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The Embassy- Chapt.#1
02-12-2024, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2024 10:00 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
The Embassy- Chapt.#1
The Moorgate Brigade

Smog-Rise of the Moloch is one of my favorite Games, It's a
Victorian Steam-punk Theme with 6 Chapters in the Core Game
& 8 Expansions. I've played 4 of the 6 Chapters of the Core Game
& 1 Expansion Mission (Basically Chapters are part of a Campaign
& Missions are 1 off games).

I decided to play The Embassy Expansion which I thought was a
1 off Mission but discovered is actually a 3 Chapter Campaign.
The Game is played with 4 Gentlemen vs various Nemesis.

I randomly choose different Gentlemen for Expansion Games from the 4 I
use in the Core Game Chapters (it's a CMON Game so their ate tons
of Gentlemen to choose from). I started on Dec 18th,2023 & have
finished the 1st Chapter except for the Intermission where
the Gentlemen can upgrade skills/weapons/etc. for the next chapter.

(yes it's been nearly 2 months I've had this on the Table but I
usually only play a Turn per day & real life threatens I can let it
go for several weeks)


The Gentlemen:

Percy Carnehan-Leader/Knight/Guardian(Crystal Skull,Harpoon)
Lady Widow-Exterminator/Dilettante/Impetuous (The Gramophone)
Phileas Fogg-Scout/Mekamancer/Homing Device (Lucky charm,Momentum Vial)
Drago-Monster-Bouncer/Survival Instinct (Vampire Heart/Scythe)


Infected Constable-Agent-+1 Range/+1 Punch/Camouflage Skin
Infected Bobby-Minion
Kenny Jones-Agent-Crown =Hat defending(2nd turn)

Powers-Instill Chaos/Command Minions/Dominate

Tiles (fluff for Session Report)

010A=Boiler Room
03B-Chief's Office
08A=Main Office
02B=Duty Room
026B=Sewer Entrance
All others= Storage Rooms

Gentlemen Victory-find the Bud & get it off the board
Nemsis (Chaos) Victory-The Gentlemen receive 6 Mutations total

April 16th,1886-The Unicorn Club-10PM

Percey Carnehan cursed his luck at pulling the night watch, first it had been the boredom as the night
stretched on & the team he was assigned. Lady Widow was just this side of crazy,Phileas Fogg wouldn't
shut up & Drago was being his usual surly self. Now Lord X had broken the tedium with an urgent assignment
ordering the Gentlemen to proceed to Moorgate Sewer security brigade to pick up a biological sample & to
hand it over to the Embassy.

It seemed a task hardly worthy of the Gentlemen but then again, the Embassy was that massive glass structure
in the Hammersmith District that had been built a couple of years ago to study the remains of a cyclopean craft
that had crashed in Wales. The technological miracles the Royal Academy had unleashed from its research were
impressive & of obvious of great importance the Buckingham Palace.

The Gentlemen arrived at the Moorgate Sewer brigades headquarters to find it barricaded & were admitted by a
trembling head-brigadier.They then learned that a disaster had occurred & that the "sample" from the depths of
the sewers they were supposed to collect which the head-brigade called a Bulb had gone missing. A Brigadier had
taken it to a secure location but never returned. Peachy figures the most secure area would be in the rear of the
compound.Her ordered Fogg to go with him to check out the brigades arsenal & Drago with Lady Widow to go to
the Chief's Office & the Duty Room.

The Brigadiers had fallen sick & then turned into aggressive creatures causing the headquarters to be locked down.
The head-brigadier had lost all contact with his Bobbies & it seemed only he & a prison Kenny Jones a known Agent
of Chaos waiting to be escorted to jail were the only non-effected by the sickness left.

Suddenly the head-brigadier convulsed as tentacles shot out from his body & lunged at Carnehan! Phileas Fogg
immediately responded by attacking the head-brigadier & Neutralizing him. The poisoned blood of the infected brigadier
however splashed onto Fogg & he took a wound.

The Infected Bobbies sensing the Gentlemen headed towards the Head Quarters. Two blocked the west sides exits.

Drago hearing the Infected Bobbys approach kicked out the window on the south side & attacked the nearest Infected
Bobby between him & the Chief's Office. The Infected Bobby went down but once again the tainted blood caught Drago
& he took a wound.

The Infected Constables had also moved towards Headquarters & one attacked Fogg through the window.Fogg uses his Lucky
Charm but it does him little good & he takes damage. Worst of all contact from the creatures Camouflage Skin causes
Fogg Metamorphosis.

Peachy seeing the kicked-out window as his best chance to avoid the Infected Bobbies blocking the west side of the
Head Quarters uses it & goes out & heads towards the Chief's Office.

