance in the Underworld by supplanting Spirit Faction. Death has encouraged
Spirit to regain supremacy and keep the Factions occupied on their own agendas and allowing Deaths own time
table for the Celestial War to proceed without interference.

Deaths Watch 1(3 Turns)


Flesh: 15Flesh/6Spirit/1Bone

Locations held:

Dirth Forge-Bone Majority
Vadium Gates-Bone Majority
Mortiss-Vith-Tie Bone /Spirit
Life's Ebb-Bone Majority
Higst Athenaeum-Spirit Majority
Voxxingard-Flesh Majority
Cryptus Akhor-Flesh Majority
HushHyde-Tie Flesh/Spirit
Grendall's Pillars-Spirit Majority


Mortis Knights-2 Bone Faction/1 Spirit Faction
Council of Osteomancy-1Bone Faction/1Flesh Faction
Dreadsbane Order-0 None
Gravedancers Circle-2 Spirit Faction
Concave of Shadows-3 Flesh Faction/1 Spirit Faction
Shroudrievers Covern-1 Flesh Faction/2 Bone Faction/2 Spirit Faction


Spirit:2 Concave of Shadows & 1 Gravedancers Circle
Flesh:3 Shroudrieves Coven & 1 Mortis Knight
Bone: 1 Shroudrievers Covern

Artifacts Held:

The Celestial Shackler Circlet-by Bone

Mourner Cards held:

Spirit: Vessel Igomancer/The Blabbers'Commune
Flesh: Wightshiv The Errant-Flesh
Bone: Madam Vexxeast/Clattershanks EsQ./Revenant Ezekil

Remaining Unity tokens-7

Etherea held: Spirit 0/Flesh 2/Bone 0

Deaths Watch 2 (2 Turns)


Flesh: 15Flesh/3Spirit/1Bone

Locations held:

Dreadforge-Flesh Majority
Vadlum Gates-Flesh Majority
Curio Cryptus-Flesh Majority
Mortis-Veth-Bone Majority
Theater of Memory-Spirit Majority
Life's Ebb-Tie Spirit/Flesh no Majority
Higst Athenaeum-Spirit Majority
Voxxingard-Flesh Majority
Cryptus Akhor-Flesh Majority
HushHyde-Spirit Majority
Grendall's Pillars-Spirit Majority


Mortis Knights-2 Bone Faction/1 Spirit & 1 Flesh Faction
Council of Osteomancy-1Flesh Faction
Dreadsbane Order-2 Spirit Faction
Gravedancers Circle-1 Spirit Faction/1 Flesh Faction (Death breaks Tie for Flesh)
Concave of Shadows-2 Flesh Faction/1 Spirit Faction
Shroudrievers Covern-4 Flesh Faction/1 Bone Faction


Spirit:1 Mortis Knight & 1 Conclave of Shadows
Flesh:2 Shroudrieves Coven & Council of Osteromancy
Bone:1 Shroudrievers Covern

Artifacts Held:

Trueburn Lanter-Bone
Gravedodge the Fatemaker-Spirit

Mourner Cards held:

Spirit: Vessel Igomancer/Scarpul/Wraif Lord of Blades/The Order of Old Bones/Needles
Flesh: Wightshiv The Errant-Flesh
Bone: Revenant Ezekil/Outcast Poxxil/Ruse of Calvum Harrows

Remaining Unity tokens-10

Etherea held: Spirit 4/Flesh 1/Bone 7

Deaths Watch 2(2 Turns)


Flesh: 15Flesh/6Spirit/6Bone

Locations held:

Dirth Forge-Bone Majority
Vadium Gates-Bone Majority
Mortiss-Vith-Bone Majority
Theaters of Memory-Spirit
Life's Ebb-Spirit Majority
Voxxingard-Flesh Majority
Cryptus Akhor-Flesh Majority
HushHyde-Tie Flesh/Spirit
Grendall's Pillars-Spirit Majority


Mortis Knights-2 Bone Faction/1 Spirit Faction
Council of Osteomancy-1Bone Faction/1Flesh Faction
Dreadsbane Order-0 None
Gravedancers Circle-2 Spirit Faction
Concave of Shadows-1 Flesh Faction/2 Spirit Faction/2 Spirit Faction
Shroudrievers Covern-5 Flesh Faction


Spirit:1 Concave of Shadows & 1 Gravedancers Circle
Flesh:4 Shroudrieves Coven & 1 Mortis Knight
Bone: 1 Concave of Shadows & 1 Council of Osteomancy

Artifacts Held:

The Trueburn Lantern by Bone
Gravedodge the Fatemaker /The Nicturn Oculus by Spirit

Mourner Cards held:

Spirit: Vessel Igomancer/The Order of Old Bones/Wraif Lord of Blades/Needles/Scarpul
Flesh: Wightshiv The Errant/Eviloor
Bone: Revenant Ezekiel/Outcast Poxxil/Ruse of Calvum Harrows

Remaining Unity tokens-0

Ulterior Motive Bonus:

Flesh-16 (2x8 Guild Figures)
Bone-16 (4x4 mourner Cards)

Unity Tokens End Game Count:

Spirit =15

Game Winning Faction =Bone 51 Points
Runner up=Spirit Faction-41 Points
Lowest=Flesh Faction =29(will start with Death Figure next Game)


"Is it done Minister General Kraayn" ? Yes Chancellor Xiall, Bone has restored the Underworld from the
from its bickerings & unity achieved. Bone strategy will lead the Underworld to overthrow the Celestial Powers.

Chancellor Xiall a question."yes Minister General Kraayn". It's about Death, when we were maneuvering to
to bring the Flesh & Spirit Factions in Line it seemed at first Death supported Spirit but then He intervened
to aid our efforts ,do you know His purpose?

"No Minister General Kraayn,I do not. It is not our place to question the motives of my Father Death. This
meeting of the Council of Osteomancy is adjourned."


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-08-2023, 01:45 PM
Post: #5
RE: Death never takes a Holliday
4th Interregnum

Ellianastis felt her trance falter & break severing her contact with the Mystic Realm,
something that was happening all to frequently of late. She had been secretly relieved
when the Bone Faction had superseded her Spirit Faction as the dominate force in the
Court of the Dead. She had always despised the maneuvering, compromise & often
the naked use of power required to keep the unwieldy group under control.

Thus, she had ignored her Captain Kier's pleadings to challenge Bone's usurpation &
her hints that the Alltaker Death would favor a Spirit restoration.

Now however, Bone's arrogance & its stifling bureaucracy seeking to impose their intractable
quest for order threatened Spirit's communication with the Mystic Realm. Reluctantly she
summoned Keir & committed the Realm of True Spirit to challenge Bone's leadership.

From the heights of Daer-Gholl the Alltaker grimly smiles, the Game has begun:

(well it will when I get this back on the table-its a natural for Fall.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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