The Chaos Power responds by activating Control the Infected Constable on the west side of the Head Quarters sending
him forward & fire on Drago who takes a couple of wounds.

Lady Widow follows Peachy out the window & facing the Infected Constable she gives Ether to her Dark Power & takes control
of the creature forcing it to attack & Neutralize an Infested Bobby.

The released Ether is absorbed by the Chaos Power.

11-11:15 PM

An Infected Bobby emerges from the Sewers to reinforce the Horde.

Fogg powers up his Homeing Device with Ether & attacks Kenny Jones who has just broken out of his cell.
The blast rocks Kenny but he remains standing .Fogg makes a 2nd attack but Jones dodges most of it.
The released Ether is by the Chaos power.

The Chaos Power strikes giving Fogg a mutation of Acid Blood & then spends Ether to Dominate but it
fails. The Power develops a Synaptic Fury Spell.

Drago moves towards the Chief's Office & attacks an Infectable Constable in his way.Using Ether to empower
his Scythe he Neutralizes the creature but takes a wound from its Infected blood.
The Ether freed is absorbed by the Chaos power.

The Infected Bobbies minions move to intercept the Gentlemen who have exited through the Headquarters window.
One moves behind Drago.

Lady Widow Puts Ether into her Gramophone & attacks 2 Infected Bobbies blocking her path. They are both
Neutralized & she takes 2 damage from their infected blood. She then pauses to Recover herself.
The Ether use is taken by Kenny Jones & the Chaos Power.

An Infectable Constable moves to confront Lady Widow & the other attacks Drago & gets a hit which
combined with previous damage gives Drago a Tentacle Arm mutation.

Peachy attacks the Infected Bobbie behind Drago but it dodges & the attack is wasted. Trying again
he expends Ether to consult with Dravot's Shrunken Head, This time the attack hits & Neutralizes the
Infected Bobby. The freed Ether is absorbed by an Infected Constable.

Kenny Jenkins quickly closes the distance between himself & Fogg to launch an attack. Fogg manages
to dodge some of it but takes a wound.

11:15-11:30 PM

2 more Infected Bobbies emerge from the Sewer manholes.

Peachy lets loose his Harpoon on an Infected Bobby & Neutralizes it but its poison blood
spatter hits Drago for a wound. Peachy then moves up behind Drago.

Bobby Jones attacks Fogg but misses, a 2nd attack Neutralizes Fogg.

Fogg Revives losing his mutation & wounds.

The Infective Bobbies advance on Peachy & Lady Widow. Another attacks Drago but misses.

Drago Recovers & attacks using Ether to power his Scythe & a Vampire Heart taking down 2 Infected
Bobbies blocking his way. The poison blood spatter however gives him 2 wounds.The freed Ether is
absorbed by the Chaos Power.

An Infected Constable attacks Lady Widow causing 2 wounds.

Lady Widow uses Ether to power up her Gramaphone to attack the Infected Bobbie & Constable the
Infected Constable is Neutralized but the Bobby survives. The poison blood spatter catches
Widow & she takes a wound triggering a Tentacle arm mutation. She takes time to Recover from
her wounds. The Ether from the attack is scooped up by Kenny Jones .

The Chaos power stirs & seizes control of the Infected Bobby & has him attack Lady Widow. She try's
to evade but still takes multiple wounds & triggers a Glowing Eyes mutation. The Power then
Dominates Drago forcing him to attack Peachy who takes a wound.


An Infected Constable emerges from a manhole on the West Side & an Infected Bobby comes out from
a manhole on the East Side.

Drago with a clear path heads to the Chief's Office & enters.

Kenny Jones attacks Fogg spending an Ether only have it Reject his mutations. His attack is mostly
Evaded by Fogg using an Ether & only doing 1 damage.Jones 2nd attack catches Fogg & does 2 damage.
The freed Ether is absorbed by the Chaos Power.

Fogg uses Portal Roll expending to Ether to teleport out the window & to Armory Room. The released
Ether is split between Kenny Jones & the Chaos Power.

Chaos Power however, takes Control of Fogg & forces him to retreat out of the Armory Room. It then
uses an Ether to Instill more power.

Peachy takes a wound from an Infected Bobby & moves to the Boiler Room.

Infectable Constable attacks Lady Widow & knocks her down.

Lady Widow Revives

Infected Bobbies 2 move towards Chief's Office & 1 attacks Lady Widow but she Dodges.

11:45-Midnight,April 17th.1886

2 Infected Bobbies arrive as reinforcements 1 from the east manhole 7 1 from the west manhole.

Peachy searches the Boiler Room & finds a lucky Charm but no sign of the Bulb.

Kenny Jones moves out of the window & closes in & attacks Fogg. The attack knocks Fogg down.

Fogg Revives.

An Infected Constable attacks Lady Widow who spends an Ether to successfully Evade ant damage.

Drago searches the Chief's Office & finds an Arson Cocktail but no Bulb. He then heads to the door.

The Chaos Power seizes Control of Frago forcing him to move & attack Peachy. Peachy pulls out his
Lucky Charm & Dodges the attack blows. Chaos then expends an Ether to Command Minions sending
1 infected Bobby to help Kenny Jones keep Fogg Pinned down & another to block Drago & a 3rd to
attack Drago but its attack misses.

Lady Widow breaks off from the Infected Constable taking a wound to enter the Duty Room &

An Infected Bobbie attacks Drago but misses, another moves toward him.A 3rd Bobbie moves to
block Lady Widow.


2 more Infected leave the Sewer through the East & West manholes.

Lady Widow uses Ether to cast Dark Control & seizes Infected Bobbie & sends him to attack and
Neutralize an Infected Constable. The free Ether is caught by Kenny Jones & the Chaos Power.

Kenny Jones expends Ether to acquire Toxic Masma which he uses to attack Fogg who Dodges.
Kenny's 2nd attack is also partially Dodged but Fogg catches a wound.

Peachy uses an Ether to exercise his Leader ability & has Fogg move to the Armory.
Then he moves & attacks an Infected Bobbie who Dodges but Peachy's 2nd attack Neutralizes
him.The Ether freed is absorbed by Kenny Jones.

Chaos Power reaches & grabs Control of Fogg & has him move out of the Armory to attack
& wound Peachy.t then activates an Infected Bobbie to block Peachy & has another Infected
Bobbie attack Drago but Dargo Survival Instinct & Tenacle arm block any damage.

Drago attacks the Infected Bobbie, but it Dodges. Dargo then Recovers healing his wounds
& acquiring 2 Ether.

The Infected Bobbies make attacks on Peachy & Dargo but they both miss another Infected
Bobbie moves to bloc Lady Widow & the remainder of the Bobbies move toward the nearest

Fogg enters Armory searches & finds the Bulb & returns to the Armory entrance.

An Infected Constable moves toward the West side of the compound.

1:15-1:30 AM

2 Infected Bobbies arrive from the Sewers via manholes on the Western & Eastern
sides of the compound.

Fogg spends time to Recover & then leaves the Armory headed West.

The Infected Bobbies take action to foil the Gentemen.1 moves to block Peachy,1 moves toward
Fogg. Another moves South to reinforce an Infected Inspector & 1 attacks Drago getting
a hit. Finally 1 attacks Lady Widow but fails to do any damage.

Peachy attacks the Infected Bobbie blocking him misses but his 2nd attack Neutralizes the
creature. He manages to advoid splatter from the infected blood.

The Infected Constable moves toward the West Side of the Compound.

Drago attacks the Infected Bobbie blocking him, the first attack has no effect but his 2nd
attack manages to Neutralize the Bobbie however it's infected blood spatter gives a wound.

1 The Chaos Power activates 2 Infected Bobbies, 1 attacks Lady Widow & manages a hit the
other Bobbie moves to block Fogg.The Power Instills Chaos with a Suprise Assault by 2
Infected Bobbies on Fogg. The Minions manage to give Fogg a wound but 1 Bobbie is Neutralized
by Fogg's Acid Blood Mutation.

Lady Widow uses her Dark Control power to force the Infected Constable to attack the Infected
Bobbie that was blocking her.The Bobbbie is Neutralized & the Constable takes a wound from
the infected blood splatter & flees back tot the East.Lady Widow then takes time to Recover.

Kenny Jones moves to attack Peachy using his Toxic Miasma to limit the Gentleman's defensive
ability & scores a hit.

1:30-1:45 AM

2 Infected Bobbies arrive from the East & West manholes.

Fogg Recovers & uses Ether to activate a Chrono Portal to advance towards the Duty Room.The expended
Ether is grabbed by the Chaos Power

Kenny Jones makes attacks on attacks Peachy to no effect.The Chaos Power Activates 2 Infected bobbies
who move to block Fogg

Peachy orders Fogg to head toward the Duty Room who obeys his Leader but takes a departing hit.
Peachy then Recovers.The used Ether goes to the Chaos Power & an Infected Constable

Infected Constables both move toward Fogg

Drago Charges Kenny Jones his Scythe attack causes 2 wounds.He then moves to cover Fogg taking a
departing wound from Jones.The used Ether is shared by Jones,the Infected Constables & the Chaos Power.

The Infected Bobbies move to help Kenny Jones & the Infected Constables.

Lady Widow moves out of the Duty Room & activates her Dark power to seize control of an Infected
Constable & makes him attack another Infected Constable who takes 3 wounds. She then forces the
attacker to retreat. The 2 Ethers expended are split between the Infected Constable & the Chaos Power.

Chaos Power Commands 2 Infected Bobbies to attack Drago & Fogg. Fogg takes a wound but his Acid Blood
mutation Neutralizes his attacker. The Acid Blood of the Attacker gives both Fogg & Drago a wound.
Drago dodges his attack.

1:45 -2 AM

2 Infected Bobbies emerge from the Sewers.

Fogg Moves past Ladw Widow & attacks the Rubble blocking the exit from the Brigade HQ & manages
to break through but the effort exhausts him.

The Chaos Power realizing the Bud may be lost grabs Control of Drago & sends him to attack Fogg.
The attack fails & Fogg escapes damage.

Lady Widow recovers & spends Ether to invoke her Dark Power to send one of The Infected Constables
to attack an Infected Bobbie. The attack neutralizes the Bobbie & she forces the victor to move
toward the other Infected Constable. Her expended Ether is taken by the Chaos Power & Kenny Jones.

The Infected Bobbies advance towards the nearest Gentlemen.

Drago takes the Bud from the exhausted Fogg & exits the Brigade HQ.The Chaos Power
shrieks in despair.

The Infected Constable free of the Dark Power turns & attacks Lady Widow & scores a hit.
The other Infected Constable moves toward Lady Widow.

Peachy under pressure from Kenny Jones & a Infected Bobbie realizes he is isolated from his
team & breaks away heads towards Brigade's Chief's Office taking a departing wound.

Kenny Jones moves after Peachy & attacks but Peachy dodges. Suddenly Jones feels the lost of
the Chaos power & knows the Bud is beyond reach. Jones then leads the Minions back to the
safety of the Sewers.

The Gentlemen regroup but find themselves surrounded by the Metropolitain Police & hustled off
to the Embassy for a debriefing.

Early Morning April 17th-April 24th.

The Gentlemen endure with ill humor decontamination & an exhausting examination whereby
their various Mutations are removed. Finally Prof.Francis Galton explains that an
organism the Embassy scientist were studying from the remains of a space craft crash
in Wales has escaped from the Labatory had escaped to London's Waste Disposal System &
presented a threat of wide scale contamination to the general public.

The Professor stated that from the samples of the "Bud" the Gentlemen had recovered they
had only established that Fire & combustible materials could affect the organism but
more samples were needed for study. The Sewers needed to be entered & specimens hunted down.
The Gentlemen were informed that Lord X had been asked to assign them to the task as they
were already familiar with the organism.

Peachy informed the professor that his team were not collectors & expressed the Gentlemen's
displeasure with their treatment being unworthy of their rank. Galton simply had them
escorted out of the Embassy which further enraged the Gentlemen over the staff's ill manners.

Evening April 17th.1886 Unicorn Club.

Returning to the Club the Gentlemen settle down to a game of Wist & brandies but were interrupted
by an urgent missive from Lord X ordering them to execute the mission given to them from
Prof.Galton. Drago threw his cards on the table & declared" we're nothing but damn puppets"
which drew similar expressions from the other Gentlemen. The outburst ran their course &
knowing they had no choice than to obey Lord X's order. Peachy advised his team to get some
rest & tomorrow they would search around London to prepare for the Mission.

April 18th-24th The Gentlemen Scour London :

April 18th-24th The Gentlemen scour LondonWatchmen02

Peachy visits the Royal Navy Warehouse & acquires Body Armor
Lady Widow visits Hardy's Bizaar & acquires a Steel Top Hat
Fogg visits the Shadow Market & finds the Mask of Robur
Drago visits Hardy's Bizaar & picks up a Derringer.

The Chaos Power aware the Authorities are on to them acquire extra Ether & upgrades their
Agents & Minions & add extra Power.


Interesting Game the Gentlemen had to search the back Tiles for the Bud & then bring
it off the Front Tiles.The Chaos Power could generate 2 Infected Minions/Constables each
turn (up to 12 Max) & the Bobby Jones Agent if Neutralized came back the next turn.
Chaos on its Activation could use Control to Activate any figure with a matching Mutation
so the Gentlemen had a hard time moving to get the Bud off board plus the Bud had 3 possible
locations & it wasn't found until the 3rd location.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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